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interface SearchApiQueryInterface in Search API 7

Interface representing a search query on an Search API index.

Methods not returning something else will return the object itself, so calls can be chained.


Expanded class hierarchy of SearchApiQueryInterface

All classes that implement SearchApiQueryInterface


includes/, line 14
Contains SearchApiQueryInterface and SearchApiQuery.

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interface SearchApiQueryInterface {

   * Constructs a new search query.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The index the query should be executed on.
   * @param array $options
   *   Associative array of options configuring this query. Recognized options
   *   are:
   *   - conjunction: The type of conjunction to use for this query - either
   *     'AND' or 'OR'. 'AND' by default. This only influences the search keys,
   *     filters will always use AND by default.
   *   - 'parse mode': The mode with which to parse the $keys variable, if it
   *     is set and not already an array. See SearchApiQuery::parseModes() for
   *     recognized parse modes.
   *   - languages: The languages to search for, as an array of language IDs.
   *     If not specified, all languages will be searched. Language-neutral
   *     content (LANGUAGE_NONE) is always searched.
   *   - offset: The position of the first returned search results relative to
   *     the whole result in the index.
   *   - limit: The maximum number of search results to return. -1 means no
   *     limit.
   *   - 'filter class': Can be used to change the SearchApiQueryFilterInterface
   *     implementation to use.
   *   - 'search id': A string that will be used as the identifier when storing
   *     this search in the Search API's static cache.
   *   - 'skip result count': If present and set to TRUE, the result's
   *     "result count" key will not be needed. Service classes can check for
   *     this option to possibly avoid executing expensive operations to compute
   *     the result count in cases where it is not needed.
   *   - search_api_access_account: The account which will be used for entity
   *     access checks, if available and enabled for the index.
   *   - search_api_bypass_access: If set to TRUE, entity access checks will be
   *     skipped, even if enabled for the index.
   *   All options are optional. Third-party modules might define and use other
   *   options not listed here.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If a search on that index (or with those options) won't be possible.
  public function __construct(SearchApiIndex $index, array $options = array());

   * Retrieves the parse modes supported by this query class.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of parse modes recognized by objects of this class.
   *   The keys are the parse modes' ids, values are associative arrays
   *   containing the following entries:
   *   - name: The translated name of the parse mode.
   *   - description: (optional) A translated text describing the parse mode.
  public function parseModes();

   * Creates a new filter to use with this query object.
   * @param string $conjunction
   *   The conjunction to use for the filter - either 'AND' or 'OR'.
   * @param $tags
   *   (Optional) An arbitrary set of tags. Can be used to identify this filter
   *   down the line if necessary. This is primarily used by the facet system
   *   to support OR facet queries.
   * @return SearchApiQueryFilterInterface
   *   A filter object that is set to use the specified conjunction.
  public function createFilter($conjunction = 'AND', $tags = array());

   * Sets the keys to search for.
   * If this method is not called on the query before execution, this will be a
   * filter-only query.
   * @param array|string|null $keys
   *   A string with the unparsed search keys, or NULL to use no search keys.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  public function keys($keys = NULL);

   * Sets the fields that will be searched for the search keys.
   * If this is not called, all fulltext fields will be searched.
   * @param array $fields
   *   An array containing fulltext fields that should be searched.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If one of the fields isn't of type "text".

  // @todo Allow calling with NULL.
  public function fields(array $fields);

   * Adds a subfilter to this query's filter.
   * @param SearchApiQueryFilterInterface $filter
   *   A SearchApiQueryFilter object that should be added as a subfilter.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  public function filter(SearchApiQueryFilterInterface $filter);

   * Adds a new ($field $operator $value) condition filter.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field to filter on, e.g. 'title'.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value the field should have (or be related to by the operator).
   * @param string $operator
   *   The operator to use for checking the constraint. The following operators
   *   are supported for primitive types: "=", "<>", "<", "<=", ">=", ">". They
   *   have the same semantics as the corresponding SQL operators.
   *   If $field is a fulltext field, $operator can only be "=" or "<>", which
   *   are in this case interpreted as "contains" or "doesn't contain",
   *   respectively.
   *   If $value is NULL, $operator also can only be "=" or "<>", meaning the
   *   field must have no or some value, respectively.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  public function condition($field, $value, $operator = '=');

   * Adds a sort directive to this search query.
   * If no sort is manually set, the results will be sorted descending by
   * relevance.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field to sort by. The special fields 'search_api_relevance' (sort by
   *   relevance) and 'search_api_id' (sort by item id) may be used. Also, if
   *   the search server supports the "search_api_random_sort" feature, the
   *   "search_api_random" special field can be used to sort randomly.
   * @param string $order
   *   The order to sort items in - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If the field is multi-valued or of a fulltext type.
  public function sort($field, $order = 'ASC');

   * Adds a range of results to return.
   * This will be saved in the query's options. If called without parameters,
   * this will remove all range restrictions previously set.
   * @param int|null $offset
   *   The zero-based offset of the first result returned.
   * @param int|null $limit
   *   The number of results to return.
   * @return SearchApiQueryInterface
   *   The called object.
  public function range($offset = NULL, $limit = NULL);

   * Executes this search query.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array containing the search results. The following keys
   *   are standardized:
   *   - 'result count': The overall number of results for this query, without
   *     range restrictions. Might be approximated, for large numbers, or
   *     skipped entirely if the "skip result count" option was set on this
   *     query.
   *   - results: An array of results, ordered as specified. The array keys are
   *     the items' IDs, values are arrays containing the following keys:
   *     - id: The item's ID.
   *     - score: A float measuring how well the item fits the search.
   *     - fields: (optional) If set, an array containing some field values
   *       already ready-to-use. This allows search engines (or postprocessors)
   *       to store extracted fields so other modules don't have to extract them
   *       again. This fields should always be checked by modules that want to
   *       use field contents of the result items. The format of the array is
   *       field IDs (as used by the Search API internally) mapped to either the
   *       raw value of the field (scalar or array value), or an associative
   *       array with the following keys:
   *       - #value: The raw field value.
   *       - #sanitize_callback: The callback to use for sanitizing the field
   *         value for HTML output, or FALSE to state that the field value is
   *         already sanitized.
   *       In the simple form, it's assumed the field value should be sanitized
   *       with check_plain().
   *     - entity: (optional) If set, the fully loaded result item. This field
   *       should always be used by modules using search results, to avoid
   *       duplicate item loads.
   *     - excerpt: (optional) If set, an HTML text containing highlighted
   *       portions of the fulltext that match the query.
   *   - warnings: A numeric array of translated warning messages that may be
   *     displayed to the user.
   *   - ignored: A numeric array of search keys that were ignored for this
   *     search (e.g., because of being too short or stop words).
   *   - performance: An associative array with the time taken (as floats, in
   *     seconds) for specific parts of the search execution:
   *     - complete: The complete runtime of the query.
   *     - hooks: Hook invocations and other client-side preprocessing.
   *     - preprocessing: Preprocessing of the service class.
   *     - execution: The actual query to the search server, in whatever form.
   *     - postprocessing: Preparing the results for returning.
   *   Additional metadata may be returned in other keys. Only 'result count'
   *   and 'results' always have to be set, all other entries are optional.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If an error prevented the search from completing.
  public function execute();

   * Prepares the query object for the search.
   * This method should always be called by execute() and contain all necessary
   * operations before the query is passed to the server's search() method.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If any error occurred during the preparation of the query.
  public function preExecute();

   * Postprocesses the search results before they are returned.
   * This method should always be called by execute() and contain all necessary
   * operations after the results are returned from the server.
   * @param array $results
   *   The results returned by the server, which may be altered. The data
   *   structure is the same as returned by execute().
  public function postExecute(array &$results);

   * Retrieves the index associated with this search.
   * @return SearchApiIndex
   *   The search index this query should be executed on.
  public function getIndex();

   * Retrieves the search keys for this query.
   * @return array|string|null
   *   This object's search keys - either a string or an array specifying a
   *   complex search expression.
   *   An array will contain a '#conjunction' key specifying the conjunction
   *   type, and search strings or nested expression arrays at numeric keys.
   *   Additionally, a '#negation' key might be present, which means – unless it
   *   maps to a FALSE value – that the search keys contained in that array
   *   should be negated, i.e. not be present in returned results. The negation
   *   works on the whole array, not on each contained term individually – i.e.,
   *   with the "AND" conjunction and negation, only results that contain all
   *   the terms in the array should be excluded; with the "OR" conjunction and
   *   negation, all results containing one or more of the terms in the array
   *   should be excluded.
   * @see keys()
  public function &getKeys();

   * Retrieves the unparsed search keys for this query as originally entered.
   * @return array|string|null
   *   The unprocessed search keys, exactly as passed to this object. Has the
   *   same format as the return value of getKeys().
   * @see keys()
  public function getOriginalKeys();

   * Retrieves the fulltext fields that will be searched for the search keys.
   * @return array
   *   An array containing the fields that should be searched for the search
   *   keys.
   * @see fields()
  public function &getFields();

   * Retrieves the filter object associated with this search query.
   * @return SearchApiQueryFilterInterface
   *   This object's associated filter object.
  public function getFilter();

   * Retrieves the sorts set for this query.
   * @return array
   *   An array specifying the sort order for this query. Array keys are the
   *   field names in order of importance, the values are the respective order
   *   in which to sort the results according to the field.
   * @see sort()
  public function &getSort();

   * Retrieves an option set on this search query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of an option.
   * @param mixed $default
   *   The value to return if the specified option is not set.
   * @return mixed
   *   The value of the option with the specified name, if set. NULL otherwise.
  public function getOption($name, $default = NULL);

   * Sets an option for this search query.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of an option.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The new value of the option.
   * @return mixed
   *   The option's previous value.
  public function setOption($name, $value);

   * Retrieves all options set for this search query.
   * The return value is a reference to the options so they can also be altered
   * this way.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of query options.
  public function &getOptions();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SearchApiQueryInterface::condition public function Adds a new ($field $operator $value) condition filter. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::createFilter public function Creates a new filter to use with this query object. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::execute public function Executes this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::fields public function 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::filter public function Adds a subfilter to this query's filter. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getFields public function Retrieves the fulltext fields that will be searched for the search keys. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getFilter public function Retrieves the filter object associated with this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getIndex public function Retrieves the index associated with this search. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getKeys public function Retrieves the search keys for this query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getOption public function Retrieves an option set on this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getOptions public function Retrieves all options set for this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getOriginalKeys public function Retrieves the unparsed search keys for this query as originally entered. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::getSort public function Retrieves the sorts set for this query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::keys public function Sets the keys to search for. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::parseModes public function Retrieves the parse modes supported by this query class. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::postExecute public function Postprocesses the search results before they are returned. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::preExecute public function Prepares the query object for the search. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::range public function Adds a range of results to return. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::setOption public function Sets an option for this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::sort public function Adds a sort directive to this search query. 1
SearchApiQueryInterface::__construct public function Constructs a new search query. 1