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Files in SMS Framework 5

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README.txt README.txt DESCRIPTION =========== Provides a pluggable API for Drupal to interact with SMS messages. * sms.module - the core API module * sms_blast.module - for sending a batch of messages * sms_clickatell.module - support for the Clickatell gateway… name = "SMS Framework" description = "Provides a extensible API that facilitates communication between Drupal and various SMS gateways." package = SMS Framework
sms.install sms.install
sms.module sms.module The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway managment and API for sending and receiving SMS messages. modules/sms_blast/ name = SMS Blast description = Allows bulk text messages to be sent to registered users. dependencies = sms_user package = SMS Framework
sms_blast.module modules/sms_blast/sms_blast.module Allows bulk text messages to be sent to registered users. modules/sms_clickatell/ name = "Clickatell" description = "Allows the SMS Framework to use Clickatell as a gateway." package = SMS Framework dependencies = sms
sms_clickatell.module modules/sms_clickatell/sms_clickatell.module Adds support for sending SMS messages using the Clickatell gateway. modules/sms_email_gateway/ name = E-mail Gateway description = "Allows the SMS Framework to use E-mail gateways." dependencies = sms package = SMS Framework
sms_email_gateway.module modules/sms_email_gateway/sms_email_gateway.module
sms_muse.css modules/sms_muse/sms_muse.css /* * Throbber is from: * Other icons from: */ #muse-throbber { height: 25px; margin-top: 10px; padding-left: 25px; } { background:… modules/sms_muse/ name = "Muse" description = "Allows the SMS Framework to Muse as a gateway." package = SMS Framework dependencies = sms
sms_muse.module modules/sms_muse/sms_muse.module modules/sms_og/ name = SMS Organic Groups description = "Allows for integration with Organic Groups" package = SMS Framework dependencies = sms_receive
sms_og.module modules/sms_og/sms_og.module modules/sms_receive/ name = "SMS Receive" description = "Allows the SMS Framework to receive messages." package = SMS Framework dependencies = sms
sms_receive.install modules/sms_receive/sms_receive.install
sms_receive.module modules/sms_receive/sms_receive.module
sms_sendtophone.css modules/sms_sendtophone/sms_sendtophone.css span.sms-sendtophone-inline { background: #F9F7BC; } #sms-sendtophone-send-form .message-preview { font-family: monospace; } modules/sms_sendtophone/ name = Send to phone description = Provides various tools for sending bits of information via SMS. dependencies = sms package = SMS Framework
sms_sendtophone.module modules/sms_sendtophone/sms_sendtophone.module modules/sms_user/ name = SMS User description = Provides integration between the SMS Framework and Drupal users. dependencies = sms token package = SMS Framework
sms_user.install modules/sms_user/sms_user.install
sms_user.module modules/sms_user/sms_user.module Provides integration between the SMS Framework and Drupal users.

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