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protected function RestfulEntityBase::createEntityFromReference in RESTful 7

Helper function; Create an entity from a a sub-resource.


string $property_name: The property name to set.

mixed $value: The value passed in the request.

array $field_info: The field info array.

string $public_field_name: The name of the public field to set.

Return value

mixed The value to set using the wrapped property.

1 call to RestfulEntityBase::createEntityFromReference()
RestfulEntityBase::propertyValuesPreprocessReference in plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php
Pre-process value for "Entity reference" field types.


plugins/restful/RestfulEntityBase.php, line 824
Contains RestfulEntityBase.


An abstract implementation of RestfulEntityInterface.


protected function createEntityFromReference($property_name, $value, $field_info, $public_field_name) {
  $public_fields = $this
  if (empty($public_fields[$public_field_name]['resource'])) {

    // Field is not defined as "resource", which means it only accepts an
    // integer as a valid value.
    return $value;
  if ($field_info['cardinality'] == 1 && !is_array($value)) {
    return $value;

  // In case we have multiple bundles, we opt for the first one.
  $resource = reset($public_fields[$public_field_name]['resource']);
  $handler = restful_get_restful_handler($resource['name'], $resource['major_version'], $resource['minor_version']);
  return $this
    ->createOrUpdateSubResourceItems($handler, $value, $field_info);