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8 calls to rules_get_data_types() in Rules 6

rules_admin_argument_satisifable in rules_admin/
Determines whether the argument can be configured properly, so whether there are matching variables available or needed.
rules_core_action_execute_form in rules/modules/
Action form implementation: Get the core actions form
rules_data_type::construct in rules/
rules_get_data_object in rules/
Gets the right data object for the given argument information
rules_get_settings_to_evaluate in rules/
Gets all settings that should be evaluated - this are manually specified settings and arguments of a data type like string, which has 'eval input' turned on.
rules_input_evaluator_php_help in rules/modules/
Returns some help for the admin using the evaluator
rules_rules_action_info in rules/modules/
Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
_rules_admin_form_argument in rules_admin/