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public function SarniaViewsHandlerArgumentId::title in Sarnia 7

If the name solr property is not the id, load the sarnia entity and extract the name property.

Overrides SarniaViewsHandlerArgument::title


handlers/, line 61
Views argument handler for Solr document Ids.


@file Views argument handler for Solr document Ids.


public function title() {
  if (!empty($this->argument) && $this->options['name_solr_property'] != $this->definition['solr_property']) {

    // The query has not run yet, so we need to load the entity in order to
    // get a property from it.
    $entity_info = sarnia_entity_type_load_by_index($this->definition['search_api_index']);
    $entities = entity_load($entity_info['machine_name'], array(

    // Extract the solr property value from the entity.
    if (!empty($entities[$this->argument])) {
      $values = sarnia_field_get_property($entities[$this->argument], array(
        'field_name' => $this->name_field,
      ), $this->options['name_solr_property']);
      if (!empty($values)) {
        return check_plain(current($values));

  // Default to returning just the argument.
  return check_plain($this->argument);