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slick-wrapper.tpl.php in Slick Carousel 7.3

Default theme implementation for the Slick carousel wrapper template.

This file is not used by Slick, which uses theme_slick_wrapper() instead for performance reasons. The markup is the same, though, so if you want to use template files rather than functions to extend Slick theming, copy this to your custom theme. If you are comfortable with PHP, consider overriding theme_slick_wrapper() instead, such as MY_THEME_slick_wrapper(), or regular preprocess.

This file is also provided to support Views template suggestions at Views UI when using Slick Views style plugins.

Available variables:

  • $items: An array of slick instances: main and thumbnail slicks.
  • $settings: A cherry-picked settings that mostly defines the slide HTML or layout, and none of JS settings/options which are defined at each slick.
  • $attributes: The array of attributes to hold the container classes, and id.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for the Slick carousel wrapper template.
 * This file is not used by Slick, which uses theme_slick_wrapper() instead for
 * performance reasons. The markup is the same, though, so if you want to use
 * template files rather than functions to extend Slick theming, copy this to
 * your custom theme. If you are comfortable with PHP, consider overriding
 * theme_slick_wrapper() instead, such as MY_THEME_slick_wrapper(), or
 * regular preprocess.
 * This file is also provided to support Views template suggestions at Views UI
 * when using Slick Views style plugins.
 * Available variables:
 * - $items: An array of slick instances: main and thumbnail slicks.
 * - $settings: A cherry-picked settings that mostly defines the slide HTML or
 *     layout, and none of JS settings/options which are defined at each slick.
 * - $attributes: The array of attributes to hold the container classes, and id.
 * @see theme_slick_wrapper()
 * @see template_preprocess_slick_wrapper()
if (!empty($settings['nav'])) {

  print $attributes;



foreach ($items as $item) {

  print render($item);



if (!empty($settings['nav'])) {
