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function sarnia_element_add_combobox in Sarnia 7

6 calls to sarnia_element_add_combobox()
SarniaViewsHandlerArgument::options_form in handlers/
Build the options form.
SarniaViewsHandlerArgumentId::options_form in handlers/
Add a field to the options form to select a solr property to use as the name of the argument.
SarniaViewsHandlerField::options_form in handlers/
Build the handler configuration form.
SarniaViewsHandlerFilter::operator_form in handlers/
Options form subform for setting the operator.
SarniaViewsHandlerSort::options_form in handlers/
Basic options for all sort criteria

... See full list


./sarnia.module, line 924


function sarnia_element_add_combobox(&$element) {
  $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'combobox';