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function theme_support_substatus_page_user in Support Ticketing System 6

1 string reference to 'theme_support_substatus_page_user'
support_substatus_theme_registry_alter in support_substatus/support_substatus.module


support_substatus/support_substatus.module, line 364
Support Substatus -- allows per-status sub-status values, so for example a "pending" ticket can be further marked with "needs review", etc. @author Jeremy Andrews <> @package Support


function theme_support_substatus_page_user($header, $rows) {
  if (!user_access('view support substatus')) {

    // @todo fix; we likely shouldn't be calling with an empty array
    $form = array();
    return theme_support_page_form($form);
  $new_header = array();
  $increment = $state_key = 0;
  foreach ($header as $key => $value) {
    $new_header[$key + $increment] = $value;
    if ($value['data'] == t('State')) {
      $state_key = $key;
      $new_header[$key + $increment] = array(
        'data' => t('Status'),
  if ($state_key) {
    $new_rows = array();
    foreach ($rows as $key => $value) {
      $new_row = array();
      $increment = 0;
      $ticket_url = preg_match('/>([0-9]+)</', $rows[$key]['data'][0]['data'], $matches);
      $ticket_id = $matches[1];
      $substatus = _support_substatus_last_value($ticket_id);
      foreach ($rows[$key]['data'] as $subkey => $subvalue) {
        $new_row['data'][$subkey + $increment] = $subvalue;
        if ($subkey == $state_key) {
          $new_row['data'][$subkey + $increment] = array(
            'data' => _support_substatus_substatus($substatus),
            'class' => 'ticket-substatus',
      $new_row['class'] = $rows[$key]['class'];
      $new_rows[] = $new_row;
  return theme('table', $new_header, $new_rows, array(
    'class' => 'support',
  )) . theme('pager');