function theme_slick in Slick Carousel 7.3
Returns HTML for a slick.
array $variables: An associative array containing:
- items: The array of items containing main image/video/audio, optional image/video/audio overlay and captions, and optional thumbnail texts/images.
- js: The JS optionset which may contain configurable HTML such as arrows.
- settings: A cherry-picked settings that mostly defines the slide HTML or layout, and few JS settings/options which affect HTML output.
- attributes: The attributes to hold the main container classes, RTL, id.
- content_attributes: The array of attributes to hold optional id and data-slick containing JSON object aka JS settings the Slick expects to override default options. We don't store these JS settings in the normal <head>, but inline within data-slick attribute instead.
1 theme call to theme_slick()
- SlickManager::slick in src/
SlickManager.php - Returns a cacheable renderable array of a single slick instance.
- templates/, line 130 - Hooks and preprocess functions for the Slick module.
function theme_slick(array $variables) {
// Prevents direct call to this theme without proper checks from screwing up.
// @todo remove babysitters at Slick 4.x.
if (empty($items)) {
return '';
// Unslick is when slides amount is less than slidesToShow that is when the
// slideshow cannot slide. The markups are only provided when it can slide.
if (empty($settings['unslick'])) {
$arrow_down = empty($arrow_down_attributes) ? '' : '<button' . $arrow_down_attributes . '></button>';
$arrows = '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-prev" aria-label="' . $js['prevArrow'] . '" tabindex="0">' . $js['prevArrow'] . '</button>';
$arrows .= $arrow_down;
$arrows .= '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-next" aria-label="' . $js['nextArrow'] . '" tabindex="0">' . $js['nextArrow'] . '</button>';
$items = [
'slides' => $items,
$items['slides']['#prefix'] = '<div' . $content_attributes . '>';
$items['slides']['#suffix'] = '</div><nav' . $arrow_attributes . '>' . $arrows . '</nav>';
$build = [
'content' => $items,
$build['content']['#prefix'] = '<div' . $attributes . '>';
$build['content']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
return drupal_render_children($build);