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private function RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase::assertExpectedResult in RESTful 7

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  1. 7.2 tests/RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase.test \RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase::assertExpectedResult()

Helper to test viewing an entity (GET method) in a certain language.


string $langcode: The language to view the entity in.

int $id: The ID of the entity to test.

string $text1: The first expected string (text_single and text_multiple[0]).

string $text2: The second expected string (text_multiple[2]).

1 call to RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase::assertExpectedResult()
RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase::testViewMultiLangualEntity in tests/RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase.test
Test viewing an entity with translatable fields.


tests/RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase.test, line 143
Contains RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase


@file Contains RestfulViewEntityMultiLingualTestCase


private function assertExpectedResult($langcode, $id, $text1, $text2) {
  $handler = restful_get_restful_handler('restful_test_translatable_entity');

  // Explicitly set the langcode.
  $response = $handler
  $result = $response[0];
    ->assertEqual(trim(strip_tags($result['text_single'])), $text1, 'Entity view has correct result for "text_single" in language "' . $langcode . '".');
    ->assertEqual(trim(strip_tags($result['text_multiple'][0])), $text1, 'Entity view has correct result for the first value of "text_multiple" in language "' . $langcode . '".');
    ->assertEqual(trim(strip_tags($result['text_multiple'][1])), $text2, 'Entity view has correct result for the second value of "text_multiple" in language "' . $langcode . '".');