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function sf_notifications_delete_record in Salesforce Suite 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module \sf_notifications_delete_record()

Helper function for _sf_notifications_handle_message() - attempt to delete the local object data, given the salesforce object_record.

1 call to sf_notifications_delete_record()
_sf_notifications_handle_message in sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module
Loop through an array of SObjects from Salesforce and save them according to any existing sf fieldmaps, notification settings, and data.


sf_notifications/sf_notifications.module, line 271


function sf_notifications_delete_record($object_record) {

  // Try to delete the local record. Since the record is no more, in this
  // case we're agnostic to the drupal_entity ("node" or "user").
  $success = TRUE;
  switch ($object_record['drupal_entity']) {
    case 'user':
      user_cancel(array(), $object_record['oid'], $method = 'user_cancel_block');

      // Invoke hook_sf_notifications_processed().
      module_invoke_all('sf_notifications_processed', 'delete', $object_record);
      salesforce_api_log(SALESFORCE_LOG_ALL, 'Salesforce Notifications deleted user ' . $object_record['oid'] . ' sfid ' . $sfid);
    case 'node':

      // Can't use node_delete() since it's wrapped in node_access and we're
      // probably anonymous. The following is adapted from node_delete().
      $node = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);
        ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
        ->condition('nid', $node->nid)

      // Call the node-specific callback (if any):
      node_invoke($node, 'delete');
      module_invoke_all('node_delete', $node);
      search_wipe($node->nid, 'node');

      // Invoke hook_sf_notifications_processed().
      module_invoke_all('sf_notifications_processed', 'delete', $object_record);
      salesforce_api_log(SALESFORCE_LOG_ALL, 'Salesforce Notifications deleted node ' . $object_record['oid'] . ' sfid ' . $sfid);
      if (function_exists($object_record['drupal_entity'] . '_delete')) {
        $function = $object_record['drupal_entity'] . '_delete';

        // Invoke hook_sf_notifications_processed().
        module_invoke_all('sf_notifications_processed', 'delete', $object_record);
        salesforce_api_log(SALESFORCE_LOG_ALL, 'Salesforce Notifications deleted ' . $object_record['drupal_type'] . ' ' . $object_record['oid'] . ' sfid ' . $sfid);
      else {
        salesforce_api_log(SALESFORCE_LOG_SOME, ' Salesforce Notifications: Could not find delete handler for deleted
          Salesforce record <pre>' . print_r($object_record, TRUE) . '</pre>');
        $success = FALSE;
  return $success;