55 calls to restful_get_restful_handler() in RESTful 7
- RestfulAuthenticationTestCase::testAccessTime in tests/
RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.test - Test recording of access time.
- RestfulAuthenticationTestCase::testAuthentication in tests/
RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.test - Test authenticating a user.
- RestfulAuthenticationTestCase::testSwitchUser in tests/
RestfulAuthenticationTestCase.test - Test switching the user in an API call.
- RestfulAutoCompleteTestCase::testAutocomplete in tests/
RestfulAutoCompleteTestCase.test - Test the autocomplete functionality.
- RestfulCreateEntityTestCase::testCreateEntity in tests/
RestfulCreateEntityTestCase.test - Test creating an entity (POST method).
- RestfulCreateNodeTestCase::testCreateNode in tests/
RestfulCreateNodeTestCase.test - Test creating a node (POST method).
- RestfulCreatePrivateNodeTestCase::testCreateNodeWithReference in tests/
RestfulCreatePrivateNodeTestCase.test - Test creating a node (POST method) with reference to existing private node.
- RestfulCreateTaxonomyTermTestCase::testCreate in tests/
RestfulCreateTaxonomyTermTestCase.test - Test the creation of a taxonomy term entity type.
- RestfulDataProviderCToolsPluginsTestCase::testDataProvider in tests/
RestfulDataProviderCToolsPluginsTestCase.test - Test the data provider.
- RestfulDbQueryTestCase::testColumnForQuery in tests/
RestfulDbQueryTestCase.test - Test using joins and filters for the DB query data provider.
- RestfulDbQueryTestCase::testCrudOperations in tests/
RestfulDbQueryTestCase.test - Test authenticating a user.
- RestfulDbQueryTestCase::testRenderCache in tests/
RestfulDbQueryTestCase.test - Test the render cache.
- RestfulDiscoveryTestCase::testFieldDiscovery in tests/
RestfulDiscoveryTestCase.test - Field discovery.
- RestfulDiscoveryTestCase::testFieldDiscoveryAllowedValues in tests/
RestfulDiscoveryTestCase.test - Field discovery allowed values.
- RestfulDiscoveryTestCase::testOptionsMethod in tests/
RestfulDiscoveryTestCase.test - Test the headers populated in an OPTIONS request.
- RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase::testCreateAccess in tests/
RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase.test - Test access control for creating an entity.
- RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase::testEndPointAccessCallback in tests/
RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase.test - Tests custom access callbacks at the resource method level.
- RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase::testPublicFieldAccess in tests/
RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase.test - Test access callback per public field.
- RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase::testUpdateAccess in tests/
RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase.test - Test access control for updating an entity.
- RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase::testViewAccess in tests/
RestfulEntityAndPropertyAccessTestCase.test - Test access control for viewing an entity.
- RestfulEntityBase::createEntityFromReference in plugins/
restful/ RestfulEntityBase.php - Helper function; Create an entity from a a sub-resource.
- RestfulEntityBase::getValueFromResource in plugins/
restful/ RestfulEntityBase.php - Get value from an entity reference field with "resource" property.
- RestfulEntityBaseMultipleBundles::getList in plugins/
restful/ RestfulEntityBaseMultipleBundles.php - Overrides RestfulEntityBase::getList().
- RestfulEntityUserAccessTestCase::testViewAccess in tests/
RestfulEntityUserAccessTestCase.test - Test access control for viewing the "users" resource.
- RestfulEntityValidatorTestCase::testEntityValidator in tests/
RestfulEntityValidatorTestCase.test - Test entity validator.
- RestfulGetHandlersTestCase::testGetHandlers in tests/
RestfulGetHandlersTestCase.test - Test getting handlers via API.
- RestfulListEntityMultipleBundlesTestCase::testList in tests/
RestfulListEntityMultipleBundlesTestCase.test - Test listing an entity with multiple bundles.
- RestfulListTestCase::testAccessHandeling in tests/
RestfulListTestCase.test - Test error handeling when no access is granted to an entity in a list.
- RestfulListTestCase::testCountWithUnpublished in tests/
RestfulListTestCase.test - Test node count and pager when there are unpublished nodes.
- RestfulListTestCase::testFilter in tests/
RestfulListTestCase.test - Test filtering.
- RestfulListTestCase::testPagination in tests/
RestfulListTestCase.test - Test pagination.
- RestfulListTestCase::testSort in tests/
RestfulListTestCase.test - Test the sorting of entities.
- RestfulManager::invalidateEntityCache in includes/
RestfulManager.php - Delete cached entities from all the cache bins associated to restful resources.
- RestfulPassThroughTestCase::testDbQuery in tests/
RestfulPassThroughTestCase.test - Test the pass-through property for an entity.
- RestfulPassThroughTestCase::testEntity in tests/
RestfulPassThroughTestCase.test - Test the pass-through property for an entity.
- RestfulRateLimitTestCase::roleExecute in tests/
RestfulRateLimitTestCase.test - Tests the total amount of allowed calls and the following fail.
- RestfulReferenceTestCase::testEntityReference in tests/
RestfulReferenceTestCase.test - Test field reference.
- RestfulReferenceTestCase::testPropertyReference in tests/
RestfulReferenceTestCase.test - Test property reference.
- RestfulRenderCacheTestCase::testCreateEntity in tests/
RestfulRenderCacheTestCase.test - Test creating an entity (POST method).
- RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase::testSimpleJson in tests/
RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase.test - Test the Simple JSON formatter.
- RestfulSubResourcesCreateEntityTestCase::setUp in tests/
RestfulSubResourcesCreateEntityTestCase.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- RestfulTokenAuthenticationTestCase::testAuthentication in modules/
restful_token_auth/ tests/ RestfulTokenAuthenticationTestCase.test - Test authenticating a user.
- RestfulTokenAuthenticationTestCase::testTokenInvalidating in modules/
restful_token_auth/ tests/ RestfulTokenAuthenticationTestCase.test - Testing the user's access token will be invalidate one the user is blocked.
- RestfulUpdateEntityTestCase::testUpdateEntityAsPatch in tests/
RestfulUpdateEntityTestCase.test - Test update an entity (PATCH method).
- RestfulUpdateEntityTestCase::testUpdateEntityAsPut in tests/
RestfulUpdateEntityTestCase.test - Test update an entity (PUT method).
- RestfulUserLoginCookie::loginAndRespondWithCookie in plugins/
restful/ user/ login_cookie/ 1.0/ RestfulUserLoginCookie.class.php - Login a user and return a JSON along with the authentication cookie.
- RestfulVariableTestCase::testCrudOperations in tests/
RestfulVariableTestCase.test - Test authenticating a user.
- RestfulVariableTestCase::testRenderCache in tests/
RestfulVariableTestCase.test - Test the render cache.
- RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase::assertExpectedResult in tests/
RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase.test - Helper to test viewing an entity (GET method) in a certain language.
- RestfulViewEntityTestCase::testViewEntity in tests/
RestfulViewEntityTestCase.test - Test viewing an entity (GET method).
- RestfulViewModeAndFormatterTestCase::testFormatterIntegration in tests/
RestfulViewModeAndFormatterTestCase.test - Test the field API formatter integration.
- RestfulViewModeAndFormatterTestCase::testViewModeIntegration in tests/
RestfulViewModeAndFormatterTestCase.test - Test the view mode integration.
- restful_get_restful_handler_for_path in ./
restful.module - Helper function to get the restful handler for the selected path.
- restful_menu_access_callback in ./
restful.module - Access callback; Determine access for an API call.
- restful_menu_process_callback in ./
restful.module - Page callback; Return the response for an API call.