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9 calls to slick_get_options() in Slick Carousel 7.2

SlickTestCase::getOptions in tests/slick.test
Test configuration options.
SlickUi::edit_form_submit in slick_ui/plugins/export_ui/SlickUi.class.php
Overrides the edit form submit handler.
SlickUi::getSlickElements in slick_ui/plugins/export_ui/SlickUi.class.php
Defines a list of form elements available for the Slick.
slick_attach in ./slick.module
Returns the fully cached JS and CSS assets for the given slick.
slick_get_responsive_options in includes/
Defines a list of options available for the responsive Slick.
slick_optionset_create in ./slick.module
Returns a new optionset object without saving it to the database.
slick_optionset_save in includes/
Saves the given option set to the database.
_slick_remove_default_optionset_options in templates/
Strips out options similar to default values from the optionset options.
_slick_typecast_optionset in includes/
Returns the typecast values, so that JSON object has the right values.