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class Scheme in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 8.2


  • class \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Scheme

Expanded class hierarchy of Scheme

1 file declares its use of Scheme
Connection.php in drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/PDO/Connection.php


drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Scheme.php, line 10


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class Scheme {

   * Maximum length of a comment in SQL Server.
  const COMMENT_MAX_BYTES = 7500;

   * Maximum index size when an XML index is present.
  const INDEX_MAX_SIZE_WITH_XML = 128;

   * Connection.
   * @var Connection
  private $cnn = null;
  public function __construct(Connection $cnn) {
    $this->cnn = $cnn;

   * Get the SQL expression for a default value that can be embedded directly
   * into a query.
   * @param string $sqlsr_type
   *   Sql server type: nvarchar, varbinary, char, ntext, etc.
   * @param mixed $default
   *   The default value.
  public function DefaultValueExpression($sqlsr_type, $default) {

    // The actual expression depends on the target data type as it might require conversions.
    $result = is_string($default) ? $this->cnn
      ->quote($default) : $default;
    if (Utils::GetMSSQLType($sqlsr_type) == 'varbinary') {
      $default = $this->cnn
      $result = "CONVERT({$sqlsr_type}, {$default})";
    return $result;

   * Verify if a in index exists in the database.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @param string $index
   *   Name of the index.
   * @return bool
  public function IndexExists($table, $index) {
    return (bool) $this->cnn
      ->query_execute('SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(:table) AND name = :name', array(
      ':table' => $table,
      ':name' => $index,

   * Check if a constraint exists.
   * @param string $table
   * @param ConstraintTypes $type
   * @return bool
  public function ConstraintExists($name, ConstraintTypes $type) {
    return (bool) $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT CASE WHEN OBJECT_ID(:name, :type) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END", array(
      ':type' => $type
      ':name' => "dbo.[{$name}]",

   * Drop an index, nothing to to if the index does not exists.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @param string $index
   *   Name of the index.
   * @return void
  public function IndexDrop($table, $index) {
    if (!$this
      ->IndexExists($table, $index)) {

      // Nothing to do....
      ->query_execute("DROP INDEX {$index} ON {$table}");

   * Drop a column form a table.
   * @param string $table
   *   Table name.
   * @param string $column
   *   Colum name.
   * @return bool
  public function FieldExists($table, $column) {
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_name = '{$table}' AND column_name = '{$column}'")
      ->fetchField() !== false;

   * Drop a statistic
   * @param string $table
   *   Table name.
   * @param string $statistics
   *   Statistics name.
  public function StatisticsDrop($table, $statistics) {
      ->query_execute("DROP STATISTICS {$table}.{$statistics}");

   * Check if a statistic already exists.
   * @param string $table
   * @param string $statistics
   * @return bool
  public function StatisticsExists($table, $statistics) {
    $query = <<<EOF
SELECT AS Statistics,
 OBJECT_NAME(stat.object_id) AS Object,
 COL_NAME(scol.object_id, scol.column_id) AS Column
FROM sys.stats AS stat (NOLOCK) Join sys.stats_columns AS scol (NOLOCK)
 ON stat.stats_id = scol.stats_id AND stat.object_id = scol.object_id
 INNER JOIN sys.tables AS tab (NOLOCK) on tab.object_id = stat.object_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(stat.object_id) = :table AND = :statistics
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute($query, array(
      ':table' => $table,
      ':statistics' => $statistics,
      ->fetchField() !== false;

   * Check if a trigger exists.
   * @param string $name
  public function TriggerExists($name) {
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT 1 FROM sys.triggers WHERE name = :name", array(
      ':name' => $name,
      ->fetchField() !== false;

   * Drop a triggerr.
   * @param string $name
  public function TriggeDrop($name) {
      ->query_execute("DROP TRGGER {$name}");

   * Check if a view exists.
   * @param string $name
  public function ViewExists($name) {
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views WHERE table_name = :name", array(
      ':name' => $name,
      ->fetchField() !== false;

   * Drop a View.
   * @param string $name
  public function ViewDrop($name) {
      ->query_execute("DROP VIEW {$name}");

   * Drop a Function.
   * @param string $name
  public function FunctionDrop($name) {
      ->query_execute("DROP FUNCTION {$name}");

   * Check if a table already exists.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @return boolean
   *   True if the table exists, false otherwise.
  public function TableExists($table, $refresh = false) {

    // Account for empty table names..
    if (empty($table)) {
      return false;
    $bin = $this->cnn
    if (!$bin
      ->Get('@@preloaded')) {
      foreach ($this->cnn
        ->query_execute("SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables") as $t) {
          ->Set($t->table_name, true);
        ->Set('@@preloaded', true);
    if (!$refresh && ($cache = $bin
      ->Get($table))) {
      return $cache->data;

    // Temporary tables and regular tables cannot be verified in the same way.
    $query = null;
    if ($table[0] == '#') {
      $table .= '%';
      $query = "SELECT 1 FROM tempdb.sys.tables WHERE name like :table";
    else {
      $query = "SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables WHERE table_name = :table";
    $exists = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute($query, [
      ':table' => $table,
      ->fetchField() !== false;
    if ($exists) {
        ->Set($table, $exists);
    return $exists;

   * Drop a table.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table to drop.
   * @return bool
  public function TableDrop($table) {
    if (!$this
      ->TableExists($table, true)) {
      return false;
      ->query_execute("DROP TABLE [{$table}]");
    return true;

   * Check if a table already has an XML index.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
  public function TableHasXmlIndex($table) {
    $info = $this
    if (isset($info['indexes']) && is_array($info['indexes'])) {
      foreach ($info['indexes'] as $name => $index) {
        if (strcasecmp($index['type_desc'], 'XML') === 0) {
          return $name;
    return false;

   * Return active default Schema.
  public function GetDefaultSchema() {
    if ($cache = $this->cnn
      ->Get('default_schema')) {
      return $cache->data;
    $result = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME()")
      ->Set('default_schema', $result);
    return $result;

   * Remove comments from an SQL statement.
   * @see
   * @param mixed $sql
   *  SQL statement to remove the comments from.
   * @param mixed $comments
   *  Comments removed from the statement
   * @return string
  public function removeSQLComments($sql, &$comments = null) {
    $sqlComments = '@(([\'"]).*?[^\\\\]\\2)|((?:\\#|--).*?$|/\\*(?:[^/*]|/(?!\\*)|\\*(?!/)|(?R))*\\*\\/)\\s*|(?<=;)\\s+@ms';

    /* Commented version
       $sqlComments = '@
       (([\'"]).*?[^\\\]\2) # $1 : Skip single & double quoted expressions
       |(                   # $3 : Match comments
       (?:\#|--).*?$    # - Single line comments
       |                # - Multi line (nested) comments
       /\*             #   . comment open marker
       (?: [^/*]    #   . non comment-marker characters
       |/(?!\*) #   . ! not a comment open
       |\*(?!/) #   . ! not a comment close
       |(?R)    #   . recursive case
       )*           #   . repeat eventually
       \*\/             #   . comment close marker
       )\s*                 # Trim after comments
       |(?<=;)\s+           # Trim after semi-colon
    $uncommentedSQL = trim(preg_replace($sqlComments, '$1', $sql));
    if (is_array($comments)) {
      preg_match_all($sqlComments, $sql, $comments);
      $comments = array_filter($comments[3]);
    return $uncommentedSQL;

   * Get an instance of DriverAttributes
   * @return Scheme\DriverAttributes
  public function getDriverAttributes() {
    return new \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Scheme\DriverAttributes($this->cnn);

   * Current configuration for the connection.
   * @return Scheme\UserOptions
  public function UserOptions() {
    if ($cache = $this->cnn
      ->Get('UserOptions')) {
      return $cache->data;
    $data = Scheme\UserOptions::Get($this->cnn);
      ->Set('UserOptions', $data);
    return $data;

   * Invalidate cache for TableDetailsGet.
   * @param string $table
  public function TableDetailsInvalidate($table) {

   * Database introspection: fetch technical information about a table.
   *   An array with the following structure:
   *   - blobs[]: Array of column names that should be treated as blobs in this table.
   *   - identities[]: Array of column names that are identities in this table.
   *   - identity: The name of the identity column
   *   - columns[]: An array of specification details for the columns
   *      - name: Column name.
   *      - max_length: Maximum length.
   *      - precision: Precision.
   *      - collation_name: Collation.
   *      - is_nullable: Is nullable.
   *      - is_ansi_padded: Is ANSI padded.
   *      - is_identity: Is identity.
   *      - definition: If a computed column, the computation formulae.
   *      - default_value: Default value for the column (if any).
   * @param string $table
   * @return array
  public function TableDetailsGet($table) {
    if ($cache = $this->cnn
      ->Get($table)) {

      // The correctness of this data is so important for the database layer
      // to work, that we double check that it is - at least - valid.
      if (isset($cache->data['columns']) && !empty($cache->data['columns'])) {
        return $cache->data;

    // We could adapt the current code to support temporary table introspection, but
    // for now this is not supported.
    if ($table[0] == '#') {
      throw new \Exception('Temporary table introspection is not supported.');
    $schema = $this

    // Initialize the information array.
    $info = [
      'identity' => null,
      'identities' => [],
      'columns' => [],
      'columns_clean' => [],

    // Don't use {} around information_schema.columns table.
    $result = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT, sysc.max_length, sysc.precision, sysc.collation_name,\n                    sysc.is_nullable, sysc.is_ansi_padded, sysc.is_identity, sysc.is_computed, TYPE_NAME(sysc.user_type_id) as type,\n                    syscc.definition,\n                    sm.[text] as default_value\n                    FROM sys.columns AS sysc\n                    INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS sysc2 ON sysc.object_id = and =\n                    LEFT JOIN sys.computed_columns AS syscc ON sysc.object_id = syscc.object_id AND =\n                    LEFT JOIN sys.syscomments sm ON = sysc2.cdefault\n                    WHERE sysc.object_id = OBJECT_ID(:table)\n                    ", array(
      ':table' => $schema . '.' . $table,
    foreach ($result as $column) {
      if ($column->type == 'varbinary') {
        $info['blobs'][$column->name] = true;

      // Add the complete SQL Server type with length
      $column->sqlsrv_type = $column->type;
      if ($this
        ->IsVariableLengthType($column->type)) {
        if ($column->max_length == -1) {
          $column->sqlsrv_type .= "(max)";
        else {
          $column->sqlsrv_type .= "({$column->max_length})";
      $info['columns'][$column->name] = (array) $column;

      // Provide a clean list of columns that excludes the ones internally created by the
      // database driver.
      if (!(isset($column->name[1]) && substr($column->name, 0, 2) == "__")) {
        $info['columns_clean'][$column->name] = (array) $column;
      if ($column->is_identity) {
        $info['identities'][$column->name] = $column->name;
        $info['identity'] = $column->name;

    // We should have some column data here, otherwise there is a
    // chance that the table does not exist.
    if (empty($info['columns']) && !$this
      ->TableExists($table)) {
      throw new SchemaObjectDoesNotExistException("Table {$table} does not exist.", 25663);

    // If we have computed columns, it is important to know what other columns they depend on!
    $column_names = array_keys($info['columns']);
    $column_regex = implode('|', $column_names);
    foreach ($info['columns'] as &$column) {
      $dependencies = array();
      if (!empty($column['definition'])) {
        $matches = array();
        if (preg_match_all("/\\[[{$column_regex}\\]]*\\]/", $column['definition'], $matches) > 0) {
          $dependencies = array_map(function ($m) {
            return trim($m, "[]");
          }, array_shift($matches));
      $column['dependencies'] = array_flip($dependencies);

    // Now introspect information about indexes
    $result = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("select tab.[name]  as [table_name],\n         idx.[name]  as [index_name],\n         allc.[name] as [column_name],\n         idx.[type_desc],\n         idx.[is_unique],\n         idx.[data_space_id],\n         idx.[ignore_dup_key],\n         idx.[is_primary_key],\n         idx.[is_unique_constraint],\n         idx.[fill_factor],\n         idx.[is_padded],\n         idx.[is_disabled],\n         idx.[is_hypothetical],\n         idx.[allow_row_locks],\n         idx.[allow_page_locks],\n         idxc.[is_descending_key],\n         idxc.[is_included_column],\n         idxc.[index_column_id],\n         idxc.[key_ordinal]\n    FROM sys.[tables] as tab\n    INNER join sys.[indexes]       idx  ON tab.[object_id] =  idx.[object_id]\n    INNER join sys.[index_columns] idxc ON idx.[object_id] = idxc.[object_id] and  idx.[index_id]  = idxc.[index_id]\n    INNER join sys.[all_columns]   allc ON tab.[object_id] = allc.[object_id] and idxc.[column_id] = allc.[column_id]\n    WHERE tab.object_id = OBJECT_ID(:table)\n    ORDER BY tab.[name], idx.[index_id], idxc.[index_column_id]\n                    ", array(
      ':table' => $schema . '.' . $table,
    foreach ($result as $index_column) {
      if (!isset($info['indexes'][$index_column->index_name])) {
        $ic = clone $index_column;

        // Only retain index specific details.
        $info['indexes'][$index_column->index_name] = (array) $ic;
        if ($index_column->is_primary_key) {
          $info['primary_key_index'] = $ic->index_name;
      $index =& $info['indexes'][$index_column->index_name];
      $index['columns'][$index_column->key_ordinal] = array(
        'name' => $index_column->column_name,
        'is_descending_key' => $index_column->is_descending_key,
        'key_ordinal' => $index_column->key_ordinal,

      // Every columns keeps track of what indexes it is part of.
      $info['columns'][$index_column->column_name]['indexes'][] = $index_column->index_name;
      if (isset($info['columns_clean'][$index_column->column_name])) {
        $info['columns_clean'][$index_column->column_name]['indexes'][] = $index_column->index_name;
      ->Set($table, $info);
    return $info;

   * Retrieve an array of field specs from
   * an array of field names.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @param array|string $fields
   *   Name of column or list of columns to retrieve information about.
  public function ColumnDetailsGet($table, $fields) {
    $info = $this
    if (is_array($fields)) {
      $result = array();
      foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $result[$field] = $info['columns'][$field];
      return $result;
    else {
      return $info['columns'][$fields];

   * Summary of EngineVersion
   * @return Scheme\EngineVersion
  public function EngineVersion() {
    if ($cache = $this->cnn
      ->Get('EngineVersion')) {
      return $cache->data;
    $version = Scheme\EngineVersion::Get($this->cnn);
      ->Set('EngineVersion', $version);
    return $version;

   * Retrieve Major engine version number as integer.
   * @return int
  public function EngineVersionNumber() {
    $version = $this
    $parts = explode('.', $version);
    return (int) reset($parts);

   * Find if a table function exists.
   * @param $function
   *   Name of the function.
   * @return
   *   True if the function exists, false otherwise.
  public function functionExists($function) {

    // FN = Scalar Function
    // IF = Inline Table Function
    // TF = Table Function
    // FS | AF = Assembly (CLR) Scalar Function
    // FT | AT = Assembly (CLR) Table Valued Function
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('" . $function . "') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT', N'AF')")
      ->fetchField() !== false;

   * Check if CLR is enabled. Required to run GROUP_CONCAT.
   * @return bool
  public function CLREnabled() {
    return $this->cnn
      ->query_execute("SELECT CONVERT(int, [value]) as [enabled] FROM sys.configurations WHERE name = 'clr enabled'")
      ->fetchField() !== 0;

   * Check if a column is of variable length.
  private function IsVariableLengthType($type) {
    $types = array(
      'nvarchar' => true,
      'ntext' => true,
      'varchar' => true,
      'varbinary' => true,
      'image' => true,
    return isset($types[$type]);

   * Estimates the row size of a clustered index.
   * @see
   * @return int
  public function calculateClusteredIndexRowSizeBytes($table, $fields, $unique = true) {

    // The fields must already be in the database to retrieve their real size.
    $info = $this

    // Specify the number of fixed-length and variable-length columns
    // and calculate the space that is required for their storage.
    $num_cols = count($fields);
    $num_variable_cols = 0;
    $max_var_size = 0;
    $max_fixed_size = 0;
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
      if ($this
        ->IsVariableLengthType($info['columns'][$field]['type'])) {
        $max_var_size += $info['columns'][$field]['max_length'];
      else {
        $max_fixed_size += $info['columns'][$field]['max_length'];

    // If the clustered index is nonunique, account for the uniqueifier column.
    if (!$unique) {
      $max_var_size += 4;

    // Part of the row, known as the null bitmap, is reserved to manage column nullability. Calculate its size.
    $null_bitmap = 2 + ($num_cols + 7) / 8;

    // Calculate the variable-length data size.
    $variable_data_size = empty($num_variable_cols) ? 0 : 2 + $num_variable_cols * 2 + $max_var_size;

    // Calculate total row size.
    $row_size = $max_fixed_size + $variable_data_size + $null_bitmap + 4;
    return $row_size;

   * Create a database.
   * @param string $name
   *   Name of the database.
   * @param string $collation
   *   Collation or empty for the default engine collation.
  public function DatabaseCreate($name, $collation = null) {

    // Create the database.
    if ($collation !== null) {
        ->query_execute("CREATE DATABASE {$name} COLLATE " . $collation);
    else {
        ->query_execute("CREATE DATABASE {$name}");

   * Change the database recovery model.
   * @param RecoveryModel $model
   *   The model to update to.
  public function setRecoveryModel(RecoveryModel $model) {
      ->query("ALTER {$this->cnn->options['name']} model SET RECOVERY {$model->__toString()}");

   * Return size information
   * @param string $database
   *   Name of the database.
   * @return mixed
  public function getSizeInfo($database) {
    $sql = <<<EOF
    DB_NAME(db.database_id) DatabaseName,
    (CAST(mfrows.RowSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 RowSizeMB,
    (CAST(mflog.LogSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 LogSizeMB,
    (CAST(mfstream.StreamSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 StreamSizeMB,
    (CAST(mftext.TextIndexSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 TextIndexSizeMB
FROM sys.databases db
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, SUM(size) RowSize FROM sys.master_files WHERE type = 0 GROUP BY database_id, type) mfrows ON mfrows.database_id = db.database_id
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, SUM(size) LogSize FROM sys.master_files WHERE type = 1 GROUP BY database_id, type) mflog ON mflog.database_id = db.database_id
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, SUM(size) StreamSize FROM sys.master_files WHERE type = 2 GROUP BY database_id, type) mfstream ON mfstream.database_id = db.database_id
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, SUM(size) TextIndexSize FROM sys.master_files WHERE type = 4 GROUP BY database_id, type) mftext ON mftext.database_id = db.database_id
    WHERE DB_NAME(db.database_id) = :database

    // Database is defaulted from active connection.
    $result = null;
    try {
      $result = $this->cnn
        ->query_execute($sql, array(
        ':database' => $database,
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // This might not work on azure...

    // There is a chance that this might not return the database size, so
    // try another strategy.
    if (empty($result->RowSizeMB)) {
      $sql = <<<EOF
      SELECT (SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8192) / 1024 / 1024 AS DbSizeInMB
      FROM    sys.dm_db_partition_stats
      $result->RowSizeMB = $this->cnn

    // Try and get the number of tables
    $sql = <<<EOF
      SELECT COUNT(*) from information_schema.tables
      WHERE table_type = 'base table'
    $result->TableCount = $this->cnn
    return $result;

   * Get general database information.
   * @param string $database
   *   Name of the database.
   * @return mixed
  public function getDatabaseInfo($database) {
    static $result;
    if (isset($result)) {
      return $result;
    $sql = <<<EOF
      select name
        , db.snapshot_isolation_state
        , db.snapshot_isolation_state_desc
        , db.is_read_committed_snapshot_on
        , db.recovery_model
        , db.recovery_model_desc
        , db.collation_name
    from sys.databases db
    WHERE DB_NAME(db.database_id) = :database

    // Database is defaulted from active connection.
    $result = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute($sql, array(
      ':database' => $database,
    return $result;

   * Get the collation of current connection wether
   * it has or not a database defined in it.
   * @param string $database
   *   Name of the database.
   * @param string $schema
   *   Name of the schema.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @param string $column
   *   Name of the column.
   * @return string
  public function getCollation($database, $schema, $table = null, $column = null) {

    // No table or column provided, then get info about
    // database (if exists) or server defaul collation.
    if (empty($table) && empty($column)) {

      // Database is defaulted from active connection.
      if (!empty($database)) {

        // Default collation for specific table.
        $sql = "SELECT CONVERT (varchar, DATABASEPROPERTYEX('{$database}', 'collation'))";
        return $this->cnn
      else {

        // Server default collation.
        $sql = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('collation') as collation";
        return $this->cnn
    $sql = <<<EOF
        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ':schema'
        AND TABLE_NAME = ':table'
        AND COLUMN_NAME = ':column'
    $params = array();
    $params[':schema'] = $schema;
    $params[':table'] = $table;
    $params[':column'] = $column;
    $result = $this->cnn
      ->query_execute($sql, $params)
    return $result->COLLATION_NAME;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Scheme::$cnn private property Connection.
Scheme::calculateClusteredIndexRowSizeBytes public function Estimates the row size of a clustered index.
Scheme::CLREnabled public function Check if CLR is enabled. Required to run GROUP_CONCAT.
Scheme::ColumnDetailsGet public function Retrieve an array of field specs from an array of field names.
Scheme::COMMENT_MAX_BYTES constant Maximum length of a comment in SQL Server.
Scheme::ConstraintExists public function Check if a constraint exists.
Scheme::DatabaseCreate public function Create a database.
Scheme::DefaultValueExpression public function Get the SQL expression for a default value that can be embedded directly into a query.
Scheme::EngineVersion public function Summary of EngineVersion
Scheme::EngineVersionNumber public function Retrieve Major engine version number as integer.
Scheme::FieldExists public function Drop a column form a table.
Scheme::FunctionDrop public function Drop a Function.
Scheme::functionExists public function Find if a table function exists.
Scheme::getCollation public function Get the collation of current connection wether it has or not a database defined in it.
Scheme::getDatabaseInfo public function Get general database information.
Scheme::GetDefaultSchema public function Return active default Schema.
Scheme::getDriverAttributes public function Get an instance of DriverAttributes
Scheme::getSizeInfo public function Return size information
Scheme::IndexDrop public function Drop an index, nothing to to if the index does not exists.
Scheme::IndexExists public function Verify if a in index exists in the database.
Scheme::INDEX_MAX_SIZE_WITH_XML constant Maximum index size when an XML index is present.
Scheme::IsVariableLengthType private function Check if a column is of variable length.
Scheme::removeSQLComments public function Remove comments from an SQL statement.
Scheme::setRecoveryModel public function Change the database recovery model.
Scheme::StatisticsDrop public function Drop a statistic
Scheme::StatisticsExists public function Check if a statistic already exists.
Scheme::TableDetailsGet public function Database introspection: fetch technical information about a table.
Scheme::TableDetailsInvalidate public function Invalidate cache for TableDetailsGet.
Scheme::TableDrop public function Drop a table.
Scheme::TableExists public function Check if a table already exists.
Scheme::TableHasXmlIndex public function Check if a table already has an XML index.
Scheme::TriggeDrop public function Drop a triggerr.
Scheme::TriggerExists public function Check if a trigger exists.
Scheme::UserOptions public function Current configuration for the connection.
Scheme::ViewDrop public function Drop a View.
Scheme::ViewExists public function Check if a view exists.
Scheme::__construct public function