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class RestfulFormatterHalJson in RESTful 7

@file Contains RestfulFormatterHalJson.


Expanded class hierarchy of RestfulFormatterHalJson

1 string reference to 'RestfulFormatterHalJson' in plugins/formatter/hal_json/


plugins/formatter/hal_json/RestfulFormatterHalJson.class.php, line 8
Contains RestfulFormatterHalJson.

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class RestfulFormatterHalJson extends \RestfulFormatterBase implements \RestfulFormatterInterface {

   * Content Type
   * @var string
  protected $contentType = 'application/hal+json; charset=utf-8';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function prepare(array $data) {

    // If we're returning an error then set the content type to
    // 'application/problem+json; charset=utf-8'.
    if (!empty($data['status']) && floor($data['status'] / 100) != 2) {
      $this->contentType = 'application/problem+json; charset=utf-8';
      return $data;

    // Here we get the data after calling the backend storage for the resources.
    $curies_resource = $this
    $output = array();
    foreach ($data as &$row) {
      if (is_array($row)) {
        $row = $this
          ->prepareRow($row, $output);
    $output[$curies_resource] = $data;
    if (!empty($this->handler)) {
      if (method_exists($this->handler, 'getTotalCount') && method_exists($this->handler, 'isListRequest') && $this->handler
        ->isListRequest()) {

        // Get total number of items for the current request w/out pagination.
        $output['count'] = $this->handler
      if (method_exists($this->handler, 'additionalHateoas')) {
        $output = array_merge($output, $this->handler

      // Add HATEOAS to the output.

    // Cosmetic sorting to send the hateoas properties to the end of the output.
    uksort($output, function ($a, $b) {
      if ($a[0] == '_' && $b[0] == '_' || $a[0] != '_' && $b[0] != '_') {
        return strcmp($a, $b);
      return $a[0] == '_' ? 1 : -1;
    return $output;

   * Add HATEOAS links to list of item.
   * @param array $data
   *   The data array after initial massaging.
  protected function addHateoas(array &$data) {
    if (!$this->handler) {
    $request = $this->handler
    if (!isset($data['_links'])) {
      $data['_links'] = array();

    // Get self link.
    $data['_links']['self'] = array(
      'title' => 'Self',
      'href' => $this->handler
    $page = !empty($request['page']) ? $request['page'] : 1;
    if ($page > 1) {
      $request['page'] = $page - 1;
      $data['_links']['previous'] = array(
        'title' => 'Previous',
        'href' => $this->handler
    $curies_resource = $this

    // We know that there are more pages if the total count is bigger than the
    // number of items of the current request plus the number of items in
    // previous pages.
    $items_per_page = $this->handler
    $previous_items = ($page - 1) * $items_per_page;
    if (isset($data['count']) && $data['count'] > count($data[$curies_resource]) + $previous_items) {
      $request['page'] = $page + 1;
      $data['_links']['next'] = array(
        'title' => 'Next',
        'href' => $this->handler
    if (!($curie = $this
      ->getCurie())) {
    $data['_links']['curies'] = array(
      'name' => $curie['name'],
      'href' => $curie['href'] ? $curie['href'] : url('docs/rels', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      )) . '/{rel}',
      'templated' => TRUE,

   * Massage the data of a single row.
   * @param array $row
   *   A single row array.
   * @param array $output
   *   The output array, passed by reference.
   * @return array
   *   The massaged data of a single row.
  public function prepareRow(array $row, array &$output) {
    if (!($curie = $this
      ->getCurie())) {

      // Skip if there is no curie defined.
      return $row;
    $embedded = array();
    foreach ($this->handler
      ->getPublicFields() as $public_field_name => $public_field) {
      if (empty($public_field['resource'])) {

        // Not a resource.
      if (empty($row[$public_field_name])) {

        // No value.
      $nested_embed = $this->handler
      if ($nested_embed) {
        $output += array(
          '_embedded' => array(),
        ->moveReferencesToEmbeds($embedded, $row, $public_field, $public_field_name, $output);
    if (!empty($embedded) && $nested_embed) {
      $row['_embedded'] = $embedded;
    return $row;

   * Add Hateoas to a single row.
   * @param array $row
   *   A single row array, passed by reference.
  protected function addHateoasRow(array &$row) {
    if (!empty($row['self'])) {
      $row += array(
        '_links' => array(),
      $row['_links']['self']['href'] = $row['self'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render(array $structured_data) {
    return drupal_json_encode($structured_data);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getContentTypeHeader() {
    return $this->contentType;

   * Prefix a property name with the curie, if present.
   * @param string $property_name
   *   The input string.
   * @return string
   *   The property name prefixed with the curie.
  protected function withCurie($property_name) {
    if ($curie = $this
      ->getCurie()) {
      return $property_name ? $curie['name'] . ':' . $property_name : $curie['name'];
    return $property_name;

   * Checks if the current plugin has a defined curie.
   * @return array
   *   Associative array with the curie information.
  protected function getCurie() {
    return $this

   * Move the fields referencing other resources to the _embed key.
   * Note that for multiple value entityreference
   * fields $row[$public_field_name] will be an array of values rather than a
   * single value.
   * @param array $embedded
   *   Embedded array to be modified.
   * @param array $row
   *   The row being processed.
   * @param array $public_field
   *   The public field configuration array.
   * @param string $public_field_name
   *   The name of the public field.
   * @param array $output
   *   Output array to be modified.
  protected function moveReferencesToEmbeds(array &$embedded, array &$row, $public_field, $public_field_name, array &$output) {
    $values_metadata = $this->handler
      ->getValueMetadata($row['id'], $public_field_name);

    // Wrap the row in an array if it isn't.
    if (!is_array($row[$public_field_name])) {
      $row[$public_field_name] = array();
    $rows = RestfulBase::isArrayNumeric($row[$public_field_name]) ? $row[$public_field_name] : array(
    foreach ($rows as $subindex => $subrow) {
      $metadata = $values_metadata[$subindex];

      // Loop through each value for the field.
      foreach ($subrow as $index => $resource_row) {
        if (empty($metadata[$index])) {

          // No metadata.

        // If there is no resource name in the metadata for this particular
        // value, assume that we are referring to the first resource in the
        // field definition.
        $resource_name = NULL;
        if (!empty($metadata['resource_name'])) {

          // Make sure that the resource in the metadata exists in the list of
          // resources available for this particular public field.
          foreach ($public_field['resource'] as $resource) {
            if ($resource['name'] != $metadata['resource_name']) {
            $resource_name = $metadata['resource_name'];
        if (empty($resource_name)) {
          $resource = reset($public_field['resource']);
          $resource_name = $resource['name'];
        $curies_resource = $this
        $prepared_row = $this
          ->prepareRow($subrow, $output);
        if ($this->handler
          ->isListRequest()) {
          $embedded[$curies_resource][] = $prepared_row;
        else {
          $output['_embedded'][$curies_resource][] = $prepared_row;

    // Remove the original reference.



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RestfulFormatterBase::$handler protected property The entity handler containing more info about the request.
RestfulFormatterBase::format public function Formats the un-structured data into the output format. Overrides RestfulFormatterInterface::format
RestfulFormatterBase::__construct public function Generic constructor. Overrides RestfulPluginBase::__construct
RestfulFormatterHalJson::$contentType protected property Content Type 1
RestfulFormatterHalJson::addHateoas protected function Add HATEOAS links to list of item.
RestfulFormatterHalJson::addHateoasRow protected function Add Hateoas to a single row.
RestfulFormatterHalJson::getContentTypeHeader public function Returns the content type for the selected output format. Overrides RestfulFormatterBase::getContentTypeHeader
RestfulFormatterHalJson::getCurie protected function Checks if the current plugin has a defined curie.
RestfulFormatterHalJson::moveReferencesToEmbeds protected function Move the fields referencing other resources to the _embed key.
RestfulFormatterHalJson::prepare public function Massages the raw data to create a structured array to pass to the renderer. Overrides RestfulFormatterInterface::prepare
RestfulFormatterHalJson::prepareRow public function Massage the data of a single row.
RestfulFormatterHalJson::render public function Renders an array in the selected format. Overrides RestfulFormatterInterface::render 1
RestfulFormatterHalJson::withCurie protected function Prefix a property name with the curie, if present.
RestfulPluginBase::$plugin protected property The plugin definition array.
RestfulPluginBase::getPlugin public function Gets information about the restful plugin. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::getPlugin
RestfulPluginBase::getPluginKey public function Gets information about the restful plugin key. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::getPluginKey
RestfulPluginBase::setPlugin public function Sets information about the restful plugin. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::setPlugin
RestfulPluginBase::setPluginKey public function Gets information about the restful plugin key. Overrides RestfulPluginInterface::setPluginKey