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function support_overview_page_users in Support Ticketing System 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 support_overview/support_overview.module \support_overview_page_users()
1 string reference to 'support_overview_page_users'
support_overview_menu in support_overview/support_overview.module
Implements hook_menu().


support_overview/support_overview.module, line 548


function support_overview_page_users($all = FALSE) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'support_overview') . '/support-overview.css');
  $output = '<div class="support-overview">';
  $enabled_clients = variable_get('support_overview_clients', array());
  $all_clients = _support_available_clients();
  if ($all || !is_array($enabled_clients) || empty($enabled_clients)) {
    $enabled_clients = array();
    foreach ($all_clients as $clid => $client) {
      $enabled_clients[] = $clid;
    $all = TRUE;
  $enabled_roles = variable_get('support_overview_roles', array());
  $sql = db_select('support_ticket', 't')
    ->fields('t', array(
    ->condition('t.client', $enabled_clients, 'IN');
    ->join('users', 'u', 't.assigned = u.uid');
    ->join('users_roles', 'r', 'u.uid = r.uid');
    ->orderBy('', 'ASC');
  if (!empty($enabled_roles)) {
      ->condition('r.rid', $enabled_roles, 'IN');
  else {
      ->condition('t.assigned', 0, '!=');
  $enabled_states = variable_get('support_overview_states', array());

  // [0] == 'All'
  if (!empty($enabled_states) && !isset($enabled_states[0])) {
      ->condition('state', $enabled_states);
  $result = $sql
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    $uid = $row->assigned;
    $account = user_load($uid);
    $output .= "<a href='" . url("support/overview/user/{$uid}") . "'><h3>" . check_plain($account->name) . '</h3></a>';
    $output .= support_overview_page_user($account, $all, FALSE);
  $output .= '<div class="support-overview-link">' . l($all ? t('selected clients') : t('all clients'), $all ? "support/overview/user" : "support/overview/user/all") . '</div>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;