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function recipe_pdf35_recipeio in Recipe 6

Implementation of hook_recipeio($type).


plugins/recipe_pdf35.module, line 12
recipe_pdf35.module - Enables exporting of 3x5" cards in pdf format. This is incredibly rudimentary at this point. 1 and only 1 card and if you go over, the text is lost.


function recipe_pdf35_recipeio($type) {
  $supported = array(
    'export_single' => array(
      'format_name' => t('PDF-3x5'),
      'callback' => 'recipe_pdf35_export_single',
      'format_help' => t('Export 3"x5" cards in pdf format.'),
      // No special permissions for pdf export.
      'access arguments' => 'access content',
  if (isset($supported[$type])) {
    return array(
      'pdf35' => $supported[$type],
  else {
    return FALSE;