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 * @file Rules Admin UI - Utility functions
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'rules_admin') . '/';

 * Gets the variable, which is assigned (mapped) to the given argument.
function rules_admin_element_map_variable_name($name, $element) {
  if (!isset($element['#settings']['#argument map'])) {

    //per default try the the same name
    return $name;
  $map = $element['#settings']['#argument map'];
  return isset($map[$name]) ? $map[$name] : $name;

 * Shows the element help
function rules_admin_element_help(&$form, $element) {
  $info = rules_retrieve_element_info($element);
  if (isset($info['help']) || isset($element['help'])) {
    $help = isset($element['help']) ? $element['help'] : $info['help'];
  else {
    if (isset($element['#type']) && in_array($element['#type'], array(
    ))) {
      $help = rules_element_invoke($element, 'help', array());
  if (isset($help) && $help) {
    $form['help'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Description'),
      '#description' => $help,

 * Gets all compatible sets, which means that all arguments are available in the other set too
function rules_admin_get_compatible_sets($rule, $sets) {
  if (isset($rule['#set']) && $rule['#set']) {
    $set = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']);
    foreach ($sets as $key => $this_set) {
      if (array_diff(array_keys($set['arguments']), array_keys($this_set['arguments']))) {
  return $sets;

 * Gets an array of element labels grouped by modules
 * @param $elements
 *   An array of info elements, e.g. as returned from rules_get_events().
 * @param $key
 *   The key for which the value is used for grouping the elements.
function rules_admin_get_grouped_labels($elements, $key = 'module') {
  $grouped = array();
  $ungrouped = array();
  foreach (array_filter($elements, 'rules_admin_element_filter') as $name => $element) {
    if (isset($element[$key])) {
      $grouped[$element[$key]][$name] = rules_get_element_label($element);
    else {
      $ungrouped[$name] = rules_get_element_label($element);
  foreach ($grouped as $name => $group) {
  return $ungrouped + $grouped;

 * This is used for filtering the rules, sets, action and conditions that should be shown.
 * Rules and sets are filtered when they are fixed and the variable 'rules_show_fixed'
 * is  not set to on. Actions and conditions are filtered out if they are marked as
 * being hidden.
 * @return TRUE, when the element should be kept. Else FALSE.
function rules_admin_element_filter($element) {
  if (!variable_get('rules_show_fixed', FALSE)) {
    if (isset($element['#status']) && $element['#status'] == 'fixed') {
      return FALSE;
    if (isset($element['status']) && $element['status'] == 'fixed') {
      return FALSE;
  if (isset($element['hidden']) && $element['hidden']) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Determines if the given data type is valid for the given argument.
 * @param $data_type
 *   The data type to check.
 * @param $arg_type
 *   The arguments needed data type.
 * @return
 *   True or false.
function rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($data_type, $arg_type) {
  if (is_array($arg_type)) {
    foreach ($arg_type as $type) {

      // We have multiple options to check for.
      if (rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($data_type, $type)) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  if ($arg_type == '*') {
    return TRUE;
  return $arg_type == $data_type;

 * Filters the info about elements (actions, conditions), so that only elements
 * compatible with the given variables are kept, which means suiting variables
 * for all arguments are available, so that the action/condition can be
 * configured.
 * Additionally, arguments having no suiting variables are recorded
 * in the 'unsatisfied arguments' slot of the element in $infos.
function rules_admin_filter_info($variables, &$infos) {
  $filtered = array();
  foreach ($infos as $key => $info) {
    if (isset($info['arguments']) && is_array($info['arguments'])) {
      foreach ($info['arguments'] as $name => $argument_info) {
        if (!rules_admin_argument_satisifable($argument_info, $variables)) {

          // Get the unsatisfied arguments.
          $infos[$key] += array(
            'unsatisfied arguments' => array(),
          $infos[$key]['unsatisfied arguments'][$name] = $argument_info['label'];
      if (empty($infos[$key]['unsatisfied arguments'])) {
        $filtered[$key] = $info;
    else {
      $filtered[$key] = $info;
  return $filtered;

 * Determines whether the argument can be configured properly, so whether
 * there are matching variables available or needed.
function rules_admin_argument_satisifable($info, $variables) {
  if ($info['type'] == '*') {
    return TRUE;
  if ($type_info = rules_get_data_types($info['type'])) {

    // For backward compatibility use_input_form is interpreted as !identifiable if it's unset.
    if (!empty($type_info['use_input_form']) || !isset($type_info['use_input_form']) && empty($type_info['identifiable'])) {

      // Argument value will be set on configuration time.
      return TRUE;
  if (count(rules_admin_map_get_possible_arguments($info, $variables))) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Gets the possible variables (= of the same entity) for an argument
function rules_admin_map_get_possible_arguments($arg_info, $variables) {
  $matches = array();
  foreach ($variables as $name => $info) {
    if (rules_admin_is_valid_data_type($info['type'], $arg_info)) {
      $matches[$name] = $info['label'];
  return $matches;

 * Returns an array of all existing categories
 * @param $item_type
 *   Either 'rules' or 'rule_sets'
 * @return
 *   An array of categories to use.
function rules_admin_get_categories($item_type) {
  $categories = array();
  foreach (array_filter(rules_get_configured_items($item_type), 'rules_admin_element_filter') as $item) {
    if ($item_type == 'rules' && isset($item['#categories']) && is_array($item['#categories'])) {
      $categories = $categories + drupal_map_assoc($item['#categories']);
    if ($item_type == 'rule_sets' && isset($item['categories']) && is_array($item['categories'])) {
      $categories = $categories + drupal_map_assoc($item['categories']);
  return array_filter($categories);

 * Gets the label for the info of the given element by apply label callbacks.
 * Note that this is also used for argument infos.
 * @param $cfirst
 *   If TRUE, capitalize the first letter, if FALSE lower case the first letter.
 * @param $element
 *   The element having or containing this label. Pass by referenec to allow
 *   callbacks to alter some info, used by rules_core_node_label_callback().
 * @return An array of changed properties of the given info
function _rules_admin_get_label(&$form_state, $info, &$element, $value, $cfirst = NULL) {
  $info_changes = array();
  if (drupal_strtolower($info['label']) != drupal_strtolower($value)) {

    //label has been customized
    $info_changes['label'] = $value;
    $info_changes['label callback'] = FALSE;
  else {
    if (isset($info['label callback']) && $info['label callback'] && function_exists($info['label callback'])) {
      $argument_labels = rules_admin_get_argument_labels($form_state['proxy'], $element);
      $info_changes['label'] = $info['label callback']($element['#settings'], $argument_labels, $element);

      // Labels are treated as user input, so we decode any entites.
      $info_changes['label'] = decode_entities($info_changes['label']);
      if (isset($cfirst)) {
        $function = $cfirst ? 'drupal_strtoupper' : 'drupal_strtolower';
        $info_changes['label'] = $function(drupal_substr($info_changes['label'], 0, 1)) . drupal_substr($info_changes['label'], 1);
  return $info_changes;

 * Gets the labels of the variables, which are configured to be passed as arguments
 * to the given element.
function rules_admin_get_argument_labels($proxy, $element, $prefix = '@') {
  $labels = array();
  $names = rules_get_mapped_argument_names($element);
  $vars = $proxy
  $labels = array();
  foreach ($names as $argument_name => $variable_name) {
    if (isset($vars[$variable_name]['label'])) {
      $labels[$prefix . $argument_name] = $vars[$variable_name]['label'];
  return $labels;

 * Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters
 * Supported parameters: fixed, category, set, active.
 * Category and set may be set to NULL to hide their columns.
function rules_admin_overview_table($params) {
  $rules = rules_get_configured_items('rules');

  //set parameter defaults
  $params += array(
    'category' => NULL,
    'set' => NULL,
    'active' => TRUE,
    'fixed' => FALSE,
  $is_set = $set && strpos($set, 'event_') !== 0;
  $header = array(
    $is_set ? t('Set') : t('Event'),
  $rows = array();
  foreach (element_children($rules) as $name) {
    $rule = $rules[$name];
    if ((!$category || in_array($category, $rule['#categories'])) && (!$set && strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') === 0 || $rule['#set'] == $set) && $rule['#active'] == $active && ($rule['#status'] == 'fixed') == $fixed) {
      $path = RULES_ADMIN_RULE_PATH . '/' . $name;
      $ops = array();
      if ($rule['#status'] == 'custom') {
        $ops[] = l(t('delete'), $path . '/delete', array(
          'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
      else {
        if ($rule['#status'] == 'altered') {
          $ops[] = l(t('revert'), $path . '/revert', array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
      $ops[] = l(t('clone'), $path . '/clone', array(), drupal_get_destination());
      $categories = array_map('check_plain', $rule['#categories']);
      $set_info = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']);

      // If the set info is missing, the module providing the event is gone and the
      // rule can't be edited.
      $rows[] = array(
        $set_info ? l($rule['#label'], $path . '/edit') : check_plain($rule['#label']),
        $set_info ? check_plain(rules_get_element_label($set_info)) : array(
          'class' => 'error',
          'data' => check_plain($rule['#set']),
        implode(', ', $categories),
        theme('rules_admin_configuration_status', $rule['#status']),
        implode(' ', $ops),
      if (!$set_info) {
        rules_handle_error_msg("%set can't be found. Probably the providing module has been deactivated.", array(
          '%set' => $rule['#set'],
  if (count($rows)) {
    return array(
      '#value' => theme('table', $header, $rows, array(
        'class' => 'rules-rule-configurations',
  return array(
    '#value' => '<p>' . t('None') . '</p>',

 * Returns the given status rendered as html.
function theme_rules_admin_configuration_status($status) {
  if ($status == 'altered') {
    $help = t('This rule has been provided by a module, but has been modified.');
    return '<span title="' . $help . '">' . t('Modified') . '</span>';
  else {
    if ($status == 'fixed') {
      $help = t("This rule has been provided by a module and can't be customized.");
      return '<span title="' . $help . '">' . t('Fixed') . '</span>';
    else {
      if ($status == 'custom') {
        $help = t('A custom defined rule.');
        return '<span title="' . $help . '">' . t('Custom') . '</span>';
  $help = t('This rule has been provided by a module.');
  return '<span title="' . $help . '">' . t('Default') . '</span>';

 * Fixes the breadcrumb on the rule edit/delete/revert
function rules_admin_fix_breadcrumb($rule, $name) {
  $crumbs = array();
  if (strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') !== 0) {
    $crumbs[] = l(t('Rule sets'), RULES_ADMIN_SET_PATH);
    $set_info = rules_get_rule_sets($rule['#set']);
    $crumbs[] = l($set_info['label'], RULES_ADMIN_SET_PATH . '/' . $rule['#set']);
  else {
    $crumbs[] = l(t('Triggered rules'), RULES_ADMIN_TRIGGER_PATH);
  if (arg(5)) {

    // Also add a crumb to the rule itself.
    array_unshift($crumbs, l(t('Rules'), RULES_ADMIN_PATH));
    $crumbs[] = l($rule['#label'], RULES_ADMIN_RULE_PATH . '/' . $name);

 * Adds some further crumbs to the breadcrumb.
 * Due to the bug, some pages might have no breadcrumb.
function rules_admin_add_crumbs($crumbs) {
  if ($breadcrumb = drupal_get_breadcrumb()) {
    $breadcrumb = array_merge($breadcrumb, $crumbs);
function rules_admin_is_event_rule($rule) {
  return !empty($rule['#set']) && strpos($rule['#set'], 'event_') === 0;


Namesort descending Description
rules_admin_add_crumbs Adds some further crumbs to the breadcrumb. Due to the bug, some pages might have no breadcrumb.
rules_admin_argument_satisifable Determines whether the argument can be configured properly, so whether there are matching variables available or needed.
rules_admin_element_filter This is used for filtering the rules, sets, action and conditions that should be shown. Rules and sets are filtered when they are fixed and the variable 'rules_show_fixed' is not set to on. Actions and conditions are filtered out if they…
rules_admin_element_help Shows the element help
rules_admin_element_map_variable_name Gets the variable, which is assigned (mapped) to the given argument.
rules_admin_filter_info Filters the info about elements (actions, conditions), so that only elements compatible with the given variables are kept, which means suiting variables for all arguments are available, so that the action/condition can be configured. Additionally,…
rules_admin_fix_breadcrumb Fixes the breadcrumb on the rule edit/delete/revert
rules_admin_get_argument_labels Gets the labels of the variables, which are configured to be passed as arguments to the given element.
rules_admin_get_categories Returns an array of all existing categories
rules_admin_get_compatible_sets Gets all compatible sets, which means that all arguments are available in the other set too
rules_admin_get_grouped_labels Gets an array of element labels grouped by modules
rules_admin_is_valid_data_type Determines if the given data type is valid for the given argument.
rules_admin_map_get_possible_arguments Gets the possible variables (= of the same entity) for an argument
rules_admin_overview_table Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters
theme_rules_admin_configuration_status Returns the given status rendered as html.
_rules_admin_get_label Gets the label for the info of the given element by apply label callbacks. Note that this is also used for argument infos.