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Connection.php in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 8.2


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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection
namespace Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection as DatabaseConnection;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper;
use Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseNotFoundException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\IntegrityConstraintViolationException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\TransactionCommitFailedException as DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\TransactionNameNonUniqueException as DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\TransactionNoActiveException as DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\TransactionOutOfOrderException as DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection as ConnectionBase;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Settings\TransactionIsolationLevel as DatabaseTransactionIsolationLevel;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Settings\TransactionScopeOption as DatabaseTransactionScopeOption;
use Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\TransactionSettings as DatabaseTransactionSettings;
use Exception;
use PDO;
use PDOException;

 * @addtogroup database
 * @{
 * Temporary tables: temporary table support is done by means of global temporary tables (#)
 * to avoid the use of DIRECT QUERIES. You can enable and disable the use of direct queries
 * with $this->driver_settings->defaultDirectQuery = TRUE|FALSE.
class Connection extends DatabaseConnection {

   * Database driver settings.
   * @var ConnectionSettings
  public $driver_settings = null;

   * Override of DatabaseConnection::driver().
   * @status tested
  public function driver() {
    return 'sqlsrv';

   * Override of DatabaseConnection::databaseType().
   * @status tested
  public function databaseType() {
    return 'sqlsrv';

   * Get the schema object.
   * @return Schema
  public function schema() {

    /** @var Schema $schema */
    $schema = parent::schema();
    return $schema;

   * Error code for Login Failed, usually happens when
   * the database does not exist.
  const DATABASE_NOT_FOUND = 28000;

   * Constructs a Connection object.
  public function __construct(\PDO $connection, array $connection_options) {

    // Initialize settings.
    $this->driver_settings = $connection_options['driver_settings'];

    // Needs to happen before parent construct.
    $this->statementClass = Statement::class;
    parent::__construct($connection, $connection_options);

    // This driver defaults to transaction support, except if explicitly passed FALSE.
    $this->transactionSupport = !isset($connection_options['transactions']) || $connection_options['transactions'] !== false;
    $this->transactionalDDLSupport = $this->transactionSupport;

    // Store connection options for future reference.
    $this->connectionOptions =& $connection_options;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function open(array &$connection_options = []) {

    // Get driver settings.
    $driver_settings = ConnectionSettings::instanceFromData(\Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::get('mssql', []));

    // Build the DSN.
    $options = [];
    $options['Server'] = $connection_options['host'] . (!empty($connection_options['port']) ? ',' . $connection_options['port'] : '');

    // We might not have a database in the
    // connection options, for example, during
    // database creation in Install.
    if (!empty($connection_options['database'])) {
      $options['Database'] = $connection_options['database'];

    // Set isolation level if specified.
    if ($level = $driver_settings
      ->GetDefaultIsolationLevel()) {
      $options['TransactionIsolation'] = $level;

    // Disable MARS
    $options['MultipleActiveResultSets'] = 'false';

    // Build the DSN
    $dsn = $driver_settings

    // PDO Options are set at a connection level.
    // and apply to all statements.
    $connection_options['pdo'] = [];

    // Set proper error mode for all statements
    $connection_options['pdo'][PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION;

    // Use native types. This makes fetches x3 faster!
    // @see
    $connection_options['pdo'][PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_FETCHES_NUMERIC_TYPE] = true;
    $connection_options['pdo'][PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES] = false;

    // Actually instantiate the PDO.
    try {
      $pdo = new ConnectionBase($dsn, $connection_options['username'], $connection_options['password'], $connection_options['pdo']);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      if ($e
        ->getCode() == static::DATABASE_NOT_FOUND) {
        throw new DatabaseNotFoundException($e
          ->getMessage(), $e
          ->getCode(), $e);
      throw $e;
    $connection_options['driver_settings'] = $driver_settings;
    return $pdo;

   * We should not be exposing the connection but...
   * comes in handy some times.
   * @return \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection
  public function GetConnection() {
    return $this->connection;

   * Get the Scheme manager.
   * @return \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Scheme
  public function Scheme() {
    return $this->connection

   * Prepared PDO statements only makes sense if we cache them...
   * @var mixed
  private $statement_cache = [];

   * Internal prepare a query.
  public function prepareQuery($query, array $options = []) {

    // Preprocess the query.
    $bypass = isset($options['bypass_query_preprocess']) && $options['bypass_query_preprocess'] == true ? true : false;
    if (!$bypass) {
      $query = $this

    // Merge default statement options. These options are
    // only specific for this preparation and will only override
    // the global configuration if set to different than NULL.
    $options = array_merge(array(
      'insecure' => false,
      'statement_caching' => $this->driver_settings
      'direct_query' => $this->driver_settings
      'prefix_tables' => true,
      'integrityretry' => false,
      'resilientretry' => true,
    ), $options);

    // Prefix tables. There is no global setting for this.
    if ($options['prefix_tables'] !== false) {
      $query = $this

    // The statement caching settings only affect the storage
    // in the cache, but if a statement is already available
    // why not reuse it!
    if (isset($this->statement_cache[$query])) {
      return $this->statement_cache[$query];

    #region PDO Options
    $pdo_options = [];

    // Set insecure options if requested so.
    if ($options['insecure'] === true) {

      // We have to log this, prepared statements are a security RISK.
      // watchdog('SQL Server Driver', 'An insecure query has been executed against the database. This is not critical, but worth looking into: %query', array('%query' => $query));
      // These are defined in class Connection.
      // This PDO options are INSECURE, but will overcome the following issues:
      // (1) Duplicate placeholders
      // (2) > 2100 parameter limit
      // (3) Using expressions for group by with parameters are not detected as equal.
      // This options are not applied by default, they are just stored in the connection
      // options and applied when needed. See {Statement} class.
      // We ask PDO to perform the placeholders replacement itself because
      // SQL Server is not able to detect duplicated placeholders in
      // complex statements.
      // E.g. This query is going to fail because SQL Server cannot
      // detect that length1 and length2 are equals.
      // SELECT SUBSTRING(title, 1, :length1)
      // FROM node
      // GROUP BY SUBSTRING(title, 1, :length2
      // This is only going to work in PDO 3 but doesn't hurt in PDO 2.
      // The security of parameterized queries is not in effect when you use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true.
      // Your application should ensure that the data that is bound to the parameter(s) does not contain malicious
      // Transact-SQL code.
      // Never use this when you need special column binding.
      $pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES] = true;

    // We need this behaviour to make UPSERT and MERGE more robust.
    if ($options['integrityretry'] == true) {
      $pdo_options[\Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection::PDO_RETRYONINTEGRITYVIOLATION] = true;
    if ($options['resilientretry'] == true) {
      $pdo_options[\Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection::PDO_RESILIENTRETRY] = true;

    // We run the statements in "direct mode" because the way PDO prepares
    // statement in non-direct mode cause temporary tables to be destroyed
    // at the end of the statement.
    // If you are using the PDO_SQLSRV driver and you want to execute a query that
    // changes a database setting (e.g. SET NOCOUNT ON), use the PDO::query method with
    // the PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY attribute.
    // If a query requires the context that was set in a previous query,
    // you should execute your queries with PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY set to True.
    // For example, if you use temporary tables in your queries, PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY must be set
    // to True.
    if ($this->driver_settings
      ->GetStatementCachingMode() != 'always' || $options['direct_query'] == true) {
      $pdo_options[PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY] = true;

    // It creates a cursor for the query, which allows you to iterate over the result set
    // without fetching the whole result at once. A scrollable cursor, specifically, is one that allows
    // iterating backwards.
    $pdo_options[PDO::ATTR_CURSOR] = PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL;

    // Lets you access rows in any order. Creates a client-side cursor query.

    if ($this->driver_settings
      ->GetAppendCallstackComment()) {
      $query = $this

    // Call our overriden prepare.
    $stmt = $this->connection
      ->prepare($query, $pdo_options);

    // If statement caching is enabled, store current statement for reuse.
    if ($options['statement_caching'] === true) {
      $this->statement_cache[$query] = $stmt;
    return $stmt;

   * Adds debugging information to a query
   * in the form of comments.
   * @param string $query
   * @return string
  protected function addDebugInfoToQuery($query) {

    // The current user service might not be available
    // if this is too early bootstrap
    $uid = null;
    static $loading_user;

    // Use loading user to prevent recursion!
    // Because the user entity can be stored in
    // the database itself.
    if (empty($loading_user)) {
      try {
        $loading_user = true;
        $oUser = \Drupal::currentUser();
        $uid = null;
        if ($oUser != null) {
          $uid = $oUser
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
      } finally {
        $loading_user = false;

    // Drupal specific aditional information for the dump.
    $extra = array(
      '-- uid:' . ($uid ? $uid : 'NULL'),
    $comment = $this->connection
      ->GetCallstackAsComment(DRUPAL_ROOT, $extra);
    $query = $comment . $query;
    return $query;

   * This is the original replacement regexp from Microsoft.
   * We could probably simplify it a lot because queries only contain
   * placeholders when we modify them.
   * NOTE: removed 'escape' from the list, because it explodes
   * with LIKE xxx ESCAPE yyy syntax.
  const RESERVED_REGEXP = '/\\G
    # Everything that follows a boundary that is not : or _.
      # Any reserved words, followed by a boundary that is not an opening parenthesis.
      # Or a normal word.
      "  [^\\\\"] * (?: \\\\. [^\\\\"] *) * "
      \' [^\\\\\']* (?: \\\\. [^\\\\\']*) * \'

   * This method gets called between 3,000 and 10,000 times
   * on cold caches. Make sure it is simple and fast.
   * @param mixed $matches
   * @return mixed
  protected function replaceReservedCallback($matches) {
    if ($matches[1] !== '') {

      // Replace reserved words. We are not calling
      // quoteIdentifier() on purpose.
      return '[' . $matches[1] . ']';

    // Let other value passthru.
    // by the logic of the regex above, this will always be the last match.
    return end($matches);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function quoteIdentifier($identifier) {
    return '[' . $identifier . ']';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function escapeField($field) {
    if (!isset($this->escapedNames[$field])) {
      if (empty($field)) {
        $this->escapedNames[$field] = '';
      else {
        $this->escapedNames[$field] = implode('.', array_map(array(
        ), explode('.', preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]+/', '', $field))));
    return $this->escapedNames[$field];

   * Prefix a single table name.
   * @param string $table
   *   Name of the table.
   * @return string
  public function prefixTable($table) {
    if (empty($table)) {
      return $table;
    $table = $this
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function quoteIdentifiers($identifiers) {
    return array_map(array(
    ), $identifiers);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function escapeLike($string) {
    return preg_replace('/([\\[\\]%_])/', '[$1]', $string);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function queryRange($query, $from, $count, array $args = [], array $options = []) {
    $query = $this
      ->addRangeToQuery($query, $from, $count);
    return $this
      ->query($query, $args, $options);

   * Generates a temporary table name. Because we are using
   * global temporary tables, these are visible between
   * connections so we need to make sure that their
   * names are as unique as possible to prevent collisions.
   * @return string
   *   A table name.
  protected function generateTemporaryTableName() {
    static $temp_key;
    if (!isset($temp_key)) {
      $temp_key = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
    return "db_temp_" . $this->temporaryNameIndex++ . '_' . $temp_key;

  /** @var \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\PDO\Connection */
  protected $connection;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function queryTemporary($query, array $args = [], array $options = []) {

    // Generate a new GLOBAL temporary table name and protect it from prefixing.
    // SQL Server requires that temporary tables to be non-qualified.
    $tablename = '##' . $this

    // Temporary tables cannot be introspected so using them is limited on some scenarios.
    if (isset($options['real_table']) && $options['real_table'] === true) {
      $tablename = trim($tablename, "#");
    $prefixes = $this->prefixes;
    $prefixes[$tablename] = '';

    // Having comments in the query can be tricky and break the SELECT FROM  -> SELECT INTO conversion
    $comments = [];
    $query = $this->connection
      ->removeSQLComments($query, $comments);

    // Replace SELECT xxx FROM table by SELECT xxx INTO #table FROM table.
    $query = preg_replace('/^SELECT(.*?)FROM/is', 'SELECT$1 INTO ' . $tablename . ' FROM', $query);
      ->query($query, $args, $options);
    return $tablename;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * This method is overriden to manage the insecure (EMULATE_PREPARE)
   * behaviour to prevent some compatibility issues with SQL Server.
  public function query($query, array $args = [], $options = []) {

    // Use default values if not already set.
    $options += $this
    $stmt = null;
    try {

      // We allow either a pre-bound statement object or a literal string.
      // In either case, we want to end up with an executed statement object,
      // which we pass to PDOStatement::execute.
      if ($query instanceof StatementInterface) {
        $stmt = $query;
          ->execute(null, $options);
      else {
          ->expandArguments($query, $args);
        $insecure = isset($options['insecure']) ? $options['insecure'] : false;

        // Try to detect duplicate place holders, this check's performance
        // is not a good addition to the driver, but does a good job preventing
        // duplicate placeholder errors.
        $argcount = count($args);
        if ($insecure === true || $argcount >= 2100 || $argcount != substr_count($query, ':')) {
          $insecure = true;
        $stmt = $this
          ->prepareQuery($query, array(
          'insecure' => $insecure,
          ->execute($args, $options);

      // Depending on the type of query we may need to return a different value.
      // See DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() for a description of each
      // value.
      switch ($options['return']) {
        case Database::RETURN_STATEMENT:
          return $stmt;
        case Database::RETURN_AFFECTED:
          $stmt->allowRowCount = true;
          return $stmt
        case Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID:
          return $this->connection
        case Database::RETURN_NULL:
          return null;
          throw new \PDOException('Invalid return directive: ' . $options['return']);
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {

      // Most database drivers will return NULL here, but some of them
      // (e.g. the SQLite driver) may need to re-run the query, so the return
      // value will be the same as for static::query().
      return $this
        ->handleQueryException($e, $query, $args, $options);

   * Wraps and re-throws any PDO exception thrown by static::query().
   * @param \PDOException $e
   *   The exception thrown by static::query().
   * @param $query
   *   The query executed by static::query().
   * @param array $args
   *   An array of arguments for the prepared statement.
   * @param array $options
   *   An associative array of options to control how the query is run.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface|int|null
   *   Most database drivers will return NULL when a PDO exception is thrown for
   *   a query, but some of them may need to re-run the query, so they can also
   *   return a \Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface object or an integer.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\IntegrityConstraintViolationException
  public function handleQueryException(\PDOException $e, $query, array $args = [], $options = []) {
    if ($options['throw_exception']) {

      // Wrap the exception in another exception, because PHP does not allow
      // overriding Exception::getMessage(). Its message is the extra database
      // debug information.
      if ($query instanceof StatementInterface) {

        /** @var Statement $statement */
        $statement = $query;
        $e->query_string = $statement
        $e->args = $statement
      else {
        $e->query_string = $query;
      $message = $e

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseException $exception */
      $exception = null;

      // Match all SQLSTATE 23xxx errors.
      if (substr($e
        ->getCode(), -6, -3) == '23') {
        $exception = new IntegrityConstraintViolationException($message, $e
          ->getCode(), $e);
      else {
        $exception = new DatabaseExceptionWrapper($message, 0, $e);
      if (empty($e->args)) {
        $e->args = $args;

      // Copy this info to the rethrown Exception for compatibility.
      $exception->query_string = $e->query_string;
      $exception->args = $e->args;
      throw $exception;
    return null;

   * Like query but with no insecure detection or query preprocessing.
   * The caller is sure that his query is MS SQL compatible! Used internally
   * from the schema class, but could be called from anywhere.
   * @param mixed $query
   * @param array $args
   * @param mixed $options
   * @return mixed
   * @throws PDOException
  public function query_direct($query, array $args = [], $options = []) {

    // Use default values if not already set.
    $options += $this
    $stmt = null;
    try {
      $options['bypass_query_preprocess'] = true;
      $stmt = $this
        ->prepareQuery($query, $options);
        ->execute($args, $options);

      // Depending on the type of query we may need to return a different value.
      // See DatabaseConnection::defaultOptions() for a description of each
      // value.
      switch ($options['return']) {
        case Database::RETURN_STATEMENT:
          return $stmt;
        case Database::RETURN_AFFECTED:
          $stmt->allowRowCount = true;
          return $stmt
        case Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID:
          return $this->connection
        case Database::RETURN_NULL:
          return null;
          throw new \PDOException('Invalid return directive: ' . $options['return']);
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {

      // Most database drivers will return NULL here, but some of them
      // (e.g. the SQLite driver) may need to re-run the query, so the return
      // value will be the same as for static::query().
      return $this
        ->handleQueryException($e, $query, $args, $options);

   * Internal function: massage a query to make it compliant with SQL Server.
  public function preprocessQuery($query) {

    // Generate a cache signature for this query.
    $query_signature = md5($query);

    // Drill through everything...
    if ($cache = $this->connection
      ->Get($query_signature)) {
      return $cache->data;

    // Force quotes around some SQL Server reserved keywords.
    if (preg_match('/^SELECT/i', $query)) {
      $query = preg_replace_callback(self::RESERVED_REGEXP, [
      ], $query);

    // Last chance to modify some SQL Server-specific syntax.
    $replacements = [];

    // Add prefixes to Drupal-specific functions.
    $defaultSchema = $this
    foreach ($this
      ->DrupalSpecificFunctions() as $function) {
      $replacements['/\\b(?<![:.])(' . preg_quote($function) . ')\\(/i'] = "{$defaultSchema}.\$1(";

    // Rename some functions.
    $funcs = [
      'LENGTH' => 'LEN',
      'POW' => 'POWER',
    foreach ($funcs as $function => $replacement) {
      $replacements['/\\b(?<![:.])(' . preg_quote($function) . ')\\(/i'] = $replacement . '(';

    // Replace the ANSI concatenation operator with SQL Server poor one.
    $replacements['/\\|\\|/'] = '+';

    // Now do all the replacements at once.
    $query = preg_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $query);

    // Assuming that queries have placeholders, the total number of different
    // queries stored in the cache is not that big.
      ->Set($query_signature, $query);
    return $query;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Adding schema to the connection URL.
  public static function createConnectionOptionsFromUrl($url, $root) {
    $database = parent::createConnectionOptionsFromUrl($url, $root);
    $url_components = parse_url($url);
    if (isset($url_components['query'])) {
      $query = [];
      parse_str($url_components['query'], $query);
      if (isset($query['schema'])) {
        $database['schema'] = $query['schema'];
      $database['cache_schema'] = isset($query['cache_schema']) && $query['cache_schema'] == 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE;
    return $database;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Adding schema to the connection URL.
  public static function createUrlFromConnectionOptions(array $connection_options) {
    if (!isset($connection_options['driver'], $connection_options['database'])) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("As a minimum, the connection options array must contain at least the 'driver' and 'database' keys");
    $user = '';
    if (isset($connection_options['username'])) {
      $user = $connection_options['username'];
      if (isset($connection_options['password'])) {
        $user .= ':' . $connection_options['password'];
      $user .= '@';
    $host = empty($connection_options['host']) ? 'localhost' : $connection_options['host'];
    $db_url = $connection_options['driver'] . '://' . $user . $host;
    if (isset($connection_options['port'])) {
      $db_url .= ':' . $connection_options['port'];
    $db_url .= '/' . $connection_options['database'];
    $query = [];
    if (isset($connection_options['module'])) {
      $query['module'] = $connection_options['module'];
    if (isset($connection_options['schema'])) {
      $query['schema'] = $connection_options['schema'];
    if (isset($connection_options['cache_schema'])) {
      $query['cache_schema'] = $connection_options['cache_schema'];
    if (count($query) > 0) {
      $parameters = [];
      foreach ($query as $key => $values) {
        $parameters[] = $key . '=' . $values;
      $query_string = implode("&amp;", $parameters);
      $db_url .= '?' . $query_string;
    if (isset($connection_options['prefix']['default']) && $connection_options['prefix']['default'] !== '') {
      $db_url .= '#' . $connection_options['prefix']['default'];
    return $db_url;

   * Internal function: add range options to a query.
   * This cannot be set protected because it is used in other parts of the
   * database engine.
   * @status tested
  public function addRangeToQuery($query, $from, $count) {
    if ($from == 0) {

      // Easy case: just use a TOP query if we don't have to skip any rows.
      $query = preg_replace('/^\\s*SELECT(\\s*DISTINCT)?/Dsi', 'SELECT$1 TOP(' . $count . ')', $query);
    else {
      if ($this->connection
        ->EngineVersionNumber() >= 11) {
        if (strripos($query, 'ORDER BY') === false) {
          $query = "SELECT Q.*, 0 as TempSort FROM ({$query}) as Q ORDER BY TempSort OFFSET {$from} ROWS FETCH NEXT {$count} ROWS ONLY";
        else {
          $query = "{$query} OFFSET {$from} ROWS FETCH NEXT {$count} ROWS ONLY";
      else {

        // More complex case: use a TOP query to retrieve $from + $count rows, and
        // filter out the first $from rows using a window function.
        $query = preg_replace('/^\\s*SELECT(\\s*DISTINCT)?/Dsi', 'SELECT$1 TOP(' . ($from + $count) . ') ', $query);
        $query = '
          SELECT * FROM (
            SELECT sub2.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY sub2.__line2) AS __line3 FROM (
              SELECT sub1.*, 1 AS __line2 FROM (' . $query . ') AS sub1
            ) as sub2
          ) AS sub3
          WHERE __line3 BETWEEN ' . ($from + 1) . ' AND ' . ($from + $count);
    return $query;
  public function mapConditionOperator($operator) {

    // SQL Server doesn't need special escaping for the \ character in a string
    // literal, because it uses '' to escape the single quote, not \'.
    static $specials = array(
      'LIKE' => [],
      'NOT LIKE' => [],
    return isset($specials[$operator]) ? $specials[$operator] : null;

   * {@inhertidoc}
  public function nextId($existing = 0, $name = 'drupal') {
    if (version_compare($this
      ->Version(), '11', '>')) {

      // Native sequence support is only available for SLQ Server 2012 and beyound
      return $this->connection
        ->nextId($existing, $this
    else {

      // If an exiting value is passed, for its insertion into the sequence table.
      if ($existing > 0) {
        $exists = $this
          ->query_direct("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {sequences} WHERE value = :existing", [
          ':existing' => $existing,
        if (!$exists) {
            ->query_direct('SET IDENTITY_INSERT {sequences} ON; INSERT INTO {sequences} (value) VALUES(:existing); SET IDENTITY_INSERT {sequences} OFF', [
            ':existing' => $existing,

      // Refactored to use OUTPUT because under high concurrency LAST_INSERTED_ID does not work properly.
      return $this
        ->query_direct('INSERT INTO {sequences} OUTPUT (Inserted.[value]) DEFAULT VALUES')

   * Override DatabaseConnection::escapeTable().
   * @status needswork
  public function escapeTable($table) {

    // A static cache is better suited for this.
    static $tables = [];
    if (isset($tables[$table])) {
      return $tables[$table];

    // Rescue the # prefix from the escaping.
    $is_temporary = $table[0] == '#';
    $is_temporary_global = $is_temporary && isset($table[1]) && $table[1] == '#';

    // Any temporary table prefix will be removed.
    $result = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]+/', '', $table);

    // Restore the temporary prefix.
    if ($is_temporary) {
      if ($is_temporary_global) {
        $result = '##' . $result;
      else {
        $result = '#' . $result;
    $tables[$table] = $result;
    return $result;

  #region Transactions

   * Overriden to allow transaction settings.
  public function startTransaction($name = '', DatabaseTransactionSettings $settings = null) {
    if ($settings == null) {
      $settings = DatabaseTransactionSettings::GetDefaults();
    return new Transaction($this, $name, $settings);

   * Overriden.
  public function rollback($savepoint_name = 'drupal_transaction') {
    if (!$this
      ->supportsTransactions()) {
    if (!$this
      ->inTransaction()) {
      throw new DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException();

    // A previous rollback to an earlier savepoint may mean that the savepoint
    // in question has already been accidentally committed.
    if (!isset($this->transactionLayers[$savepoint_name])) {
      throw new DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException();

    // We need to find the point we're rolling back to, all other savepoints
    // before are no longer needed. If we rolled back other active savepoints,
    // we need to throw an exception.
    $rolled_back_other_active_savepoints = false;
    while ($savepoint = array_pop($this->transactionLayers)) {
      if ($savepoint['name'] == $savepoint_name) {

        // If it is the last the transaction in the stack, then it is not a
        // savepoint, it is the transaction itself so we will need to roll back
        // the transaction rather than a savepoint.
        if (empty($this->transactionLayers)) {
        if ($savepoint['started'] == true) {
            ->query_direct('ROLLBACK TRANSACTION ' . $savepoint['name']);
        if ($rolled_back_other_active_savepoints) {
          throw new DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException();
      else {
        $rolled_back_other_active_savepoints = true;

    // Restore original transaction isolation level
    if ($level = $this->driver_settings
      ->GetDefaultTransactionIsolationLevelInStatement()) {
      if ($savepoint['settings']
        ->Get_IsolationLevel() != DatabaseTransactionIsolationLevel::Ignore()) {
        if ($level != $savepoint['settings']
          ->Get_IsolationLevel()) {
            ->query_direct("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {$level}");
    if ($rolled_back_other_active_savepoints) {
      throw new DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException();

   * Summary of pushTransaction
   * @param string $name
   * @param DatabaseTransactionSettings $settings
   * @return void
   * @throws DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException
  public function pushTransaction($name, $settings = null) {
    if ($settings == null) {
      $settings = DatabaseTransactionSettings::GetDefaults();
    if (!$this
      ->supportsTransactions()) {
    if (isset($this->transactionLayers[$name])) {
      throw new DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException($name . " is already in use.");
    $started = false;

    // If we're already in a transaction.
    // TODO: Transaction scope Options is not working properly
    // for first level transactions. It assumes that - always - a first level
    // transaction must be started.
    if ($this
      ->inTransaction()) {
      switch ($settings
        ->Get_ScopeOption()) {
        case DatabaseTransactionScopeOption::RequiresNew():
            ->query_execute('SAVE TRANSACTION ' . $name);
          $started = true;
        case DatabaseTransactionScopeOption::Required():

          // We are already in a transaction, do nothing.
        case DatabaseTransactionScopeOption::Supress():

          // The only way to supress the ambient transaction is to use a new connection
          // during the scope of this transaction, a bit messy to implement.
          throw new Exception('DatabaseTransactionScopeOption::Supress not implemented.');
    else {
      if ($settings
        ->Get_IsolationLevel() != DatabaseTransactionIsolationLevel::Ignore()) {
        $current_isolation_level = strtoupper($this->connection

        // Se what isolation level was requested.
        $level = $settings
        if (strcasecmp($current_isolation_level, $level) !== 0) {
            ->query_direct("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {$level}");

      // In order to start a transaction current statement cursors
      // must be closed.
      foreach ($this->statement_cache as $statement) {

    // Store the name and settings in the stack.
    $this->transactionLayers[$name] = array(
      'settings' => $settings,
      'active' => true,
      'name' => $name,
      'started' => $started,

   * Decreases the depth of transaction nesting.
   * If we pop off the last transaction layer, then we either commit or roll
   * back the transaction as necessary. If no transaction is active, we return
   * because the transaction may have manually been rolled back.
   * @param $name
   *   The name of the savepoint
   * @throws DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException
   * @throws DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException
   * @see DatabaseTransaction
  public function popTransaction($name) {
    if (!$this
      ->supportsTransactions()) {

    // The transaction has already been committed earlier. There is nothing we
    // need to do. If this transaction was part of an earlier out-of-order
    // rollback, an exception would already have been thrown by
    // Database::rollback().
    if (!isset($this->transactionLayers[$name])) {

    // Mark this layer as committable.
    $this->transactionLayers[$name]['active'] = false;

   * Internal function: commit all the transaction layers that can commit.
  protected function popCommittableTransactions() {

    // Commit all the committable layers.
    foreach (array_reverse($this->transactionLayers) as $name => $state) {

      // Stop once we found an active transaction.
      if ($state['active']) {

      // If there are no more layers left then we should commit.
      if (empty($this->transactionLayers)) {
        try {

          // PDO::commit() can either return FALSE or throw an exception itself
          if (!$this->connection
            ->commit()) {
            throw new DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException();
        } finally {

          // Restore original transaction isolation level
          if ($level = $this->driver_settings
            ->GetDefaultTransactionIsolationLevelInStatement()) {
            if ($state['settings']
              ->Get_IsolationLevel() != DatabaseTransactionIsolationLevel::Ignore()) {
              if ($level != $state['settings']
                ->__toString()) {
                  ->query_direct("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {$level}");
      else {

        // Savepoints cannot be commited, only rolled back.


   * Overrides \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection::createDatabase().
   * @param string $database
   *   The name of the database to create.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseNotFoundException
  public function createDatabase($database) {

    // Escape the database name.
    $database = Database::getConnection()
    try {
        ->DatabaseCreate($database, Schema::DEFAULT_COLLATION_CI);
    } catch (\PDOException $e) {
      throw new DatabaseNotFoundException($e

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFullQualifiedTableName($table) {
    $options = $this
    $prefix = $this
    return $options['database'] . '.' . $this
      ->GetDefaultSchema() . '.' . $prefix . $table;

   * Error inform from the connection.
   * @return array
  public function errorInfo() {
    return $this->connection

   * Return the name of the database in use,
   * not prefixed!
  public function getDatabaseName() {

    // Database is defaulted from active connection.
    $options = $this
    return $options['database'];


// Support legacy way of bringing in the mssql code
if (!class_exists(\Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Connection::class)) {
  include_once 'PhpMssqlAutoloader.php';

 * @} End of "addtogroup database".


Namesort descending Description
Connection Temporary tables: temporary table support is done by means of global temporary tables (#) to avoid the use of DIRECT QUERIES. You can enable and disable the use of direct queries with $this->driver_settings->defaultDirectQuery =…