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27 calls to salesforce_api_log() in Salesforce Suite 7.2

salesforce_api_connect in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Creates an object used for communicating with the Salesforce server and performs a login to verify the API credentials.
salesforce_api_delete_salesforce_objects in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wrapper for SFBaseClient::delete
salesforce_api_describeSObjects in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wrapper for SOAP SforceBaseClient::describeSObjects Given an array of sf object type, return an associative, normalized array of SF object definitions, indexed on machine-readable names of SObjects
salesforce_api_fieldmap_export_create in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Creates an object for export to Salesforce based on the supplied Drupal object and fieldmap.
salesforce_api_get_deleted in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wrapper for SOAP SforceBaseClient::getDeleted. Searches for records deleted between start and end date.
salesforce_api_get_updated in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wrapper for SOAP SforceBaseClient::getUpdated. Searches for records updated/created between start and end date.
salesforce_api_id_save in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Saves the Salesforce ID and fieldmap index of a Drupal object. Also stores the timestamp of creation for the object mapping, and when the object was last exported to Salesforce or imported to Drupal.
salesforce_api_login in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Helper function for salesforce_api_connect(). You should probably not call this function directly
salesforce_api_query in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wraps SforceBaseClient::query. Queries Salesforce for a record or set of records. For information about SOQL syntax,
salesforce_api_reset_expired_password in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Helper function for salesforce_api_connect() to reset an expired password, for the website's default salesforce user only.
salesforce_api_upsert in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wraps SforceBaseClient::upsert. Upserts a record in Salesforce. If there is an existing record in Salesforce with the same ID, that record is updated. Otherwise, a new record is created.
sf_entity_export in sf_entity/sf_entity.module
Exports an entity to Salesforce using the specified fieldmap and stores the ID of the Salesforce object for the entity.
sf_entity_salesforce_api_pre_export in sf_entity/sf_entity.module
Allow a "read-only" option and log data if desired. These options must be set using Drush variable-set or in settings.php via the $conf array.
sf_entity_save in sf_entity/sf_entity.module
sf_notifications_allowed_ips in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
sf_notifications_cron in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Implements hook_cron().
sf_notifications_delete_record in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Helper function for _sf_notifications_handle_message() - attempt to delete the local object data, given the salesforce object_record.
sf_notifications_drush_process_queue in sf_notifications/
Drush callback to process the Salesforce queue manually.
sf_notifications_endpoint in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Menu callback for Salesforce notifications endpoint @todo Add authentication. see "Downloading the Client Certificate" at
sf_notifications_process_confirm_form_submit in sf_notifications/
sf_notifications_update_record in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Helper function for _sf_notifications_handle_message() - attempt to update (or insert if $object_record['oid'] is empty) the local object data, given the salesforce object_record.
sf_prematch_export in sf_prematch/
Use prematch rule to find a salesforce object to match the node.
_salesforce_api_querymore in salesforce_api/salesforce_api.module
Wraps SforceBaseClient::queryMore. Needs a query locator for an active query and a Salesforce connection, so this must only be called from salesforce_api_query(). Calls itself recursively until records are retrieved.
_sf_import_get_soql_records in sf_import/sf_import.module
For the fieldmap provided, attempt to pull updated Salesforce IDs using the SOQL query defined for the map.
_sf_notifications_handle_message in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Loop through an array of SObjects from Salesforce and save them according to any existing sf fieldmaps, notification settings, and data.
_sf_notifications_parse_handle_message in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Parses and handles an outbound message from Salesforce.
_sf_notifications_parse_message in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Parse SOAP message into its component args.