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function sf_entity_salesforce_api_pre_export in Salesforce Suite 7.2

Allow a "read-only" option and log data if desired. These options must be set using Drush variable-set or in settings.php via the $conf array.

Return value

FALSE if read only mode is enabled.


sf_entity/sf_entity.module, line 1456
Integrates fieldable entities with the Salesforce API.


function sf_entity_salesforce_api_pre_export(&$sf_object, &$map, $drupal_id) {

  // Log values to be exported
  if (variable_get('salesforce_api_log_pre_export', FALSE)) {
    salesforce_api_log(SALESFORCE_LOG_ALL, 'Data in pre_export hook: SF Object: <pre>%sf_object</pre> Map: <pre>%map</pre> Drupal ID: !drupal_id', array(
      '%sf_object' => print_r($sf_object, TRUE),
      '%map' => print_r($map, TRUE),
      '!drupal_id' => $drupal_id,

  // Read-only, halt the export
  if (variable_get('salesforce_api_read_only', FALSE)) {
    return FALSE;