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function theme_slick_vanilla in Slick Carousel 7.3

Returns HTML for a slick_vanilla to render individual slide as is.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • attributes: An array of attributes to apply to the element.
  • delta: An index of the current item.
  • item: A renderable array of the slide content can be just anything.
  • settings: An array containing the given settings.
1 theme call to theme_slick_vanilla()
template_preprocess_slick_grid in templates/
Prepares variables for theme_slick_grid().


templates/, line 310
Hooks and preprocess functions for the Slick module.


function theme_slick_vanilla(array $variables) {
  return $item ? '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes_array) . '>' . drupal_render($item) . '</div>' : '';