You are here in Slick Carousel 7.3

Hooks and preprocess functions for the Slick module.

Slick 3.x strives to be compatible with Slick 2.x, but not always. Unlike Slick 2.x which uses .tpl, Slick 3.x uses theme functions with the expected render array for some. An extra care (string vs. render array) is needed as Slick 3.x still supports the unused optional .tpl files, as well.


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 * @file
 * Hooks and preprocess functions for the Slick module.
 * Slick 3.x strives to be compatible with Slick 2.x, but not always.
 * Unlike Slick 2.x which uses .tpl, Slick 3.x uses theme functions with the
 * expected render array for some. An extra care (string vs. render array) is
 * needed as Slick 3.x still supports the unused optional .tpl files, as well.

// phpcs:ignoreFile -- extract($variables) seems not recognized, kindly ignore
use Drupal\blazy\Blazy;
use Drupal\slick\SlickDefault;
use Drupal\slick\Entity\Slick;

 * Preprocess common attributes for slick.
function _slick_preprocess_attributes(&$variables) {
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $variables[$key . '_array'] = isset($variables['element']["#{$key}"]) ? $variables['element']["#{$key}"] : [];

 * Process common attributes for slick.
function _slick_process_attributes(&$variables) {

  // The template_process_BLAH is ditched at D8, including BLAH_array.
  // However we must stick to D7 convention FWIW, save for Slick 4.x maybe.
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $variables[$key] = empty($variables[$key . '_array']) ? '' : drupal_attributes($variables[$key . '_array']);

 * Prepares common variables for slick container.
function _slick_preprocess_container(&$variables) {
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $variables[$key] = isset($variables['element']["#{$key}"]) ? $variables['element']["#{$key}"] : [];

 * Prepares common variables for slick item.
function _slick_preprocess_item(&$variables) {
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $default = $key == 'delta' ? 0 : [];
    $variables[$key] = isset($variables['element']["#{$key}"]) ? $variables['element']["#{$key}"] : $default;

  // Chances are entity_view, or Views flattens out the expected render array.
  // Or a drupal_render() is called too early, or just string passed.
  // Applies to thumbnail caption as well in case bypassing the API.
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    if (!empty($variables['item'][$key]) && is_string($variables['item'][$key])) {
      $variables['item'][$key] = [
        '#markup' => $variables['item'][$key],

  // With clones, regular CSS :nth-child will fail to style uniquely, add delta.
  $variables['attributes_array']['class'][] = 'slick__slide slide slide--' . $variables['delta'];

 * Returns HTML for a slick wrapper with/ without thumbnails.
 * Variables are processed at Drupal\slick\SlickManager::preRenderWrapper().
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - items: An array of slick instances: main and thumbnail slicks.
 *   - settings: HTML related settings.
 * @see Drupal\slick\SlickManager::build()
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick_wrapper(array $variables) {
  $build = [
    'content' => $items,
  if (!empty($settings['nav'])) {
    $build['content']['#prefix'] = '<div' . $attributes . '>';
    $build['content']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  return drupal_render_children($build);

 * Preprocess variables for theme_slick_wrapper(), or slick-wrapper.tpl.php.
function template_preprocess_slick_wrapper(&$variables) {

 * Process variables for theme_slick_wrapper(), or slick-wrapper.tpl.php.
function template_process_slick_wrapper(&$variables) {

 * Returns HTML for a slick.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - items: The array of items containing main image/video/audio, optional
 *       image/video/audio overlay and captions, and optional thumbnail
 *       texts/images.
 *   - js: The JS optionset which may contain configurable HTML such as arrows.
 *   - settings: A cherry-picked settings that mostly defines the slide HTML or
 *       layout, and few JS settings/options which affect HTML output.
 *   - attributes: The attributes to hold the main container classes, RTL, id.
 *   - content_attributes: The array of attributes to hold optional id and
 *       data-slick containing JSON object aka JS settings the Slick expects to
 *       override default options. We don't store these JS settings in the
 *       normal <head>, but inline within data-slick attribute instead.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick(array $variables) {

  // Prevents direct call to this theme without proper checks from screwing up.
  // @todo remove babysitters at Slick 4.x.
  if (empty($items)) {
    return '';

  // Unslick is when slides amount is less than slidesToShow that is when the
  // slideshow cannot slide. The markups are only provided when it can slide.
  if (empty($settings['unslick'])) {
    $arrow_down = empty($arrow_down_attributes) ? '' : '<button' . $arrow_down_attributes . '></button>';
    $arrows = '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-prev" aria-label="' . $js['prevArrow'] . '" tabindex="0">' . $js['prevArrow'] . '</button>';
    $arrows .= $arrow_down;
    $arrows .= '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-next" aria-label="' . $js['nextArrow'] . '" tabindex="0">' . $js['nextArrow'] . '</button>';
    $items = [
      'slides' => $items,
    $items['slides']['#prefix'] = '<div' . $content_attributes . '>';
    $items['slides']['#suffix'] = '</div><nav' . $arrow_attributes . '>' . $arrows . '</nav>';
  $build = [
    'content' => $items,
  $build['content']['#prefix'] = '<div' . $attributes . '>';
  $build['content']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  return drupal_render_children($build);

 * Preprocess variables for theme_slick().
function template_preprocess_slick(&$variables) {
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $variables[$key] = isset($variables['element']["#{$key}"]) ? $variables['element']["#{$key}"] : [];

  // Prepare attributes.
  $settings =& $variables['settings'];
  $settings += SlickDefault::htmlSettings();
  $optionset = $variables['optionset'] ?: Slick::loadWithFallback($settings['optionset']);
  $js = array_merge($optionset
    ->getSettings(), $variables['options']) + SlickDefault::jsSettings();
  $display = $settings['display'];
  $id = $settings['id'] ?: Blazy::getHtmlId('slick');

  // @see SlickManager::buildGrid(), and this should make sense.
  $settings['count'] = isset($settings['count']) ? $settings['count'] : count($variables['items']);
  $settings['unslick'] = $settings['unslick'] || $settings['count'] == 1;
  $attributes =& $variables['attributes_array'];
  $custom_classes = empty($attributes['class']) ? [] : $attributes['class'];
  $attributes['class'] = array_merge([
  ], $custom_classes);
  $attributes['id'] = $display == 'thumbnail' ? $id . '-thumbnail' : $id;
  $content_attributes =& $variables['content_attributes_array'];

  // Blazy can still lazyload an unslick.
  // The lazy supercedes JS lazyLoad for background, breakpoints, media, etc.
  $settings['lazy'] = $settings['lazy'] ?: $js['lazyLoad'];
  if ($display != 'thumbnail' && ($settings['lazy'] == 'blazy' || !empty($settings['blazy']))) {
    $js['lazyLoad'] = 'blazy';

  // Make slick language-direction-aware.
  global $language;
  if ($language->direction == 'rtl') {
    $attributes['dir'] = isset($language->dir) ? $language->dir : '';
    $js['rtl'] = $language->direction ? TRUE : FALSE;

  // Prevents broken slick when only one item given, or an enforced unslick.
  if ($settings['unslick']) {
    $attributes['class'][] = 'unslick';
  else {
    if ($settings['count'] <= $js['slidesToShow']) {
      $attributes['class'][] = 'slick--less';

    // Arrows.
    $arrows = $downs = [];
    if ($js['vertical']) {
      $arrows[] = 'slick__arrow--v';

    // Only makes sense for the main display, not thumbnail, overlay.
    if ($display == 'main') {
      if ($settings['skin_arrows']) {
        $arrows[] = 'slick__arrow--' . str_replace('_', '-', $settings['skin_arrows']);

      // Down arrows.
      if (!empty($js['downArrow']) && !empty($js['downArrowTarget'])) {
        $downs['class'] = [
        $downs['data-offset'] = $js['downArrowOffset'];
        $downs['data-target'] = $js['downArrowTarget'];
        $downs['data-role'] = 'none';
        $downs['type'] = 'button';
        $attributes['class'][] = 'slick--has-arrow-down';
    $variables['arrow_down_attributes_array'] = $downs;
    $variables['arrow_attributes_array']['class'] = array_merge([
    ], $arrows);
    $variables['arrow_attributes_array']['role'] = 'navigation';

    // Main arrows.
    // @todo remove the $settings parts (BC) for $js to reduce dups.
    $js['prevArrow'] = $settings['prev_arrow'] = strip_tags($js['prevArrow']);
    $js['nextArrow'] = $settings['next_arrow'] = strip_tags($js['nextArrow']);

    // focusOnSelect won't work with empty slide value, so add proper selector.
    // Respects core Grid markups which may wrap .slick__slide within anon DIV.
    if (empty($js['slide']) && !empty($js['focusOnSelect'])) {
      $js['slide'] = $js['rows'] == 1 && $js['slidesPerRow'] == 1 ? '.slick__slide' : $js['slide'];

    // Add the configuration as JSON object into the slick container.
    $js = isset($variables['js']) ? array_merge($js, $variables['js']) : $js;
    $content_attributes['id'] = $attributes['id'] . '-slider';
    $content_attributes['class'][] = 'slick__slider';
    if ($json = $optionset
      ->removeDefaultValues($js)) {
      $content_attributes['data-slick'] = drupal_json_encode($json);

  // Pass js, settings and attributes to theme_slick().
  $variables['js'] = $js;
  $variables['settings'] = $settings;

  // Process individual item, basically converting array to render array.
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $item_settings = isset($item['settings']) ? array_merge($settings, $item['settings']) : $settings;
    $item_attributes = isset($item['attributes']) ? $item['attributes'] : [];
    $item_settings['current_item'] = $display;

    // Remove extracted item elements to prevent them from being rendered.
    unset($item['settings'], $item['attributes'], $item['item']);

    // Using non-hard-coded theme_slick_BLAH() is simply for flexibility
    // to extend functionality -- lightbox, grid, main media or thumbnail, etc.
    // before arriving here. This is kind of tiny control room to decide what
    // to do with each item. Note the new vanilla and thumbnail themes.
    $theme = $settings['vanilla'] ? 'vanilla' : ($display == 'thumbnail' ? 'thumbnail' : 'slide');
    $slide = [
      '#theme' => 'slick_' . $theme,
      '#item' => $item,
      '#delta' => $delta,
      '#settings' => $item_settings,
      '#attributes' => $item_attributes,
    $variables['items'][$delta] = $slide;

  // Had weird issues with some theme expecting classes array at 2014, satisfy.
  $variables['classes_array'] = $attributes['class'];

 * Process variables for theme_slick(), or slick.tpl.php.
function template_process_slick(&$variables) {
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {
    $variables[$key . '_attributes'] = empty($variables[$key . '_attributes_array']) ? '' : drupal_attributes($variables[$key . '_attributes_array']);

 * Returns HTML for a slick_vanilla to render individual slide as is.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the element.
 *   - delta: An index of the current item.
 *   - item: A renderable array of the slide content can be just anything.
 *   - settings: An array containing the given settings.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick_vanilla(array $variables) {
  return $item ? '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes_array) . '>' . drupal_render($item) . '</div>' : '';

 * Returns HTML for a thumbnail navigation.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the element.
 *   - delta: An index of the current item.
 *   - item contains:
 *     - slide: A renderable array of the thumbnail image/background.
 *     - caption: A renderable array containing caption text for tab-like.
 *   - settings: An array containing the given settings.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick_thumbnail(array $variables) {
  $build = '';

  // Cannot use FIGURE, as both slide and caption are optional. FIGURE makes
  // no sense when only caption is provided for tab navigation, and no image.
  if (!empty($item['slide'])) {
    $build .= '<div class="slide__thumbnail">' . drupal_render($item['slide']) . '</div>';
  if (!empty($item['caption'])) {
    $build .= '<div class="slide__caption">' . drupal_render($item['caption']) . '</div>';
  return $build ? '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes_array) . '>' . $build . '</div>' : '';

 * Returns HTML for a slick slide.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the element.
 *   - content_attributes: An array of attributes for the inner element.
 *   - delta: An index of the current item.
 *   - item containing:
 *     - slide: A renderable array of the main image/background.
 *     - caption: A renderable array containing caption fields if provided:
 *       - title: The individual slide title.
 *       - alt: The core Image field Alt as caption.
 *       - link: The slide links or buttons.
 *       - overlay: The image/audio/video overlay, or a nested slick.
 *       - data: Any possible field for more complex data if crazy enough.
 *   - settings: An array containing the given settings.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick_slide(array $variables) {
  $slide = empty($item['slide']) ? '' : drupal_render($item['slide']);
  if ($slide && $settings['split'] && empty($settings['unslick'])) {
    $slide = '<div class="slide__media">' . $slide . '</div>';
  $caption = '';

  // Ensures no caption markup is displayed until its data is provided.
  if ($settings['use_caption']) {
    $inner = empty($item['caption']['title']) ? '' : '<h2 class="slide__title">' . drupal_render($item['caption']['title']) . '</h2>';
    $inner .= empty($item['caption']['alt']) ? '' : '<p class="slide__description">' . drupal_render($item['caption']['alt']) . '</p>';
    $inner .= empty($item['caption']['data']) ? '' : '<div class="slide__description">' . drupal_render($item['caption']['data']) . '</div>';
    $inner .= empty($item['caption']['link']) ? '' : '<div class="slide__link">' . drupal_render($item['caption']['link']) . '</div>';

    // Third level overlay container can be nested slicks, or videos.
    if (empty($item['caption']['overlay'])) {
      $caption = $inner;
    else {
      $caption = '<div class="slide__overlay">' . drupal_render($item['caption']['overlay']) . '</div>';

      // Prevents overlay (nested slicks) from overlapping individual caption.
      if ($settings['has_data']) {
        $caption .= '<div class="slide__data">' . $inner . '</div>';

    // Second level caption container.
    $caption = '<div' . $caption_attributes . '>' . $caption . '</div>';

    // First level caption fullwidth container.
    if ($settings['fullwidth']) {
      $caption = '<div class="slide__constrained">' . $caption . '</div>';

  // Put slide and caption together, and only wrap with extra divs as required.
  // We should have bare minimum markups until required at the cost of ifities.
  // The same applies to CSS classes. By default slick has only two CSS classes.
  $build = $slide . $caption;
  if ($settings['use_wrapper']) {

    // Second level slide container.
    if (empty($settings['grid'])) {
      $build = '<div' . $content_attributes . '>' . $build . '</div>';

    // First level slide container.
    $build = '<div' . $attributes . '>' . $build . '</div>';
  return $build;

 * Preprocess variables for theme_slick_slide() and slick-slide.tpl.php.
function template_preprocess_slick_slide(&$variables) {

  // All slide types: main, thumbnail, grid, overlay -- may have captions.
  // Anything but the main slide is treated as captions for clarity.
  // Variables item may contain `slide` and `caption`.
  foreach ([
  ] as $key) {

    // Chances are entity_view, or Views flattens out the expected render array.
    // Or a drupal_render() is called too early, or just string passed.
    $caption = isset($variables['item']['caption'][$key]) ? $variables['item']['caption'][$key] : [];
    if ($caption) {
      $caption = is_string($caption) ? [
        '#markup' => $caption,
      ] : $caption;
    $variables['item']['caption'][$key] = $caption;
  $item =& $variables['item'];
  $settings =& $variables['settings'];
  $attributes =& $variables['attributes_array'];
  $content_attributes =& $variables['content_attributes_array'];

  // detroy: Remove .slide__content if it is an enforced unslick grid.
  // fullwidth: If full skins, add wrappers to hold caption and overlay.
  // split: Split image from captions if we do have captions, and main image.
  // use_wrapper: Don't add divities for a single item to have clean markups.
  $item['slide'] = isset($item['slide']) ? $item['slide'] : [];
  $settings['detroy'] = $settings['current_item'] == 'main' && $settings['grid'] && !empty($settings['unslick']);
  $settings['fullwidth'] = !empty($settings['skin']) && strpos($settings['skin'], 'full') !== FALSE;
  $settings['has_data'] = !empty($item['caption']['alt']) || !empty($item['caption']['title']) || !empty($item['caption']['data']);
  $settings['split'] = !empty($item) && (!empty($settings['caption']) || !empty($settings['title']));
  $settings['use_caption'] = !empty(array_filter($item['caption']));
  $settings['use_wrapper'] = $settings['count'] > 1 && $settings['current_item'] != 'grid';
  if (!empty($settings['layout'])) {
    $attributes['class'][] = 'slide--caption--' . str_replace('_', '-', $settings['layout']);
  if (!empty($settings['class'])) {

    // Respects string with spaces such as CSV tags to space delimiter.
    $attributes['class'][] = drupal_strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $settings['class']));
  $content_attributes['class'][] = $settings['detroy'] ? 'slide' : 'slide__content';
  $variables['caption_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'slide__caption';
  $variables['classes_array'] = $attributes['class'];

 * Process variables for theme_slick_slide() or slick-slide.tpl.php.
function template_process_slick_slide(&$variables) {
  $variables['caption_attributes'] = empty($variables['caption_attributes_array']) ? '' : drupal_attributes($variables['caption_attributes_array']);

 * Returns HTML for a slick grid.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the element.
 *   - items: A renderable array of the main image/background.
 *   - settings: An array containing cherry-picked settings.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_slick_grid(array $variables) {
  $build = '';
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    $slide = '<div class="grid__content">' . drupal_render($item) . '</div>';
    $build .= '<li' . drupal_attributes($item_attributes_array[$delta]) . '>' . $slide . '</li>';
  return '<ul' . drupal_attributes($attributes_array) . '>' . $build . '</ul>';

 * Prepares variables for theme_slick_grid().
function template_preprocess_slick_grid(&$variables) {
  $settings = $variables['settings'];
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $settings = isset($item['settings']) ? array_merge($settings, $item['settings']) : $settings;
    $settings['current_item'] = 'grid';
    $item_attributes = empty($item['attributes']) ? [] : $item['attributes'];
    $classes = empty($item_attributes['class']) ? [] : (array) $item_attributes['class'];
    if (empty($settings['unslick'])) {
      $classes[] = 'slide__grid';
    $item_attributes['class'] = array_merge([
    ], $classes);
    unset($item['settings'], $item['attributes']);
    $slide['slide'] = [
      '#theme' => empty($settings['vanilla']) ? 'slick_slide' : 'slick_vanilla',
      '#item' => $item,
      '#delta' => $delta,
      '#settings' => $settings,
    $variables['item_attributes_array'][$delta] = $item_attributes;
    $variables['items'][$delta] = $slide;

 * Implements hook_process_slick_grid().
 * This is BC for Slick 2.x which had slick-grid.tpl.php, but no longer at 3.x.
 * As a module .tpl may be copied into themes, we play safe. At Slick 3.x,
 * you can override theme_slick_grid() instead, and remove slick-grid.tpl.php.
 * @todo to be removed post full release as this is no longer needed.
function template_process_slick_grid(&$variables) {
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $variables['item_attributes'][$delta] = empty($variables['item_attributes_array'][$delta]) ? '' : drupal_attributes($variables['item_attributes_array'][$delta]);


Namesort descending Description
template_preprocess_slick Preprocess variables for theme_slick().
template_preprocess_slick_grid Prepares variables for theme_slick_grid().
template_preprocess_slick_slide Preprocess variables for theme_slick_slide() and slick-slide.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_slick_wrapper Preprocess variables for theme_slick_wrapper(), or slick-wrapper.tpl.php.
template_process_slick Process variables for theme_slick(), or slick.tpl.php.
template_process_slick_grid Implements hook_process_slick_grid().
template_process_slick_slide Process variables for theme_slick_slide() or slick-slide.tpl.php.
template_process_slick_wrapper Process variables for theme_slick_wrapper(), or slick-wrapper.tpl.php.
theme_slick Returns HTML for a slick.
theme_slick_grid Returns HTML for a slick grid.
theme_slick_slide Returns HTML for a slick slide.
theme_slick_thumbnail Returns HTML for a thumbnail navigation.
theme_slick_vanilla Returns HTML for a slick_vanilla to render individual slide as is.
theme_slick_wrapper Returns HTML for a slick wrapper with/ without thumbnails.
_slick_preprocess_attributes Preprocess common attributes for slick.
_slick_preprocess_container Prepares common variables for slick container.
_slick_preprocess_item Prepares common variables for slick item.
_slick_process_attributes Process common attributes for slick.