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class Connection in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 8.2

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.2 drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Connection.php \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection
  2. 8.2 drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/PDO/Connection.php \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection


  • class \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection extends \PDO

Expanded class hierarchy of Connection

6 files declare their use of Connection
Connection.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Connection.php
Definition of Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection
DriverAttributes.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Scheme/DriverAttributes.php
EngineVersion.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Scheme/EngineVersion.php
Scheme.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Scheme.php
UserOptions.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Scheme/UserOptions.php

... See full list


drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/PDO/Connection.php, line 11


View source
class Connection extends PDO {

   * Use this when preparing a statement to
   * retry operations that fail with integrity
   * constraint violations. Useful when
   * using MERGE statements - than can fail
   * on high concurrency scenarios.

   * Some environments such as Azure require retry logic
   * at the statement level. Use this to enable it.

   * @var Scheme
  private $scheme = null;

   * @var CacheFactoryInterface
  private $cache = null;

   * If the transaction is doomed.
   * @var bool
  private $doomed_transaction = false;

   * The original exception that doomed the transaction.
   * @var \Exception
  private $doomed_transaction_exception = null;

   * If we are currently inside a transaction.
   * @var bool
  private $in_transaction = false;
  public function __construct($dsn, $username = null, $password = null, array $driver_options = array(), CacheFactoryInterface $cache = null) {
    if (empty($cache)) {
      $this->cache = new CacheFactoryDefault(md5(implode(':', [
    else {
      $this->cache = $cache;
    parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options);
    $this->scheme = new Scheme($this);

   * @return Scheme
  public function Scheme() {
    return $this->scheme;

   * @return CacheInterface
  public function Cache($bin = 'cache') {
    return $this->cache

   * If we are in a transaction and the transaction is doomed.
  public function InDoomedTransaction() {
    return $this->doomed_transaction;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function prepare($query, $options = []) {

    // Remove our custom prepare options, otherwise the PDO will
    // crash.
    $custom = [
    $pdo_options = array_diff_key($options, array_flip($custom));

    /** @var Statement */
    $statement = parent::prepare($query, $pdo_options);
      ->SetConnection($this, $options);
    return $statement;

   * {@inhertidoc}
  public function exec($statement) {
    try {
      return parent::exec($statement);
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      throw $e;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function query($statement, $fetch_mode = null, $p1 = null, $p2 = null) {

    // By overriding this we are just making sure that we are able to INTERCEPT
    // any exception that might happen during a transaction.
    try {
      if (empty($fetch_mode)) {
        return parent::query($statement);
      switch ($fetch_mode) {
        case PDO::FETCH_COLUMN:
          return parent::query($statement, $fetch_mode, $p1);
        case PDO::FETCH_CLASS:
          return parent::query($statement, $fetch_mode, $p1, $p2);
        case PDO::FETCH_INTO:
          return parent::query($statement, $fetch_mode, $p1, $p2);
          throw new \Exception("query() call not supported. Second argument needs to be one of PDO::FETCH_COLUMN | PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_INTO. Use query_execute() instead.");
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      throw $e;
  protected function defaultOptions() {
    return array(
      'target' => 'default',
      'fetch' => \PDO::FETCH_OBJ,
      'throw_exception' => true,
      'allow_delimiter_in_query' => false,

   * Custom function to easy querying data without needing to prepare.
   * @param mixed $query
   * @param array $args
   * @param mixed $options
   * @return mixed
   * @throws PDOException
  public function query_execute($query, array $args = array(), $options = array()) {
    try {

      // Make sure we are not preparing statements.
      $options[PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY] = true;

      /** @var Statement */
      $stmt = $this
        ->prepare($query, $options);
      return $stmt;
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      throw $e;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function rollBack() {
    $this->in_transaction = false;
    $this->doomed_transaction = false;
    return parent::rollBack();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function beginTransaction() {
    $this->in_transaction = true;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function commit() {
    if ($this->doomed_transaction) {

      // We are about to throw an Exception, this is the last word of warning...
      // so it is safe to release the lock from the connection now...
      $this->doomed_transaction = false;
    $this->in_transaction = false;
    return parent::commit();

   * PDO Exception codes that we know will not doom
   * the current transaction.
   * @var array
  protected $allowed_pdo_exception_codes = array(
    '42S02' => true,

   * Only to be used by statements to notify of a PDO exception.
   * @param \PDOException $e
  public function NotifyException(\PDOException $e) {

    // Protection against issue of PDO driver.
    if ($this->in_transaction) {

      // Some PDO exceptions are "safe" and will not doom the
      // transaction.
      if (!isset($this->allowed_pdo_exception_codes[$e
        ->getCode()])) {
        $this->doomed_transaction = true;
        $this->doomed_transaction_exception = $e;

   * @see
   * @throws PDOException
  public function ThrowDoomedTransactionException() {
    throw new DoomedTransactionException("Msg 3930, Level 16, State 1, Line 21\r\nThe current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.", 0, $this->doomed_transaction_exception);

   * Get the current callstack as a comment that can be appended to a query.
   * @param string $application_root
   *   Application root to remove from the callstack dump.
   * @param array $extras
   *   Any application specific information that needs to be dumped.
   * @return string
  public function GetCallstackAsComment($application_root, array $extras = array()) {
    $trim = strlen($application_root);
    $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);

    // Remove last items.
    $trace = array_splice($trace, 2);
    $comment = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($extras as $extra) {
      $comment .= $extra . PHP_EOL;
    $uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : 'none';
    $uri = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/i", "_", $uri);
    $comment .= '-- url:' . $uri . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($trace as $t) {
      $function = isset($t['function']) ? $t['function'] : '';
      $file = '';
      if (isset($t['file'])) {
        $len = strlen($t['file']);
        if ($len > $trim) {
          $file = substr($t['file'], $trim, $len - $trim) . " [{$t['line']}]";
      $comment .= '-- ' . str_pad($function, 35) . '  ' . $file . PHP_EOL;
    $comment .= PHP_EOL;
    return $comment;

   * This is a helper method to rethrow an Exception if the execution
   * of a PDOStatement fails.
   * Sometimes, as a result of a PDO Statement execution error
   * the error itself will be found in the connection and no in the statement.
  public function ThrowPdoException(Statement &$statement = null, \PDOException $e = null) {

    // This is what a SQL Server PDO "no error" looks like.
    $null_error = array(
      0 => '00000',
      1 => null,
      2 => null,
    $error_info_connection = $this
    if ($error_info_connection == $null_error && $e !== null) {
      throw $e;
    $error_info_statement = !empty($statement) ? $statement
      ->errorInfo() : $null_error;

    // TODO: Concatenate error information when both connection
    // and statement error info are valid.
    // We rebuild a message formatted in the same way as PDO.
    $error_info = $error_info_connection === $null_error ? $error_info_statement : $error_info_connection;
    $code = $e && is_numeric($e
      ->getCode()) ? $e
      ->getCode() : 0;
    $exception = new PDOException("SQLSTATE[" . $error_info[0] . "]: General error " . $error_info[1] . ": " . $error_info[2], $code, $e);
    $exception->errorInfo = $error_info;
    throw $exception;

   * Generate a sequence
   * @param int $existing
   *   The sequence value must be greater than this value.
   * @param string $name
   *   Name of the sequence.
   * @return mixed
   * @throws \Exception
  public function nextId($min = 0, $name = 'default') {

    // To deal with crappy upstream code.
    if (empty($min)) {
      $min = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($min)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Minimum id value must be an integer: {$min}");

    // The sequence name must be unique for this installation.
    $sequence_name = 'seq_' . $name;
    try {
      $next_id = $this
        ->query_execute("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR {$sequence_name}")
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Create the sequence starting at $min + 2,
      // because $min + 1 is already being used in this request.
      $start = $min + 2;

      // The "first id" is the same as the minimum possible
      // value, because the minimum for MSSQL is inclusive, while
      // this function's definition $min is exclusive (must
      // be greater.
      $next_id = $min + 1;
        ->query_execute("CREATE SEQUENCE {$sequence_name} START WITH {$start} INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE {$next_id}");

    // If the retrieve id is smaller or equal to de existent,
    // restart the sequence to the provided number.
    if ($next_id <= $min) {
        ->query_execute("ALTER SEQUENCE {$sequence_name} RESTART WITH {$min}");
      $next_id = $this
        ->query_execute("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR {$sequence_name}")
    return $next_id;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Connection::$allowed_pdo_exception_codes protected property PDO Exception codes that we know will not doom the current transaction.
Connection::$cache private property
Connection::$doomed_transaction private property If the transaction is doomed.
Connection::$doomed_transaction_exception private property The original exception that doomed the transaction.
Connection::$in_transaction private property If we are currently inside a transaction.
Connection::$scheme private property
Connection::beginTransaction public function
Connection::Cache public function
Connection::commit public function
Connection::defaultOptions protected function
Connection::exec public function {@inhertidoc}
Connection::GetCallstackAsComment public function Get the current callstack as a comment that can be appended to a query.
Connection::InDoomedTransaction public function If we are in a transaction and the transaction is doomed.
Connection::nextId public function Generate a sequence
Connection::NotifyException public function Only to be used by statements to notify of a PDO exception.
Connection::PDO_RESILIENTRETRY constant Some environments such as Azure require retry logic at the statement level. Use this to enable it.
Connection::PDO_RETRYONINTEGRITYVIOLATION constant Use this when preparing a statement to retry operations that fail with integrity constraint violations. Useful when using MERGE statements - than can fail on high concurrency scenarios.
Connection::prepare public function
Connection::query public function
Connection::query_execute public function Custom function to easy querying data without needing to prepare.
Connection::rollBack public function
Connection::Scheme public function
Connection::ThrowDoomedTransactionException public function
Connection::ThrowPdoException public function This is a helper method to rethrow an Exception if the execution of a PDOStatement fails.
Connection::__construct public function