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Functions in Relation 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
relation_entity_info ./relation.module Implements hook_entity_info(). 1
relation_entity_property_info ./relation.module Implements hook_entity_property_info().
relation_entity_property_info_alter ./relation.module Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
relation_export_relation_type ./ Page callback for ctools exports. 1
relation_feeds_ctools_plugin_api relation_feeds/relation_feeds.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
relation_feeds_ctools_plugin_type relation_feeds/relation_feeds.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
relation_feeds_enable relation_feeds/relation_feeds.install Implements hook_enable().
relation_feeds_feeds_plugins relation_feeds/relation_feeds.module Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
relation_form_views_ui_add_item_form_alter views/ Implements hook_form_views_ui_add_item_form_alter().
relation_generate_message ./ Sends message to drush log, if enabled. 1
relation_generate_relations ./ Generates pseudorandom relations. Appropriate entities must already exist. 2
relation_get_available_types ./relation.module Returns the relation types that can have the given entity as an endpoint.
relation_get_endpoints ./relation.module Returns endpoint entities (or entity IDs). 1
relation_get_endpoints_by_endpoint_type ./relation.module Returns the endpoints of a specific endpoint type. 3
relation_get_related_entity ./relation.module Returns a related entity. 1 1
relation_get_types ./relation.module Loads a relation type (bundle), or all relation bundles. 21
relation_get_types_options ./relation.module Returns all relation types in a way which can be used on form options. 1
relation_get_type_label ./relation.module Gets the label of the relation type of the given relation 2
relation_insert ./relation.module Insert a new relation in the database.
relation_install ./relation.install Create our field. 1
relation_label ./relation.module Gets a relation's label. 1
relation_list_types ./relation.module Lists all relation types.
relation_load ./relation.module Loads a relation from a relation id. 10
relation_load_multiple ./relation.module Loads a set of relations from an array of relation ids. 3
relation_migrate_configuration_form relation_migrate/relation_migrate.module Configuration form callback. 1
relation_migrate_menu relation_migrate/relation_migrate.module Implements hook_menu().
relation_migrate_migrate_api relation_migrate/relation_migrate.module Implements hook_migrate_api().
relation_migrate_test_install relation_migrate/tests/relation_migrate_test.module Implements hook_install().
relation_migrate_uninstall relation_migrate/relation_migrate.install Implements hook_uninstall().
relation_multiple_view ./relation.module 1
relation_permission ./relation.module Implements hook_permission().
relation_query ./relation.module Returns a query object to find related entities. 1
relation_query_enforce_distinct_endpoints_alter ./relation.module Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
relation_relation_exists ./relation.module Checks if a relation exists. 4
relation_relation_type_export ./ Exports a relation type. 1 1
relation_rules_access ./ Access callback for creating a relation. 1
relation_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
relation_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
relation_rules_fetch_endpoint ./ Action callback fetching a given number of endpoint entities for a particular relation.
relation_rules_fetch_endpoint_form_alter ./ Form alter callback for the fetch_endpoint action.
relation_rules_fetch_endpoint_info_alter ./ Info alter callback for the fetch_endpoint action.
relation_rules_fetch_endpoint_type_options ./ Returns the options list of available endpoint entity types for the chosen relation type. 2
relation_rules_get_endpoints ./ Endpoint property getter callback. 1
relation_rules_get_related_entities ./ Related entities getter callback. 1
relation_rules_get_specific_endpoints ./ Entity-type specific property getter callback. 1
relation_rules_get_type_options ./ Options list callback for fetching relation types. 2
relation_rules_load_related ./ Action callback loading all related entities. 1
relation_rules_load_related_form_alter ./ Form alter callback for the load_related action.
relation_rules_load_related_info_alter ./ Info alter callback for the load_related action.
relation_rules_set_endpoints ./ Endpoint property setter callback. 1


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