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public function RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase::testSimpleJson in RESTful 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tests/RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase.test \RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase::testSimpleJson()

Test the Simple JSON formatter.


tests/RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase.test, line 27
Contains RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase


@file Contains RestfulSimpleJsonTestCase


public function testSimpleJson() {
  $node = restful_test_create_node_with_tags();
  $handler = restful_get_restful_handler('articles', 1, 5);

  // Use the simple JSON formatter.
    ->setPluginKey('formatter', 'json');
  $response = $handler
  $formatter = \RestfulManager::outputFormat($handler);
  $result = $formatter
  if ($decoded_json = drupal_json_decode($result)) {
      ->pass('Valid JSON output generated.');
  else {
      ->fail('Invalid JSON output generated.');
    ->assertNotNull($decoded_json['data'], 'The "data" wrapper was created successfully.');

  // Assert the embedded tags.
  foreach ($decoded_json['data'][0]['tags'] as $index => $tag_info) {
      ->assertNotNull($tag_info['self'], 'The "self" property was populated for the tags.');
      ->assertNotNull($tag_info['id'], 'The "id" property was populated.');
      ->assertEqual($tag_info['label'], $response[0]['tags'][$index]['label'], 'The "label" property was populated correctly.');

  // Assert the HATEOAS.
  // Create another node for pagination.
  $response = $handler
  $result = $formatter
  $decoded_json = drupal_json_decode($result);
    ->assertNotNull($decoded_json['self'], '"Self" property added.');
    ->assertEqual($decoded_json['count'], 2, 'Count was populated correctly.');
    ->assertEqual(count($decoded_json['data']), 1, 'The correct number of items was listed.');
    ->assertNotNull($decoded_json['next'], '"Next" property added.');