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7 calls to sarnia_entity_type_load_by_index() in Sarnia 7

SarniaSolrService::getFieldNames in ./
Create a list of all indexed field names mapped to their Solr field names. The special fields "search_api_id" and "search_api_relevance" are also included.
SarniaViewsHandlerArgumentId::title in handlers/
If the name solr property is not the id, load the sarnia entity and extract the name property.
SarniaViewsHandlerField::init in handlers/
Initialize the handler and load Sarnia entity type info.
sarnia_entity_load in ./sarnia.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
sarnia_facetapi_facet_info_alter in ./sarnia.module
Implements hook_facetapi_info_alter().
sarnia_form_search_api_admin_index_edit_alter in ./sarnia.module
Implements HOOK_form_search_api_admin_index_edit_alter(). Implements HOOK_form_FORM_ID_alter().
sarnia_search_api_facetapi_keys_alter in ./sarnia.module
Implements hook_search_api_facetapi_keys_alter().