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function relation_load_multiple in Relation 7

Loads a set of relations from an array of relation ids.


$rids: Array of numerical relation ids of the relations to be loaded.

Return value

Associative array of loaded relation objects, keyed by relation id.

See also


3 calls to relation_load_multiple()
relation_delete_multiple in ./relation.module
Deletes a relation.
relation_load in ./relation.module
Loads a relation from a relation id.
relation_rules_get_related_entities in ./
Related entities getter callback.


./relation.module, line 475
Describes relations between entities.


function relation_load_multiple($rids, $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {

  // Entity load handles field_attach_load for us.
  return entity_load('relation', $rids, $conditions, $reset);