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class SearchApiEntityDataSourceController in Search API 7

Represents a datasource for all entities known to the Entity API.


Expanded class hierarchy of SearchApiEntityDataSourceController

2 string references to 'SearchApiEntityDataSourceController'
hook_search_api_item_type_info in ./search_api.api.php
Define new types of items that can be searched.
search_api_search_api_item_type_info in ./search_api.module
Implements hook_search_api_item_type_info().


includes/, line 11
Contains the SearchApiEntityDataSourceController class.

View source
class SearchApiEntityDataSourceController extends SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController {

   * Entity type info for this type.
   * @var array
  protected $entityInfo;

   * The ID key of this entity type, if any.
   * @var string|null
  protected $idKey;

   * The bundle key of this entity type, if any.
   * @var string|null
  protected $bundleKey;

   * Cached return values for getBundles(), keyed by index machine name.
   * @var array
  protected $bundles = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct($type) {
    $this->entityInfo = entity_get_info($this->entityType);
    if (!empty($this->entityInfo['entity keys']['id'])) {
      $this->idKey = $this->entityInfo['entity keys']['id'];
    if (!empty($this->entityInfo['entity keys']['bundle'])) {
      $this->bundleKey = $this->entityInfo['entity keys']['bundle'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getIdFieldInfo() {
    $properties = entity_get_property_info($this->entityType);
    if (!$this->idKey) {
      throw new SearchApiDataSourceException(t("Entity type @type doesn't specify an ID key.", array(
        '@type' => $this->entityInfo['label'],
    if (empty($properties['properties'][$this->idKey]['type'])) {
      throw new SearchApiDataSourceException(t("Entity type @type doesn't specify a type for the @prop property.", array(
        '@type' => $this->entityInfo['label'],
        '@prop' => $this->idKey,
    $type = $properties['properties'][$this->idKey]['type'];
    if (search_api_is_list_type($type)) {
      throw new SearchApiDataSourceException(t("Entity type @type uses list field @prop as its ID.", array(
        '@type' => $this->entityInfo['label'],
        '@prop' => $this->idKey,
    if ($type == 'token') {
      $type = 'string';
    return array(
      'key' => $this->idKey,
      'type' => $type,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadItems(array $ids) {
    $items = entity_load($this->entityType, $ids);

    // If some items couldn't be loaded, remove them from tracking.
    if (count($items) != count($ids)) {
      $ids = array_flip($ids);
      $unknown = array_keys(array_diff_key($ids, $items));
      if ($unknown) {
        search_api_track_item_delete($this->type, $unknown);
    return $items;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getMetadataWrapper($item = NULL, array $info = array()) {
    return entity_metadata_wrapper($this->entityType, $item, $info);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getItemId($item) {
    $id = entity_id($this->entityType, $item);
    return $id ? $id : NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getItemLabel($item) {
    $label = entity_label($this->entityType, $item);
    return $label ? $label : NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getItemUrl($item) {
    if ($this->entityType == 'file') {
      return array(
        'path' => file_create_url($item->uri),
        'options' => array(
          'entity_type' => 'file',
          'entity' => $item,
    $url = entity_uri($this->entityType, $item);
    return $url ? $url : NULL;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function startTracking(array $indexes) {
    if (!$this->table) {

    // We first clear the tracking table for all indexes, so we can just insert
    // all items again without any key conflicts.
    if (!empty($this->entityInfo['base table']) && $this->idKey) {

      // Use a subselect, which will probably be much faster than entity_load().
      // Assumes that all entities use the "base table" property and the
      // "entity keys[id]" in the same way as the default controller.
      $table = $this->entityInfo['base table'];

      // We could also use a single insert (with a UNION in the nested query),
      // but this method will be mostly called with a single index, anyways.
      foreach ($indexes as $index) {

        // Select all entity ids.
        $query = db_select($table, 't');
          ->addField('t', $this->idKey, 'item_id');
          ->addExpression(':index_id', 'index_id', array(
          ':index_id' => $index->id,
          ->addExpression('1', 'changed');
        if ($bundles = $this
          ->getIndexBundles($index)) {
          $bundle_column = $this->bundleKey;
          if (!db_field_exists($table, $bundle_column)) {
            if ($this->entityType == 'taxonomy_term') {
              $bundle_column = 'vid';
              $bundles = db_query('SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE machine_name IN (:bundles)', array(
                ':bundles' => $bundles,
            elseif ($this->entityType == 'flagging') {
              $bundle_column = 'fid';
              $bundles = db_query('SELECT fid FROM {flag} WHERE name IN (:bundles)', array(
                ':bundles' => $bundles,
            elseif ($this->entityType == 'comment') {

              // Comments are significantly more complicated, since they don't
              // store their bundle explicitly in their database table. Instead,
              // we need to get all the nodes from the enabled types and filter
              // by those.
              $bundle_column = 'nid';
              $node_types = array();
              foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
                if (substr($bundle, 0, 13) === 'comment_node_') {
                  $node_types[] = substr($bundle, 13);
              if ($node_types) {
                $bundles = db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type IN (:bundles)', array(
                  ':bundles' => $node_types,
              else {
            else {
                $index->machine_name => $index,
          if ($bundles) {
              ->condition($bundle_column, $bundles);

        // INSERT ... SELECT ...
    else {

   * Initializes tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes.
   * Fallback for when the items cannot directly be loaded into
   * {search_api_item} via "INSERT INTO … SELECT …".
   * @param SearchApiIndex[] $indexes
   *   The indexes for which item tracking should be initialized.
   * @throws SearchApiDataSourceException
   *   Thrown if any error state was encountered.
   * @see SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::startTracking()
  protected function startTrackingFallback(array $indexes) {

    // In the absence of a 'base table', use the slower way of retrieving the
    // items and inserting them "manually". For each index we get the item IDs
    // (since selected bundles might differ) and insert all of them as new.
    foreach ($indexes as $index) {
      $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
        ->entityCondition('entity_type', $this->entityType);
      if ($bundles = $this
        ->getIndexBundles($index)) {
          ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundles);
      $result = $query
      $ids = !empty($result[$this->entityType]) ? array_keys($result[$this->entityType]) : array();
      if ($ids) {
          ->trackItemInsert($ids, array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function trackItemInsert(array $item_ids, array $indexes) {
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($indexes as $index_id => $index) {
      $ids = $item_ids;
      if ($bundles = $this
        ->getIndexBundles($index)) {
        $ids = drupal_map_assoc($ids);
        foreach (entity_load($this->entityType, $ids) as $id => $entity) {
          if (empty($bundles[$entity->{$this->bundleKey}])) {
      if ($ids) {
        parent::trackItemInsert($ids, array(
        $ret[$index_id] = $index;
    return $ret;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configurationForm(array $form, array &$form_state) {
    $options = $this
    if (!$options) {
      return FALSE;
    $form['bundles'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => t('Bundles'),
      '#description' => t('Restrict the entity bundles that will be included in this index. Leave blank to include all bundles. This setting cannot be changed for enabled indexes.'),
      '#options' => array_map('check_plain', $options),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
      '#disabled' => !empty($form_state['index']) && $form_state['index']->enabled,
    if (!empty($form_state['index']->options['datasource'])) {
      $form['bundles']['#default_value'] = drupal_map_assoc($form_state['index']->options['datasource']['bundles']);
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configurationFormSubmit(array $form, array &$values, array &$form_state) {
    if (!empty($values['bundles'])) {
      $values['bundles'] = array_keys(array_filter($values['bundles']));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getConfigurationSummary(SearchApiIndex $index) {
    if ($bundles = $this
      ->getIndexBundles($index)) {
      $args['!bundles'] = implode(', ', array_intersect_key($this
        ->getAvailableBundles(), $bundles));
      return format_plural(count($bundles), 'Indexed bundle: !bundles.', 'Indexed bundles: !bundles.', $args);
    return NULL;

   * Retrieves the available bundles for this entity type.
   * @return array
   *   An array (which might be empty) mapping this entity type's bundle keys to
   *   their labels.
  protected function getAvailableBundles() {
    if (!$this->bundleKey || empty($this->entityInfo['bundles'])) {
      return array();
    $bundles = array();
    foreach ($this->entityInfo['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
      $bundles[$bundle] = isset($bundle_info['label']) ? $bundle_info['label'] : $bundle;
    return $bundles;

   * Computes the bundles that should be indexed for an index.
   * @param SearchApiIndex $index
   *   The index for which to check.
   * @return array
   *   An array containing all bundles that should be included in this index, as
   *   both the keys and values. An empty array means all current bundles should
   *   be included.
   * @throws SearchApiException
   *   If the index doesn't belong to this datasource controller.
  protected function getIndexBundles(SearchApiIndex $index) {
    if (!isset($this->bundles[$index->machine_name])) {
      $this->bundles[$index->machine_name] = array();
      if (!empty($index->options['datasource']['bundles'])) {

        // We retrieve the available bundles here to check whether all of them
        // are included by the index's setting. In this case, we return an empty
        // array, too, to save on complexity.
        // On the other hand, we still want to return deleted bundles since we
        // do not want to suddenly include all bundles when all selected bundles
        // were deleted.
        $available = $this
        foreach ($index->options['datasource']['bundles'] as $bundle) {
          $this->bundles[$index->machine_name][$bundle] = $bundle;
        if (!$available) {
          $this->bundles[$index->machine_name] = array();
    return $this->bundles[$index->machine_name];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$changedColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the indexing status.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$entityType protected property The entity type for this controller instance.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$indexIdColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the index ID.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$info protected property The info array for the item type, as specified via hook_search_api_item_type_info().
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$itemIdColumn protected property When using the default tracking mechanism: the name of the column on $this->table containing the item ID.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$table protected property The table used for tracking items. Set to NULL on subclasses to disable the default tracking for an item type, or change the property to use a different table for tracking. 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::$type protected property The item type for this controller instance.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::checkIndex protected function Checks whether the given index is valid for this datasource controller.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationFormValidate public function Validation callback for the form returned by configurationForm(). Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::configurationFormValidate
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getAllItemIds protected function Returns the IDs of all items that are known for this controller's type.
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getChangedItems public function Retrieves a list of items that need to be indexed. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getChangedItems 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getEntityType public function Retrieves the entity type of items from this datasource. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getEntityType
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getIndexStatus public function Retrieves information on how many items have been indexed for a certain index. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getIndexStatus 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getPropertyInfo protected function Retrieves the property info for this item type. 2
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::stopTracking public function Stops tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::stopTracking 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemChange public function Sets the tracking status of the given items to "changed"/"dirty". Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemChange 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemDelete public function Stops tracking the index status for the given items on the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemDelete 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemIndexed public function Sets the tracking status of the given items to "indexed". Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemIndexed 1
SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemQueued public function Sets the tracking status of the given items to "queued". Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::trackItemQueued
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$bundleKey protected property The bundle key of this entity type, if any.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$bundles protected property Cached return values for getBundles(), keyed by index machine name.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$entityInfo protected property Entity type info for this type.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::$idKey protected property The ID key of this entity type, if any.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::configurationForm public function Form constructor for configuring the datasource for a given index. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationForm
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::configurationFormSubmit public function Submit callback for the form returned by configurationForm(). Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::configurationFormSubmit
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getAvailableBundles protected function Retrieves the available bundles for this entity type.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getConfigurationSummary public function Returns a summary of an index's current datasource configuration. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getConfigurationSummary
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getIdFieldInfo public function Returns information on the ID field for this controller's type. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::getIdFieldInfo
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getIndexBundles protected function Computes the bundles that should be indexed for an index.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemId public function Retrieves the unique ID of an item. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getItemId
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemLabel public function Retrieves a human-readable label for an item. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getItemLabel
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getItemUrl public function Retrieves a URL at which the item can be viewed on the web. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getItemUrl
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::getMetadataWrapper public function Creates a metadata wrapper for this datasource controller's type. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::getMetadataWrapper
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::loadItems public function Loads items of the type of this data source controller. Overrides SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface::loadItems
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::startTracking public function Initializes tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::startTracking
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::startTrackingFallback protected function Initializes tracking of the index status of items for the given indexes.
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::trackItemInsert public function Starts tracking the index status for the given items on the given indexes. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::trackItemInsert
SearchApiEntityDataSourceController::__construct public function Constructs an SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface object. Overrides SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController::__construct