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slick.test in Slick Carousel 7.2

Provides test cases for Slick carousel based on flexslider.test.

Due credit to Flexslider. Slick is just adjusting/correcting its failures.


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 * @file
 * Provides test cases for Slick carousel based on flexslider.test.
 * Due credit to Flexslider. Slick is just adjusting/correcting its failures.

 * Tests the Slick optionsets, configuration options and permission controls.
 * Usage:
 * $ drush test-run --uri= SlickTestCase
 * Or check Slick tests at: admin/config/development/testing, and hit Run tests.
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see DrupalTestCase
class SlickTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * The admin object.
   * @var object
  protected $adminUser;

   * The any user object.
   * @var object
  protected $anyUser;

   * Provides info for the UI.
  public static function getInfo() {

    // Note: getInfo() strings are not translated with t().
    return array(
      'name' => 'Slick tests',
      'description' => 'Tests the Slick optionsets, configuration options and permission controls.',
      'group' => 'Slick',

   * Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp.
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('libraries', 'ctools', 'jquery_update', 'slick', 'slick_ui');

    // Create users.
    $this->adminUser = $this
      'administer slick',
    $this->anyUser = $this
      'access administration pages',

   * Tests Slick permission.
  public function testAdminAccess() {

    // Login as the admin user.

    // Load admin page.
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Administrative permission allows access to administration page.');

    // Logout as admin user.

    // Login as any user.

    // Attempt to load Slick admin page.
      ->assertResponse(403, 'Regular users do not have access to administer Slick pages.');

   * Tests Slick optionset CRUD.
  public function testOptionSetCrud() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'slick', 'includes/slick.admin');

    // Login as the admin user.
    $testsets = array(
    foreach ($testsets as $name) {

      // Create a new optionset with default settings.
      $optionset = slick_optionset_create(array(
        'name' => $name,
        ->assertTrue($optionset->name == $name, t('Optionset object created: <strong>@name</strong>', array(
        '@name' => $optionset->name,
        ->assertFalse(empty($optionset->options), 'Create optionset works.');

      // Save the optionset to the database.
      $optionset = slick_optionset_save($optionset, TRUE);
        ->assertFalse(FALSE === $optionset, 'Optionset saved to database.');

      // Read the values from the database.
      $optionset = slick_optionset_load($name);
        ->assertTrue(is_object($optionset), t('Loaded optionset: <strong>@name</strong>', array(
        '@name' => $optionset->name,
        ->assertEqual($name, $optionset->name, t('Loaded name matches: <strong>@name</strong>', array(
        '@name' => $optionset->name,

      // Ensure defaults match the custom saved data when no overrides.
      $default = slick_optionset_create();
      foreach ((array) $default->options['settings'] as $key => $value) {
        $new_value = $optionset->options['settings'][$key];
        $read_value = $this
        $read_new_value = $this
        $message = t('<strong>@key</strong>: default:<strong>@value</strong> matches saved:<strong>@new_value</strong>.', array(
          '@key' => $key,
          '@value' => $read_value,
          '@new_value' => $read_new_value,
          ->assertEqual($value, $new_value, $message);

    // Load all optionsets with a reset.
    $optionsets = slick_optionset_load_all(TRUE);
      ->assertTrue(is_array($optionsets), 'Available optionsets loaded');
    $message = t('Proper number of optionsets loaded (two created, one default): <strong>@count</strong>', array(
      '@count' => count($optionsets),
      ->assertTrue(count($optionsets) == 3, $message);

    // Ensure they all loaded correctly.
    foreach ($optionsets as $key => $optionset) {
        ->assertTrue(isset($optionset->name), t('<strong>@key</strong>: Loaded optionsets have a defined machine <strong>@name</strong>', array(
        '@key' => $key,
        '@name' => $optionset->name,
        ->assertTrue(isset($optionset->label), t('<strong>@key</strong>: Loaded optionsets have a defined human readable name <strong>@label</strong>', array(
        '@key' => $key,
        '@label' => $optionset->label,
        ->assertTrue(isset($optionset->options), t('<strong>@key</strong>: Loaded optionsets have a defined array of options', array(
        '@key' => $key,

    // Update the optionset.
    $test_options = $this
    $test_options = $test_options['valid'];

    // Load one of the test optionset.
    $test = $testsets[1];
    $optionset = slick_optionset_load($test);

    // Compare saved options different from the set2 options.
    foreach ($test_options['set2'] as $key => $value) {
      $saved_value = $optionset->options['settings'][$key];
      $read_value = $this
      $read_saved_value = $this
      $message = t('<strong>@key</strong>: saved value:<strong>@saved_value</strong> can be overriden by set2:<strong>@value</strong>.', array(
        '@key' => $key,
        '@saved_value' => $read_saved_value,
        '@value' => $read_value,
        ->assertNotEqual($saved_value, $value, $message);

    // Union the saved values to use the overrides now.
    $optionset->options['settings'] = (array) $test_options['set2'] + (array) $optionset->options['settings'];

    // Save the updated values.
    $optionset = slick_optionset_save($optionset);
      ->assertFalse(FALSE == $optionset, 'Saved updates to optionset to database.');

    // Load the values from the database again.
    $optionset = slick_optionset_load($test);

    // Compare saved options match the set2 options.
    foreach ($test_options['set2'] as $key => $value) {
      $saved_value = $optionset->options['settings'][$key];
      $read_value = $this
      $read_saved_value = $this
      $message = t('<strong>@key</strong>: saved value:<strong>@saved_value</strong> matches set2:<strong>@value</strong>.', array(
        '@key' => $key,
        '@saved_value' => $read_saved_value,
        '@value' => $read_value,
        ->assertEqual($saved_value, $value, $message);

    // Delete the optionset.
      ->assertTrue(slick_optionset_exists($test), t('Optionset <strong>@name</strong> exists and is ready to be deleted and reverted.', array(
      '@name' => $test,

    // Remove from db, but kept in code with slick_optionset_create() above.

    // Ensure the optionset is reverted to code after deletion from DB.
      ->assertTrue(slick_optionset_exists($test), t('Optionset <strong>@name</strong> is deleted from DB, and reverted to code.', array(
      '@name' => $test,

   * Tests Slick optionset form.
  public function testOptionSetForm() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'slick', 'includes/slick.admin');

    // Login with admin user.

    // Test the optionset add.
    // Load create form.
      ->assertResponse(200, 'Administrative user can reach the "Add" form.');

    // Save the new optionset.
    $optionset = array();
    $optionset['label'] = 'Testset';
    $optionset['name'] = 'testset';
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/media/slick/add', $optionset, t('Save'));
      ->assertTrue(slick_optionset_exists($optionset['name']), t('Successfully created the new optionset: @label', array(
      '@label' => $optionset['label'],

    // Attempt to save option set of the same name again.
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/media/slick/add', $optionset, t('Save'));
      ->assertText("The machine-readable name is already in use. It must be unique.", "Blocked the creation of duplicate named optionset.");

    // Test the optionset edit.
    $options = $this
    foreach ($options['valid'] as $edit) {

      // Attempts to save each option value.
      $xpath = array();
      foreach ($edit as $key => $value) {
        $xpath["options[settings][{$key}]"] = $value;
        ->drupalPost('admin/config/media/slick/list/default/edit', $xpath, t('Save'));
        ->assertResponse(200, 'Default optionset overriden.');

      // Test saved values loaded into form.
        ->assertResponse(200, 'Default optionset reloaded.');
      foreach ($edit as $v => $value) {
        $read_value = $this
          ->assertFieldByName("options[settings][{$v}]", $value, t("@v:<strong>@value</strong> inserted correctly.", array(
          '@value' => $read_value,
          '@v' => $v,

    // Test the optionset delete.
    $testset = slick_optionset_load('testset');

    // Test the delete workflow.
      ->assertText("Are you sure you want to delete {$testset->name}?", 'Delete confirmation form loaded.');
      ->drupalPost("admin/config/media/slick/list/{$testset->name}/delete", '', 'Delete');
      ->assertText("The item has been deleted.", 'Deleted Testset using form.');

   * Test configuration options.
   * @return array
   *   Returns an array of options to test saving.
  public function getOptions() {

    // Valid optionset data.
    $defaults = slick_get_options();

    // Exclude non UI options, but included as defaults for formatters, or
    // outside the designated main form elements.
    $valid = array(
      'set1' => $defaults,
      'set2' => array(
        'autoplay' => TRUE,
        'initialSlide' => 1,

    // Invalid edge cases.
    $error = array();
    return array(
      'valid' => $valid,
      'error' => $error,

   * Test configuration options.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The given value.
   * @return mixed
   *   Returns printed value.
  public function getPrintedValue($value) {
    $read_value = $value === FALSE ? 'FALSE' : ($value === TRUE ? 'TRUE' : $value);
    $read_value = empty($read_value) ? 'NULL' : $read_value;
    return $read_value;



Namesort descending Description
SlickTestCase Tests the Slick optionsets, configuration options and permission controls.