sms.module in SMS Framework 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway managment and API for sending and receiving SMS messages.
sms.moduleView source
* @file
* The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway managment and API for
* sending and receiving SMS messages.
// Direction codes
define('SMS_DIR_NONE', 0);
define('SMS_DIR_OUT', 1);
define('SMS_DIR_IN', 2);
define('SMS_DIR_ALL', 4);
// Message status codes
// 0=Unknown, 2xx=Positive, 3xx=Positive/Neutral (context-dependent), 4xx=Negative
define('SMS_MSG_STATUS_OK', 200);
define('SMS_MSG_STATUS_QUEUED', 302);
define('SMS_MSG_STATUS_ERROR', 400);
define('SMS_MSG_STATUS_EXPIRED', 408);
// Gateway response codes
// 0=Unknown, 2xx=Positive, 4xx=Negative(likely client err), 5xx=Negative(likely gateway err)
define('SMS_GW_OK', 200);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_AUTH', 401);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_INVALID_CALL', 400);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_NOT_FOUND', 404);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_MSG_LIMITS', 413);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_MSG_ROUTING', 502);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_MSG_QUEUING', 408);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_MSG_OTHER', 409);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_SRC_NUMBER', 415);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_DEST_NUMBER', 416);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_CREDIT', 402);
define('SMS_GW_ERR_OTHER', 500);
* Sends a message using the active gateway.
* @param $number
* The destination number.
* @param $message
* The text of the messsage to send.
* @param $options
* An array of dditional properties as defined by gateway modules.
function sms_send($number, $message, $options = array()) {
$gateway = sms_default_gateway();
// Pre process hook
// Call any modules that implement hook_sms_send()
// We do not use module_invoke_all() because we lose the ability to
// manipulate the variables passed to the function, eg $message.
foreach (module_implements('sms_send') as $module) {
$function = $module . '_sms_send';
$function($number, $message, $options, $gateway);
// Send message via active gateway
$response = NULL;
if (function_exists($gateway['send'])) {
$response = $gateway['send']($number, $message, $options);
$result = sms_handle_result($response, $number, $message, $gateway, $options);
// Post process hook
foreach (module_implements('sms_send_process') as $module) {
$function = $module . '_sms_send_process';
$function('post process', $number, $message, $options, $gateway, $result);
return $result;
* Callback for incoming messages. Allows gateways modules to pass messages in
* a standard format for processing.
* @param $number
* The sender's mobile number.
* @param $message
* The content of the text message.
function sms_incoming($number, $message, $options = array()) {
// Execute three phases
module_invoke_all('sms_incoming', 'pre process', $number, $message, $options);
module_invoke_all('sms_incoming', 'process', $number, $message, $options);
module_invoke_all('sms_incoming', 'post process', $number, $message, $options);
* Callback for incoming message receipts. Allows gateways modules to pass
* message receipts in a standard format for processing, and provides a basic
* set of status codes for common code handling.
* Allowed message status codes are defined as constants at the top of this module.
* The gateway code and string will often be provided in the $options array as
* 'gateway_message_status' and 'gateway_message_status_text'.
* @param string $number
* The sender's mobile number.
* @param string $reference
* Unique message reference code, as provided when message is sent.
* @param string $message_status
* An SMS Framework message status code, as per the defined constants.
* @param array $options
* Extended options passed by the receipt receiver.
function sms_receipt($number, $reference, $message_status = SMS_GW_UNKNOWN_STATUS, $options = array()) {
// Execute three phases
module_invoke_all('sms_receipt', 'pre process', $number, $reference, $message_status, $options);
module_invoke_all('sms_receipt', 'process', $number, $reference, $message_status, $options);
module_invoke_all('sms_receipt', 'post process', $number, $reference, $message_status, $options);
* Returns the current default gateway.
function sms_default_gateway() {
return sms_gateways('gateway', variable_get('sms_default_gateway', 'log'));
* Implementation of hook_gateway_info() for Log-only gateway.
function sms_gateway_info() {
return array(
'log' => array(
'name' => t('Log only'),
'send' => 'sms_send_log',
* Log-only gateway send function.
function sms_send_log($number, $message, $options) {
watchdog('sms', 'SMS message sent to %number with the text: @message', array(
'%number' => $number,
'@message' => $message,
return array(
'status' => TRUE,
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function sms_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/smsframework'] = array(
'title' => 'SMS Framework',
'description' => 'Control how your site uses SMS.',
'position' => 'right',
'page callback' => 'system_admin_menu_block_page',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer smsframework',
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'system'),
$items['admin/smsframework/gateways'] = array(
'title' => 'Gateway configuration',
'description' => 'Configure gateways and chose the default gateway.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer smsframework',
'file' => '',
$items['admin/smsframework/gateways/list'] = array(
'title' => 'List',
'weight' => -9,
$items['admin/smsframework/gateways/%'] = array(
'title callback' => 'sms_admin_gateway_title',
'title arguments' => array(
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer smsframework',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => '',
$items['admin/smsframework/settings'] = array(
'title' => 'Core settings',
'description' => 'Global settings and defaults for the SMS Framework.',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer smsframework',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => -10,
'file' => '',
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function sms_perm() {
return array(
'administer smsframework',
* SMS gateway menutitle callback.
function sms_admin_gateway_title($gateway_id) {
$gateway = sms_gateways('gateway', $gateway_id);
return sprintf('%s gateway', $gateway['name']);
* Get a list of all gateways
* @param $op
* The format in which to return the list. When set to 'gateway' or 'name',
* only the specified gateway is returned. When set to 'gateways' or 'names',
* all gateways are returned.
* @param $gateway
* A gateway identifier string that indicates the gateway to return. Leave at default
* value (NULL) to return all gateways.
* @return
* Either an array of all gateways or a single gateway, in a variable format.
function sms_gateways($op = 'gateways', $gateway = NULL) {
list($_gateways, $_names) = _gateways_build();
switch ($op) {
case 'gateways':
return $_gateways;
case 'gateway':
$return = $_gateways[$gateway];
$return['identifier'] = $gateway;
return $return;
case 'names':
return $_names;
case 'name':
return $_names[$gateway];
function _gateways_build() {
$_gateways = array();
$_names = array();
$gateway_array = module_invoke_all('gateway_info');
foreach ($gateway_array as $identifier => $info) {
$info['configuration'] = variable_get('sms_' . $identifier . '_settings', '');
$_gateways[$identifier] = $info;
$_names[$identifier] = $info['name'];
return array(
* Handle the gateway response so that it can be passed back for processing
* by the sender function
* @param array $response
* Gateway response array, containing:
* status - Mandatory: TRUE or FALSE. (must maintain this for backward-compatibility).
* status_code - Optional: The SMS Framework gateway status code, as per the constants in this module.
* gateway_status_code - Optional: The gateway-specific status code, will be a different set of codes for each gateway.
* gateway_status_text - Optional: The gateway-specific status message text, will be different for each gateway and code.
* message - Optional: Same as gateway_status_text (must maintain this for backward-compatibility).
* @param $number
* The number used by sms_send().
* @param $message
* The message used by sms_send().
* @param $gateway
* The gateway array used by sms_send().
* @param $options
* The options array used by sms_send(). May also include key: 'return_full_gateway_response'.
* @return
* Depending on value of $options['return_full_gateway_reponse'] (an optional key), this may be one of:
* Array of status, gateway and message information.
function sms_handle_result($response, $number, $message, $gateway = array(), $options = array()) {
$status = $response['status'];
$status_code = array_key_exists('status_code', $response) ? $response['status_code'] : SMS_GW_UNKNOWN_STATUS;
$gateway_status_code = array_key_exists('gateway_status_code', $response) ? $response['gateway_status_code'] : '';
// Get the gateway_status_text
if (array_key_exists('gateway_status_text', $response)) {
$gateway_status_text = $response['gateway_status_text'];
elseif (array_key_exists('message', $response)) {
// This is here for backward-compatbility
$gateway_status_text = $response['message'];
else {
$gateway_status_text = '';
// Log failed messages (enabled by default as per previous behavior)
if (!$status && variable_get('sms_log_failed_messages', TRUE)) {
$error_message = 'Sending SMS to %number failed.';
$variables['%number'] = $number;
if ($gateway_status_text) {
$error_message .= ' The gateway said: ' . $gateway_status_text;
// Keeping this variable capture for backward-compatibility
if (!empty($result['variables'])) {
$variables = array_merge($variables, $result['variables']);
watchdog('sms', $error_message, $variables, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
// Whether to return the full response (disabled by default for backward-compatibility)
if (array_key_exists('return_full_gateway_response', $options) && $options['return_full_gateway_response'] == TRUE) {
// Return full gateway response array
$full_response = array(
'status' => $status,
'status_code' => $status_code,
'number' => $number,
'message' => $message,
'gateway' => $gateway,
'options' => $options,
$full_response['gateway']['status_code'] = $gateway_status_code;
$full_response['gateway']['status_text'] = $gateway_status_text;
return $full_response;
else {
// Return simple gateway response (TRUE or FALSE)
return $status;
* Formats a number for display.
* @todo What is this function for?
function sms_format_number(&$number, $options = array()) {
$gateway = sms_default_gateway();
if ($gateway['format number'] && function_exists($gateway['format number'])) {
return $gateway['format number']($number, $options);
else {
return $number;
* Send form. Generates a SMS sending form and adds gateway defined elements.
* The form array that is returned can be merged with an existing form using
* array_merge().
* @todo Show the ruleset selector if the form has previously validated False.
* @param $required
* Specify if the user is required to provide information for the fields.
* @return $form
function sms_send_form($required = FALSE) {
$gateway = sms_default_gateway();
$form['number'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Phone number'),
'#size' => 40,
'#maxlength' => 255,
'#required' => $required,
// Show the ruleset selector if needed (eg: admin setting)
// Named 'country' for historical purposes.
if (function_exists('sms_valid_get_rulesets_for_form') && variable_get('sms_send_form_include_ruleset_selector', TRUE)) {
$title = variable_get('sms_send_form_ruleset_selector_title', 'Country');
$form['country'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t($title),
'#multiple' => FALSE,
'#options' => sms_valid_get_rulesets_for_form(TRUE),
'#default_value' => -1,
// Add gateway defined fields
if (function_exists($gateway['send form'])) {
$form['gateway']['#tree'] = TRUE;
$form['gateway'] = array_merge($gateway['send form']($required), $form['gateway']);
return $form;
* Send form validation.
function sms_send_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if (!array_key_exists('message', $form_state['values']) || empty($form_state['values']['message'])) {
form_set_error('message', t('You must enter a message to send.'));
$number = trim($form_state['values']['number']);
if ($error = sms_validate_number($number, array(
'prefix' => $form_state['values']['country'],
))) {
form_set_error('number', t($error));
// The number may have been changed by the validation function.
// Make sure we preserve the change.
$form_state['values']['number'] = $number;
* Send form submission.
function sms_send_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$number = trim($form_state['values']['number']);
if (array_key_exists('gateway', $form_state['values'])) {
$options = $form_state['values']['gateway'];
else {
$options = array();
sms_send($form_state['values']['number'], $form_state['values']['message'], $options);
* Validate a phone number.
* Gateways and other modules can be called to validate numbers by implementing
* hook_sms_validate(). The active gateway is called separately to validate the
* number. Will stop on the first error it encounters.
* For historical reasons a successful return value is NULL - any other value
* is expected to be an error message. We would like to change this in future.
* @param $number str Mobile phone number
* @param $options int Options to be passed to the validation functions
* @return NULL or an error message
function sms_validate_number(&$number, $options = array()) {
// Get the function names from the modules that implement hook_sms_validate().
// We do not use module_invoke_all() because we lose the ability to
// manipulate the variables passed to the function, eg: $number.
$validation_functions = array();
foreach (module_implements('sms_validate') as $module) {
$validation_functions[] = $module . '_sms_validate';
// Check for zero-length value
if (!strlen($number)) {
return t('You must enter a phone number.');
// Remove any non-digit characters, including whitespace
$number = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $number);
// Pre process hook
foreach ($validation_functions as $function) {
$error = $function('pre process', $number, $options);
if ($error) {
return $error;
// Process hook
foreach ($validation_functions as $function) {
$error = $function('process', $number, $options);
if ($error) {
return $error;
// Allow the active gateway to provide number validation
$gateway = sms_default_gateway();
if (function_exists($gateway['validate number']) && ($result = $gateway['validate number']($number, $options))) {
return $result;
// Post process hook
foreach ($validation_functions as $function) {
$error = $function('post process', $number, $options);
if ($error) {
return $error;
* Render a direction code
* @param $out bool Outgoing allowed or not
* @param $in bool Incoming allowed or not
* @return const The constant that defines this direction combination. Usually an integer value.
function sms_dir($out, $in) {
if ($out && $in) {
return SMS_DIR_ALL;
if ($out && !$in) {
return SMS_DIR_OUT;
if (!$out && $in) {
return SMS_DIR_IN;
if (!$out && !$in) {
return SMS_DIR_NONE;
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function sms_theme() {
return array(
'sms_admin_default_form' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'file' => '',
Name![]() |
Description |
sms_admin_gateway_title | SMS gateway menutitle callback. |
sms_default_gateway | Returns the current default gateway. |
sms_dir | Render a direction code |
sms_format_number | Formats a number for display. |
sms_gateways | Get a list of all gateways |
sms_gateway_info | Implementation of hook_gateway_info() for Log-only gateway. |
sms_handle_result | Handle the gateway response so that it can be passed back for processing by the sender function |
sms_incoming | Callback for incoming messages. Allows gateways modules to pass messages in a standard format for processing. |
sms_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
sms_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). |
sms_receipt | Callback for incoming message receipts. Allows gateways modules to pass message receipts in a standard format for processing, and provides a basic set of status codes for common code handling. |
sms_send | Sends a message using the active gateway. |
sms_send_form | Send form. Generates a SMS sending form and adds gateway defined elements. The form array that is returned can be merged with an existing form using array_merge(). |
sms_send_form_submit | Send form submission. |
sms_send_form_validate | Send form validation. |
sms_send_log | Log-only gateway send function. |
sms_theme | Implementation of hook_theme(). |
sms_validate_number | Validate a phone number. |
_gateways_build |