rules.install in Rules 6
Rules - Installation file.
rules/rules.installView source
* @file Rules - Installation file.
* Implementation of hook_install().
function rules_install() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
// Set the modules' weight to 20, see
// for the reasoning.
db_query("UPDATE {system} SET weight = 20 WHERE name = 'rules'");
* Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function rules_uninstall() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
* Implementation of hook_schema.
function rules_schema() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
// We define a table for each item type.
$items = rules_get_items();
foreach ($items as $name => $info) {
$schema[$info['db_table']] = array(
'fields' => array(
'name' => array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => '255',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => t('The name of the item.'),
'data' => array(
'type' => 'blob',
'size' => 'big',
'not null' => FALSE,
'serialize' => TRUE,
'description' => t('The whole, serialized item configuration.'),
'primary key' => array(
$schema['cache_rules'] = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
$schema['cache_rules']['description'] = t('Cache table for the rules engine to store configured items.');
return $schema;
* Upgrade from workflow-ng
function rules_update_6001() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
$ret = array();
if (db_table_exists('workflow_ng_cfgs')) {
//Return all custom created configurations
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {workflow_ng_cfgs}");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$cfg = unserialize($row->data);
$rule = rules_import_workflow_ng_rule($row->name, $cfg);
if ($rule) {
rules_item_save('rules', $row->name, $rule);
$msg = t('Successfully imported rule %label.', array(
'%label' => $rule['#label'],
$ret[] = array(
'success' => TRUE,
'query' => $msg,
db_query("DELETE FROM {workflow_ng_cfgs} WHERE name = '%s'", $row->name);
else {
$msg = t('Failed importing the rule %label.', array(
'%label' => $cfg['#label'],
$ret[] = array(
'success' => FALSE,
'query' => $msg,
$failed = TRUE;
// Uninstall workflow-ng
if (!isset($failed) || !$failed) {
db_query("DROP TABLE {cache_workflow_ng}");
db_query("DROP TABLE {workflow_ng_cfgs}");
return $ret;
* Initialize the new rules counter variable
function rules_update_6002() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
$result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM {rules_rules} WHERE name LIKE 'rules_%%'");
variable_set('rules_counter', db_result($result) + 10);
return array();
* Flips all argument maps of all rule elements. This is necessary as the format has changed.
function rules_update_6003() {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
$rules = rules_get_configured_items('rules');
foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) {
if (($rule['#status'] == 'altered' || $rule['#status'] == 'custom') && !isset($rule['#version'])) {
$rule = rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003($rule);
rules_item_save('rules', $name, $rule);
return array();
* Upgrades the format of the rule to 6003 by flipping the argument maps of all rule elements.
function rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003($rule) {
// Flip argument maps
rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_element_flip_argument_map', $rule['#actions']);
rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_element_flip_argument_map', $rule['#conditions']);
// Introduce the rule format #version property
$rule['#version'] = 6003;
return $rule;
function _rules_element_flip_argument_map(&$element) {
if (isset($element['#settings']['#argument map'])) {
$element['#settings']['#argument map'] = array_flip($element['#settings']['#argument map']);
* Enable the new separated Admin UI module
function rules_update_6004() {
drupal_set_message(t('The now separated rules administration UI module has been enabled.'));
return array();
* Update the modules weight to 20.
function rules_update_6005() {
$ret = array();
$ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {system} SET weight = 20 WHERE name = 'rules'");
return $ret;
* Transform a workflow-ng rule into a rule
function rules_import_workflow_ng_rule(&$name, $cfg) {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
$rule = array(
'#type' => 'rule',
$name = _rules_import_replace_module_name($name);
foreach (array(
) as $key) {
if (isset($cfg[$key])) {
$rule[$key] = $cfg[$key];
$rule['#categories'] = array(
$rule['#label'] = _rules_import_replace_module_name($cfg['#label']);
$rule['#set'] = _rules_import_get_set($cfg);
if (isset($cfg['#fixed']) && $cfg['#fixed']) {
$rule['#status'] = 'fixed';
else {
if ($cfg['#module'] == 'workflow-ng') {
$rule['#status'] = 'custom';
$name = _rules_admin_rule_get_new_unique_name();
else {
$rule['#status'] = 'default';
$rule += array(
'#actions' => array(),
'#conditions' => array(),
// Separate actions and conditions.
foreach (element_children($cfg) as $key) {
if (isset($cfg[$key]['#type']) && $cfg[$key]['#type'] == 'action') {
$rule['#actions'][$key] = $cfg[$key];
else {
$rule['#conditions'][$key] = $cfg[$key];
// Transform elements to be compatible with workflow-ng
$success = rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_import_transform_element', $rule['#actions']);
if ($success) {
$success = rules_helper_do_recursive('_rules_import_transform_element', $rule['#conditions']);
if ($success) {
return $success ? $rule : FALSE;
* Transforms a single element to be compatible with workflow-ng
function _rules_import_transform_element(&$element) {
if (!isset($element['#name'])) {
// Just keep it.
else {
if (function_exists($function = $element['#name'] . '_upgrade')) {
else {
if (function_exists($function = _rules_import_replace_module_name($element['#name']))) {
$element['#name'] = $function;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('No upgrade information for the element %name found. Aborting.', array(
'%name' => $element['#name'],
)), 'error');
return FALSE;
// Upgrade to element to the new format
if (isset($element['#argument map'])) {
$element['#settings']['#argument map'] = $element['#argument map'];
unset($element['#argument map']);
if (isset($element['#settings'])) {
// Adapt the settings so that token integration stays working
foreach ($element['#settings'] as $name => $data) {
if (is_array($data) && ($pos = strpos($name, '_args'))) {
$setting_name = substr($name, 0, $pos);
$element['#settings']['#eval input']['token_rules_input_evaluator'][$setting_name] = $data;
function _rules_import_replace_module_name($string) {
$search = array();
$replace = array();
$search[] = 'worklfow_ng_ui';
$replace[] = 'rules';
$search[] = 'workflow_ng';
$replace[] = 'rules';
$search[] = 'Workflow-ng';
$replace[] = 'Rules';
$search[] = 'Workflow-ng';
$replace[] = 'Rules';
return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
function _rules_import_get_set($cfg) {
$map = rules_gather_data('rules_upgrade_event_map', 'all', FALSE);
$event = isset($map[$cfg['#event']]) ? $map[$cfg['#event']] : $cfg['#event'];
return 'event_' . $event;
* Helper function
* Applies the function $function to all elements. Aborts if FALSE is returned.
function rules_helper_do_recursive($function, &$elements) {
drupal_load('module', 'rules');
if ($function($elements) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
// recurse
foreach (element_children($elements) as $key) {
if (rules_helper_do_recursive($function, $elements[$key]) === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Name![]() |
Description |
rules_helper_do_recursive | Helper function Applies the function $function to all elements. Aborts if FALSE is returned. |
rules_import_workflow_ng_rule | Transform a workflow-ng rule into a rule |
rules_install | Implementation of hook_install(). |
rules_rule_format_upgrade_6003 | Upgrades the format of the rule to 6003 by flipping the argument maps of all rule elements. |
rules_schema | Implementation of hook_schema. |
rules_uninstall | Implementation of hook_uninstall(). |
rules_update_6001 | Upgrade from workflow-ng |
rules_update_6002 | Initialize the new rules counter variable |
rules_update_6003 | Flips all argument maps of all rule elements. This is necessary as the format has changed. |
rules_update_6004 | Enable the new separated Admin UI module |
rules_update_6005 | Update the modules weight to 20. |
_rules_element_flip_argument_map | |
_rules_import_get_set | |
_rules_import_replace_module_name | |
_rules_import_transform_element | Transforms a single element to be compatible with workflow-ng |