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public function RestfulFormatterInterface::prepare in RESTful 7

Massages the raw data to create a structured array to pass to the renderer.


array $data: The raw data to return.

Return value

array The data prepared to be rendered.

1 call to RestfulFormatterInterface::prepare()
RestfulFormatterBase::format in plugins/formatter/RestfulFormatterBase.php
Formats the un-structured data into the output format.
2 methods override RestfulFormatterInterface::prepare()
RestfulFormatterHalJson::prepare in plugins/formatter/hal_json/RestfulFormatterHalJson.class.php
Massages the raw data to create a structured array to pass to the renderer.
RestfulFormatterJson::prepare in plugins/formatter/json/RestfulFormatterJson.class.php
Massages the raw data to create a structured array to pass to the renderer.


plugins/formatter/RestfulFormatterInterface.php, line 19
Contains RestfulFormatterInterface.


@file Contains RestfulFormatterInterface.


public function prepare(array $data);