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function relation_entity_property_info_alter in Relation 7

Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().


./relation.module, line 92
Describes relations between entities.


function relation_entity_property_info_alter(&$info) {

  // Add relation type-specific information, so that it is easily available
  // for modules that need to introspect the
  // relation structure (ie. Search API).
  foreach (relation_get_types() as $relation_type => $relation) {
    foreach ($relation->source_bundles as $key => $bundles) {
      list($entity_type, $bundle) = explode(':', $bundles, 2);
      $info['relation']['bundles'][$bundle]['properties']['endpoints_source_' . $entity_type] = array(
        'label' => t('@type (source endpoint)', array(
          '@type' => $entity_type,
        'type' => 'list<' . $entity_type . '>',
        'getter callback' => 'relation_rules_get_specific_endpoints',
        'endpoint_type' => 'source',
        'relation_directional' => $relation->directional,
    foreach ($relation->target_bundles as $key => $bundles) {
      list($entity_type, $bundle) = explode(':', $bundles, 2);
      $info['relation']['bundles'][$bundle]['properties']['endpoints_target_' . $entity_type] = array(
        'label' => t('@type (target endpoint)', array(
          '@type' => $entity_type,
        'type' => 'list<' . $entity_type . '>',
        'getter callback' => 'relation_rules_get_specific_endpoints',
        'endpoint_type' => 'target',
        'relation_directional' => $relation->directional,
    $source_bundles = $relation->source_bundles;
    $original_sb = array_values($source_bundles);
    $directional = FALSE;

    // If its a directional relation, merge the source and target bundles.
    if (count($relation->target_bundles) >= 1) {
      $original_tb = array_values($relation->target_bundles);
      $target_bundles = array_merge($source_bundles, $relation->target_bundles);
      $source_bundles = $target_bundles;
      $directional = TRUE;
    else {
      $target_bundles = $source_bundles;
    foreach ($target_bundles as $target_key => $target_bundle) {
      list($entity_target) = explode(':', $target_bundle, 2);
      foreach ($source_bundles as $source_key => $source_bundle) {
        $property_reverse = $directional && !in_array($source_bundle, $original_sb) && !in_array($target_bundle, $original_tb);
        $property = $property_reverse ? 'relation_' . $relation_type . '_' . $entity_target . '_reverse' : 'relation_' . $relation_type . '_' . $entity_target;
        list($entity_source) = explode(':', $source_bundle, 2);
        if (!$directional || $property_reverse || in_array($target_bundle, $original_tb) && in_array($source_bundle, $original_sb)) {
          $info[$entity_source]['properties'][$property] = array(
            'label' => t('Relation @relation_type (to @entity' . ($property_reverse ? ' reverse)' : ')'), array(
              '@relation_type' => $relation_type,
              '@entity' => $entity_target,
            'type' => 'list<' . $entity_target . '>',
            'relation_type' => $relation_type,
            'target_type' => $entity_target,
            'description' => t("A list of entities related."),
            'getter callback' => 'relation_rules_get_related_entities',