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25 calls to rules_get_configured_items() in Rules 6

rules_admin_export_by_category in rules_admin/
Adds in the rule items for the given tags.
rules_admin_form_export in rules_admin/
Exports one or more configurations
rules_admin_form_export_submit in rules_admin/
rules_admin_form_overview in rules_admin/
Lists the available rules.
rules_admin_form_rule_settings in rules_admin/
Returns the form for the settings of a rule
rules_admin_get_categories in rules_admin/
Returns an array of all existing categories
rules_admin_overview_table in rules_admin/
Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters
rules_admin_sets_overview in rules_admin/
rules_admin_update_6001 in rules_admin/rules_admin.install
Update 6001 Example rules are now added by hook_install() instead of using default rules.
rules_categories_features_export_render in rules/
Implementation of hook_features_export_render() for categories.
rules_clear_cache in rules/rules.module
Clears the rule set cache
rules_features_process_set in rules/
Retrieves all necessary module dependencies for a list of rule sets.
rules_get_rule_sets in rules/rules.module
Returns info about all rule sets, which includes events prefixed with 'event_'.
rules_item_load in rules_admin/rules_admin.module
rules_item_rule_import in rules_admin/
Item type callback: Customize to be imported rules
rules_item_rule_set_delete in rules_admin/
Item type callback: Deleted rule set
rules_item_rule_set_export in rules/
Item type callback: When exporting a rule set, add its rules to the export.
rules_item_rule_set_import in rules_admin/
Item type callback: Customize to be imported rule sets
rules_rules_action_info in rules/modules/
Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
rules_scheduler_action_delete_form in rules_scheduler/
Changes the style of the action form, rule sets have to be selected from a select box.
rules_scheduler_rulesets_without_arguments in rules_scheduler/
Retrieves all rule sets that do not have arguments attached.
rules_scheduler_rules_action_info in rules_scheduler/
Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
rules_update_6003 in rules/rules.install
Flips all argument maps of all rule elements. This is necessary as the format has changed.
rule_load in rules_admin/rules_admin.module
Loads the admin proxy of the rule with the given name
_rules_get_rule_sets in rules/rules.module
Actually retrieves all active rules bypassing the cache