function hook_search_api_results_alter in Search API 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 search_api.api.php \hook_search_api_results_alter()
Alter the search results before they are returned.
array $results: The results returned by the server, which may be altered. The data structure is the same as returned by SearchApiQueryInterface::execute().
SearchApiQueryInterface $query: The search query that was executed.
1 invocation of hook_search_api_results_alter()
- SearchApiQuery::postExecute in includes/ - Postprocesses the search results before they are returned.
- ./
search_api.api.php, line 357 - Hooks provided by the Search API module.
function hook_search_api_results_alter(array &$results, SearchApiQueryInterface $query) {
if ($query
->getOption('search id') == 'search_api_views:my_search_view:page') {
// Log the number of results.
$vars = array(
'@keys' => $query
'@num' => $results['result count'],
watchdog('my_module', 'Search view with query "@keys" had @num results.', $vars, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);