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function slick_get_options in Slick Carousel 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 \slick_get_options()
  2. 7 slick.module \slick_get_options()

Returns an array of default options available for a Slick instance.

9 calls to slick_get_options()
SlickTestCase::getOptions in tests/slick.test
Test configuration options.
SlickUi::edit_form_submit in slick_ui/plugins/export_ui/SlickUi.class.php
Overrides the edit form submit handler.
SlickUi::getSlickElements in slick_ui/plugins/export_ui/SlickUi.class.php
Defines a list of form elements available for the Slick.
slick_attach in ./slick.module
Returns the fully cached JS and CSS assets for the given slick.
slick_get_responsive_options in includes/
Defines a list of options available for the responsive Slick.

... See full list


./slick.module, line 108
Slick carousel integration, the last carousel you'll ever need.


function slick_get_options() {
  $options =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($options)) {
    $options = array(
      'mobileFirst' => FALSE,
      'asNavFor' => '',
      'accessibility' => TRUE,
      'adaptiveHeight' => FALSE,
      'autoplay' => FALSE,
      'autoplaySpeed' => 3000,
      'pauseOnHover' => TRUE,
      'pauseOnDotsHover' => FALSE,
      'arrows' => TRUE,
      'prevArrow' => 'Previous',
      'nextArrow' => 'Next',
      'centerMode' => FALSE,
      'centerPadding' => '50px',
      'dots' => FALSE,
      'dotsClass' => 'slick-dots',
      'appendDots' => '$(element)',
      'draggable' => TRUE,
      'fade' => FALSE,
      'focusOnSelect' => FALSE,
      'infinite' => TRUE,
      'initialSlide' => 0,
      'lazyLoad' => 'ondemand',
      'mousewheel' => FALSE,
      'randomize' => FALSE,
      'respondTo' => 'window',
      'rtl' => FALSE,
      'rows' => 1,
      'slidesPerRow' => 1,
      'slide' => '',
      'slidesToShow' => 1,
      'slidesToScroll' => 1,
      'speed' => 500,
      'swipe' => TRUE,
      'swipeToSlide' => FALSE,
      'edgeFriction' => 0.35,
      'touchMove' => TRUE,
      'touchThreshold' => 5,
      'useCSS' => TRUE,
      'cssEase' => 'ease',
      'useTransform' => TRUE,
      'easing' => 'linear',
      'variableWidth' => FALSE,
      'vertical' => FALSE,
      'verticalSwiping' => FALSE,
      'waitForAnimate' => TRUE,
  return $options;