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Files in SMS Framework 6

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt This file will be replaced when a stable release is cut. Changes to SMS Framework core module (sms) and complimentary module set See the CHANGELOG.txt in each complimentary module for module-specific…
CHANGELOG.txt modules/sms_clickatell/CHANGELOG.txt This file will be replaced when a stable release is cut. Changes to Clickatell gateway module (sms_clickatell) ----------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES SINCE…
README.txt modules/sms_valid/README.txt Description =========== Provides number validation features for the Drupal SMS Framework. Installation ============ Documentation ============= Credits ======= aspope…
README.txt README.txt Description =========== Provides a pluggable API for Drupal to interact with SMS messages. * sms.module - the core API module * sms_action.module - provides basic Actions and Triggers for message events * sms_blast.module - for sending a batch of…
README.txt modules/sms_devel/README.txt The virtual gateway part of this module is only partially working, and the activity log (in the admin form) needs to be written. I am really struggling to get the AJAX working to have this text field update as messages come in and out of the virtualgw.
README.txt modules/sms_track/README.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module ----------------------------------------------------------- ** THIS MODULE IS VERY UNFINISHED ** - The module is tracking messages fine, by…
README.txt modules/sms_simplegateway/README.txt This module may require additional testing and better documentation to make it easier to grasp for non-developers. The rationale for this module is that many (or most) SMS gateway services use basic HTTP GET or POST requests, the only difference… SMS Framework core module: Admin settings form functions name = "SMS Framework" description = "Provides a extensible API that facilitates communication between Drupal and various SMS gateways." core = 6.x package = SMS Framework
sms.module sms.module The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway managment and API for sending and receiving SMS messages. modules/sms_actions/ name = "SMS Actions" description = "Provides an action for sending outgoing messages and the ability to define custom triggers for incoming messages." package = SMS Framework dependencies[] = sms dependencies[] = trigger core = 6.x
sms_actions.module modules/sms_actions/sms_actions.module Provides a "Send SMS" action and the ability to define custom triggers for incoming messages. modules/sms_blast/ name = SMS Blast description = Allows bulk text messages to be sent to registered users. package = SMS Framework dependencies[] = sms_user core = 6.x
sms_blast.module modules/sms_blast/sms_blast.module Allows bulk text messages to be sent to registered users. modules/sms_clickatell/ name = "Clickatell" description = "Gateway: Clickatell" package = SMS Framework core = 6.x dependencies[] = sms
sms_clickatell.module modules/sms_clickatell/sms_clickatell.module Clickatell gateway module for Drupal SMS Framework. Outbound+Inbound+Receipts modules/sms_devel/ name = Devel description = Dev and test tools to assist module/site development with the SMS Framework. core = 6.x package = SMS Framework dependencies[] = sms
sms_devel.install modules/sms_devel/sms_devel.install SMS Development feature module: Install file
sms_devel.module modules/sms_devel/sms_devel.module modules/sms_devel/ Test send form include for the sms_devel module of the SMS Framework. modules/sms_devel/ Virtual Gateway for the sms_devel module: Admin forms include modules/sms_devel/ Virtual Gateway for the sms_devel module of the SMS Framework. modules/sms_email_gateway/ name = "E-mail Gateway" description = "Allows the SMS Framework to use E-mail gateways." dependencies[] = sms package = SMS Framework core = 6.x
sms_email_gateway.module modules/sms_email_gateway/sms_email_gateway.module
sms_sendtophone.css modules/sms_sendtophone/sms_sendtophone.css span.sms-sendtophone-inline { background: #F9F7BC; } #sms-sendtophone-send-form .message-preview { font-family: monospace; } modules/sms_sendtophone/ name = Send to phone description = Provides various tools for sending bits of information via SMS. dependencies[] = sms package = SMS Framework core = 6.x
sms_sendtophone.module modules/sms_sendtophone/sms_sendtophone.module modules/sms_simplegateway/ ; ; SMS Framework gateway module for any simple HTTP GET/POST gateway interface ; ; To make inbound work you must configure your gateway to send the messages to ; URL: http(s):// ; ; Please also read the…
sms_simplegateway.module modules/sms_simplegateway/sms_simplegateway.module Simple gateway module for Drupal SMS Framework. Outbound+Inbound modules/sms_track/ Message tracking module: Admin settings form functions modules/sms_track/ name = Tracking description = Message archiving and delivery tracking for the SMS Framework. core = 6.x version = 6.x-1.x-dev package = SMS Framework dependencies[] = sms dependencies[] = views
sms_track.install modules/sms_track/sms_track.install SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: Install file
sms_track.module modules/sms_track/sms_track.module Message tracking feature module for Drupal SMS Framework. modules/sms_track/views/ SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: views modules/sms_track/views/ SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: views modules/sms_txtlocal/ ; ; SMS Framework gateway module for Txtlocal ( ; ; To make inbound work you must configure txtlocal to send the messages to a ; URL: http(s):// ; ; Please also read the comment header in…
sms_txtlocal.module modules/sms_txtlocal/sms_txtlocal.module Txtlocal gateway module for Drupal SMS Framework. Outbound+Inbound modules/sms_user/ name = "SMS User" description = "Provides integration between the SMS Framework and Drupal users." dependencies[] = sms dependencies[] = token package = SMS Framework core = 6.x
sms_user.install modules/sms_user/sms_user.install
sms_user.module modules/sms_user/sms_user.module Provides integration between the SMS Framework and Drupal users. modules/sms_valid/ SMS Framework core module: Admin settings form functions modules/sms_valid/ name = Validation description = Provides number validation features to the SMS Framework. core = 6.x package = SMS Framework dependencies[] = sms
sms_valid.install modules/sms_valid/sms_valid.install SMS Framework Number Validation feature module: Install file
sms_valid.module modules/sms_valid/sms_valid.module Number validation feature module for Drupal SMS Framework. modules/sms_track/views/ SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: views modules/sms_track/views/ SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: views modules/sms_track/views/ SMS Framework Message Tracking feature module: views

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