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Rules configuration forms for the php module


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 * @file Rules configuration forms for the php module
 * @addtogroup rules
 * @{

 * Returns some help for the admin using the evaluator
function rules_input_evaluator_php_help($variables, $save_info = FALSE) {
  $output = '<p>' . t('PHP code inside of &lt;?php ?&gt; delimiters will be evaluated and replaced by its output. E.g. &lt;? echo 1+1?&gt; will be replaced by 2.');
  $output .= ' ' . t('Furthermore you can make use of the following variables:') . '</p>';
  $headers = array(
  if ($save_info) {
    $headers[] = t('Intelligent saving');
  $rows = array();
  $data_types = rules_get_data_types();
  foreach ($variables as $name => $info) {
    $row = array();
    $row[] = '$' . check_plain($name);
    $row[] = check_plain($data_types[$info['type']]['label']);
    $row[] = check_plain($info['label']);
    if ($save_info) {
      $data_type = rules_get_data_object($info);
      if ($data_type
        ->is_savable()) {
        $row[] = t('Yes');
      else {
        $row[] = t('No');
    $rows[] = $row;
  $output .= theme('table', $headers, $rows, array(
    'class' => 'rules-php-help',
  if ($save_info) {
    $output .= '<p>' . t('Note that variables are passed by reference, so you can change them.') . ' ';
    $output .= t("If you want to make the changes permanent, you can let rules intelligently save the changes when the variable's data type supports it.") . ' ' . t('To make use of "intelligent saving" just return an array of variables to save, e.g.: !code So variables are saved only once, even if modified multiple times.', array(
      '!code' => '<pre>return array("node" => $node);</pre>',
    )) . '</p>';
  return $output;

 * Execute custom php code action configuration form.
function rules_action_custom_php_form($settings, &$form, $form_state) {
  $form['settings']['code'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('PHP Code'),
    '#default_value' => isset($settings['code']) ? $settings['code'] : '',
    '#description' => t("The code that should be executed. Don't include &lt;?php ?&gt; delimiters."),
    '#required' => TRUE,

  // add help including some info for saving the variables
  $variables = $form_state['proxy']
  $help = rules_input_evaluator_php_help($variables, TRUE);
  $form['input_help']['rules_input_evaluator_php']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;
  $form['input_help']['rules_input_evaluator_php']['content'] = array(
    '#value' => $help,

 * Execute custom php code action configuration form.
function rules_action_custom_php_submit(&$settings, $form, $form_state) {
  $variables = $form_state['proxy']
  $settings['vars'] = rules_input_evaluator_php_prepare('<?' . $settings['code'], $variables);

 * Execute custom php code condition configuration form.
function rules_condition_custom_php_form($settings, &$form, $form_state) {
  $form['settings']['code'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('PHP Code'),
    '#default_value' => isset($settings['code']) ? $settings['code'] : '',
    '#description' => t("The code that should be executed. Don't include &lt;?php ?&gt; delimiters.") . ' ' . t('Be sure to always return a boolean value, e.g.: !code', array(
      '!code' => '<pre>return $author->name != "bot";</pre>',
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['input_help']['rules_input_evaluator_php']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;

 * Custom PHP condition configuration form validation
 * Checks for at least one return statement
function rules_condition_custom_php_validate($form, $form_state) {
  if (strpos($form_state['values']['settings']['code'], 'return') === FALSE) {
    form_set_error('code', t('The code has to always return a boolean value.'));

 * Execute custom php code action configuration form.
function rules_condition_custom_php_submit(&$settings, $form, $form_state) {
  $variables = $form_state['proxy']
  $settings['vars'] = rules_input_evaluator_php_prepare('<?' . $settings['code'], $variables);

 * The following functions help converting the workflow-ng php condition/actions
 * when upgrading from workflow-ng
function workflow_ng_action_custom_php_upgrade(&$element) {
  $element['#name'] = 'rules_action_custom_php';
  $old_settings = $element['#settings'];
  $element['#settings'] = array(
    'code' => $old_settings['php'],
  $element['#settings']['code_args'] = $old_settings['used_arguments'];
  $element['#settings']['vars'] = $old_settings['used_php_arguments'];
function workflow_ng_condition_custom_php_upgrade(&$element) {
  $element['#name'] = 'rules_condition_custom_php';

 * @}

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Namesort descending Description
rules_action_custom_php_form Execute custom php code action configuration form.
rules_action_custom_php_submit Execute custom php code action configuration form.
rules_condition_custom_php_form Execute custom php code condition configuration form.
rules_condition_custom_php_submit Execute custom php code action configuration form.
rules_condition_custom_php_validate Custom PHP condition configuration form validation Checks for at least one return statement
rules_input_evaluator_php_help Returns some help for the admin using the evaluator
workflow_ng_action_custom_php_upgrade The following functions help converting the workflow-ng php condition/actions when upgrading from workflow-ng