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CHANGELOG.txt in Recipe 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  3. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
2010-05-12 by jvandervort
  * Single recipe import should use "normal" preview function, not its own mini one.
  * Preview ingredient quantities were not showing fractions.
  * Recipe edit screen ingredient quantities had a leading space sometimes.
  * Moved single recipe import to a tab on the recipe add screen.

2010-05-10 by jvandervort
  * Added the recipe summary location setting.  You can now put the summary in a block.
  * #325733 by rnavarette, added separated input formats to allow for wysiwyg formatting.

Apr 28 20:58:10 2010 by jvandervort
  * Moved content array population to recipe_view where it belongs.  This caused a recipe template update as well.

Wed Apr 21 18:49:48 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  * #776884, fivestar formatting fix.

Wed Mar 31 19:29:15 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  * use typed case for ingredient names if there is a registered trademark symbol somewhere in the name.

Wed Mar 31 16:51:59 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  * #188203, Added a yield unit text field to the recipe table.

2010-03-31 jvandervort
  * restyled ingredient index to match name index.

2010-03-29 jvandervort
  * default recipe admin screen should be the settings page.
  * added help text to the bulk import and export pages.

2010-03-26 jvandervort
  * add user friendly message when there are no bulk import/export formats available.

2010-03-22 jvandervort
  * added recipe name index page.

2010-03-17 jvandervort
  * added template for html export.

2010-03-16 jvandervort
  * straightening out recipe theming.  added a node-recipe.tpl file.

2010-03-15 jvandervort
  * wrap plaintext ingredients that are too long.
  * wrap plaintext ingredients that are too long.
  * strip html from mastercook4 export data.
  * wrap mastercook4 ingredients that are too long.
  * print ingredient fractions and wordwrap plaintext export data.

2010-03-10 jvandervort
    * translate 3x5 pdf headings.
    * 3"x5" pdf output formatting tweak.

2010-03-09 jvandervort
  * sanitize output from ingredient note.
  * allow limited html in ingredient names to support things like ®
  * new admin setting to make all ingredients lowercase when new ingredients are added.
  * rudimentary 3"x5" pdf output support for single recipes.

2010-03-08 jvandervort
  * #735474, added version, source, yield, preptime, description, and note to recipeML import/export.
  * #712522, If you are showing the summary box, don't show the recipe terms at the bottom.
  * #391850, upper case ingredients should not always be converted to lower case.

2010-03-03 jvandervort
  * #419586, allow re-ordering of ingredients with drag and drop.
  * added ingredient sorting weight to edit screen.
  * #730264, changed bycat layout, margins and padding.

2010-03-02 jvandervort
  * show recipes in child categories default value should match admin page default.
  * simplify admin index setting ui and moved all admin menus into admin/content/recipe.

2010-03-01 jvandervort
  * moved "recent recipes" to the /recipe page.
  * add taxonomy terms when bulk importing recipeML format recipes.
  * #720638, increased the ingredient note field display size a little bit.

2010-02-26 jvandervort
  * removed "enable recipe index" setting.
  * #712764, add recipe import menu to /recipe.
  * added a description to the "Enable recipes index" setting.
  * default add new recipe to 5 ingredients.

2010-02-25 jvandervort
  * removed simple ingredient system.
  * massive recipe_form simplification.
  * added "More Ingredients" button.
  * #720638, added ingredient notes to export formats.

2010-02-24 jvandervort
  * added ingredient index page.
  * #720638, added ingredient processing/note/comment field.
  * added "Export to:" to export links.
  * more breadcrumb fixes on index pages.

2010-02-23 jvandervort
  * reworked recipe index page.
  * removed unused themes in the registry.
  * added source to recipeML bulk import.
  * #721940, added new permissions model for export plugins.
  * Shouldn't print "Unit" when using full unit names.  It is the hidden unit.

2010-02-22 jvandervort
  * changed recipe index page callback to drupal_get_form.
  * changed recipe index page permission to "access content".
  * added theme function for ingredient list on recipe view.
  * added admin setting for display full ingredient units.
  * added ingredient unit aliases.
  * added preferred system of measure setting.

2010-02-19 tzoscott
  * #672258, added Views2 support. Does not handle multiple ingredients well..

2010-02-19 jvandervort
  * index screen separation and beautification.

2010-02-16 tzoscott
  * #716556, added jvandervort to README. Updated README and INSTALL

2010-02-16 tzoscott
  * #712780, Added #description help to import text

2010-02-16 jvandervort
  * rss feed doesn't work.
  * recipe page not showing latest recipes when there is a vocab assigned to recipes, but recipe does not contain any terms.
  * #712814, added t() to drupal_set_messages.
  * #31757 by duso, added recipeML bulk import.

2010-02-12 jvandervort
  * recipe export should respect the published status field.
  * #712778, invalid argument when importing a text recipe without ingredients.
  * added multi-recipe export for plaintext.
  * #712786, plaintext import should handle ingredients without units.
  * #369313, custom yield should carryover into html export.
  * added multi-recipe export for mastercook4.
  * recipes menu should be a normal menu item.

2010-02-11 jvandervort
  * begin simplifying the decimal to fraction conversion routines.
  * #348733, hook_update does not add missing recipe table entries.
  * created a mini template system for mastercook4 exporting.

2010-02-10 jvandervort
  * #166879, muliple taxonomy terms not showing in summary.
  * added a recipe save error message when yield is not a positive integer.
  * #348733, recipe yield field should be an integer.

2010-02-10 tzoscott
  * recipe.install, #709074 Added dsm() on modules/list if recipe mode is 'simple' (for future #699112 patch)

2010-02-09 jvandervort
  * added db update function for recipe5.x to recipe6.x conversion.
  * added more error handling for recipe import.
  * added coloring to recipe import preview.
  * added "export recipes" perm to export call in hook_menu.
  * moved export html and export recipeML into their own modules.
  * removed admin settings for export html and export recipeML.
2010-02-09 tzoscott
  * #709074 added a warning to the Admin page, Simple vs. Complex
2010-02-09 tzoscott
  * recipe module, recipe.schema: #709062 fixed a dozen minor warnings from Coder Tough Love

2010-02-08 jvandervort
  * recipe.module: added yield reset button.
  * fuzzy unit match for import functions.
  * plugins/recipe_plaintext.module: documentation of the plaintext import format.
2010-02-08 tzoscott
  * recipe.module: #668694 by tzoscott: Add 'export' permission.

2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * recipe.module: #232147 by tzoscott: Add 'Add a Recipe link' on the Recipe List page.

2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * #705382 by tzoscott: start to get all of the HTML and display out
    of the core module.
2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * recipe.css: #707590 by tzoscott: fix quantity line wrap due to large fractions (33/100) etc

2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * recipe.module: #707430 by tzoscott: fix, \n display artifact

2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * recipe.module, recipe.css: #707498 by tzoscott: get CSS styles out of module and into the recipe.css file`

2010-02-07 tzoscott
  * recipe.module: #707430 by tzoscott: fix CSS classes which were not inside recipe CSS namespace.

2010-02-07  jvandervort
  * #216171, regression fix.  Use normal INT instead of TINYINT to support postgres and
    match up-coming drupal core.

2010-02-06  jvandervort
  * recipe.module, plugins/, renamed the import hook name to allow
    for single and bulk input and output to be supported later.
  * added a description field to the recipe import menu.
  * import permission should be 'create recipes'

2010-02-06  tzoscott
  * recipe.module, #705382 by tzoscott: fix to move .module admin settings to own

2010-02-05 11:52  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #206607, regression.

2010-02-05 11:51  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #257435, recipeML export escaping fix.

2010-02-05 11:24  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #348733, user warning: Incorrect integer value on
    recipe save.

2010-02-05 10:53  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #705584, recipe preview has no ingredients listed.

2010-02-04 23:48  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: permissions fix.

2010-02-04 19:37  jvandervort

  *, recipe.module, plugins/,
    plugins/recipe_plaintext.module: modularize the import plugins.

2010-02-04 16:59  jvandervort

  * CHANGELOG.txt, README.txt, recipe.css, recipe.install,
    recipe.module, translations/,
    translations/general.pot, translations/,
    translations/ Merge changes from HEAD (#668518,
    #187332, #280056, #206607, #216171, #369313, #632036).  Begin
    developing in DRUPAL-6--1.

2010-02-04 14:45  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #632036 by drewish, recipe_select_nodes() has
    query that doesn't use the index.

2010-02-04 14:34  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: #369313, search does not work on recipe pages.

2010-02-04 12:28  jvandervort

  * recipe.module: aligned ingredient columns in recipe view.

2010-02-04 11:08  jvandervort

  * recipe.install, recipe.module: #216171 by Sean B Fuller, recipe
    ingredients should maintain the order they are entered.

2010-02-04 10:57  jvandervort

  * recipe.install: remove recipe type nodes and node revisions on

2010-02-03 19:34  jvandervort

  * CHANGELOG.txt, recipe.module: added beginning recipe import
    framework.  added the plaintext parser.

2010-02-03 19:34  jvandervort

  * CHANGELOG.txt: file CHANGELOG.txt was added on branch DRUPAL-6--1
    on 2010-02-04 21:59:55 +0000

2010-02-03 08:37  tzoscott

  * CHANGELOG.txt: #703504 by tzoscott, Added CHANGELOG.txt

2010-02-02 17:29  jvandervort

  * recipe.install: remove recipe variables upon uninstall.

2010-01-30 11:03  tzoscott

  * README.txt: #699870 by tzoscott: Added style to README, mimicing
    Drupal. Added details and illustration of recipe database.

2010-01-30 11:00  tzoscott

  * README.txt: #516626 by bdornbush: Fixed README, adding
    Installation and config steps, inc. for taxonomy.

2010-01-30 09:47  tzoscott

  * recipe.module: #206607 by robin t: Fixed SQL error w/postgres;
    insert of int is now %d. Fixed nearby commen typo.

2010-01-29 22:29  tzoscott

  * recipe.module: #280056 by marcingy: Add new permission edit all

2010-01-28 23:35  tzoscott

  * README.txt: by tzoscott: updated README, adding myself to
    maintainers. Added couple items to TODO.

2010-01-28 23:26  tzoscott

  * recipe.module: feature request #187322 by tzoscott: Added admin
    option to hide display of Yield Summary.

2010-01-28 09:09  tzoscott

  * recipe.module: bug report #668518 by hass,tzoscott: Backed out
    .module change line 399 (was causing an invalid operand in Recipe

2010-01-27 22:19  tzoscott

  * recipe.css, recipe.install, recipe.module: bug report #668518 by
    hass, tzoscott: Fixed coding style issues in module, install,
    translations, css. Removed control-m from css.

2009-12-27 13:12  hass

  * translations/: general.pot,,,
    recipe.pot: Correcting filenames for auto-importer.

2009-12-27 06:29  hass

  * translations/: general-es.po,, recipe-de.po,
    recipe-it.po, recipe-module-es.po, recipe-module-hu.po,
    recipe-module.pot,,,,, recipe.pot: Correcting filenames for auto-importer.

2009-12-27 06:28  hass

  * translations/: general-es.po, general.pot, recipe-de.po,
    recipe-it.po, recipe-module-es.po, recipe-module-hu.po,
    recipe-module.pot: Renamed folder for D6

2009-06-26 08:46  marble

  * recipe.module: Merge changes from MAIN (fixes for #489930,
    #250117, #263432 and #268265)

2009-06-26 08:39  marble

  * recipe.module: feature request #489930 by jbemmel, fixed by
    jbemmel. Hooked nodeapi to apply links to ingredient nodes in
    existing recipes if the nodes are created later.

2009-06-26 08:18  marble

  * recipe.module: bug report #250117 by marcparker, fix from
    jbemmel. Fixed disappearing ingredients in preview due to $node
    sometimes being an array.

2009-06-26 07:53  marble

  * recipe.module: bug report #263432 and #268265 reported by swirt
    and linuxpowers, fixed by IanBezanson and mmilano, with thanks to
    everyone who helped investigate and test the fixes.

2008-04-20 16:07  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Patch #230955. Adding new ingredients fails with

2008-04-20 15:05  brdwor

  *, recipe.install, recipe.module: Patch #227756 by
    shadow.  Initial 6.x compatability.

2008-04-20 14:31  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Sync DRUPAL-5 with HEAD before creating DRUPAL-6

2007-10-22 13:23  marble

  * recipe.install: Fix initial install by adding link to
    recipe_ingredient table

2007-10-17 13:40  marble

  * recipe.install, recipe.module: Ingredients link to nodes of the
    same name, if they exist. Fixes #167830, patch from zmove and

2007-10-17 13:39  marble

  * recipe.install, recipe.module: Link ingredients to node pages, if
    such pages exist. Fixes #167830, patch thanks to zmove and

2007-10-17 13:33  marble

  * recipe.module: Remove old unnecessary code, patch thanks to
    webchick (#179886)

2007-10-17 13:32  marble

  * recipe.module: Applied fix for #180543, patch thanks to webchick.

2007-10-17 10:45  marble

  * recipe.module: Remove code that isn't useful anymore, fixes
    #179886. Thanks to webchick for the patch.

2007-10-17 10:43  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix #180543, thanks to patch from webchick.

2007-09-18 17:46  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Patch #166879 by grudolf.  Fix handling of
    multiple taxonomy terms in summary table.

2007-09-18 17:28  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Fix #172041 based on patch from zmove ported to

2007-09-18 17:17  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Patch #145241 by  Make more
    strings translatable.

2007-09-05 13:39  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix #172041 (quantity going missing when fraction
    display is unset and quantity contains a '.') Based on patch from

2007-07-08 16:55  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix fraction stuff. Fixes #148451, #132536 and
    also reconverts to fractions when editing recipes.

2007-07-08 16:20  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix fraction stuff. Fixes #148451, #132536 and
    also reconverts to fractions when editing recipes.

2007-07-08 15:40  marble

  * recipe.module: Remove check_plain for ingredient names - allows
    apostrophes etc in names. The string is properly escaped when
    displayed or put in DB, so this is safe.

2007-06-18 19:07  dww

  * #152819: Module .info files should not define
    'version' in CVS

2007-06-18 18:53  dww

  * #152819: Module .info files should not define
    'version' in CVS

2007-05-31 18:53  brdwor

  * recipe.module: Patch #139715 by moonray. fix compat with
    Categories module.

2007-05-31 18:39  brdwor

  * README.txt,, recipe.install: Patch #145263 by
    thierry_gd. add ability to uninstall.

2007-04-10 19:43  brdwor

  * recipe.install: Patch #135212 by primechuck. postgres install
    missing bracket.

2007-03-15 14:03  marble

  * README.txt: Updated maintainers list

2007-02-25 19:03  brdwor

  * Patch #118383 by moonray. Fixed .info file.

2007-02-25 19:00  brdwor

  * Patch #118383 by moonray. Fixed .info file.

2007-01-20 06:11  marble

  * Fixed up thanks to input from brdwor

2007-01-19 17:51  marble

  * file for Drupal 5

2007-01-19 15:35  marble

  * recipe.module: Initial 5.x port thanks to brdwor. This is still
    untested by me currently.  Please leave feedback on #104357

2007-01-19 14:54  marble

  * UPGRADE.txt: Removed old upgrade info

2007-01-19 14:33  marble

  * INSTALL, recipe.module: It's clunky, but at least possible to
    update 4.6 compatible tables to the 4.7 schema now. Please feel
    free to contribute patches to make this process smoother! (Add
    any comments to #78538)

2007-01-19 14:10  marble

  * recipe.module: Order ingredients by id to prevent reversing order
    on updates. Patch from moonray, fixes #104052.

2006-12-12 04:25  marble

  * recipe.module: Fixed stylesheet references to use
    drupal_get_path, and refer to stylesheets that exist (for html
    export). Fix from Sean B Fuller, fixes #102704.

2006-12-10 04:27  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix for #101519 - SQL error when using 'create new
    revision', patch from Sean B Fuller.

2006-12-10 04:23  marble

  * recipe.module: Show prep time in minutes when less than an hour,
    and have some more options for prep time. Patch from moonray,
    fixes #98008.

2006-11-28 12:55  marble

  * recipe.module: Handle 3rds, 6ths, 9ths and 12ths better. Patch
    from moonray, fixes #82288

2006-09-20 03:26  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix #84980, patch from eagleeye - only show recipe
    nodes on the latest recipes list.

2006-09-13 04:02  marble

  * recipe.css, recipe.module: Add halve/double buttons for yield,
    patch from drawk. Works towards fix for #83666.

2006-09-13 03:50  marble

  * recipe.css: Styling for acronym for #83801, from drawk.

2006-09-13 03:49  marble

  * recipe.module: Display unit type names on mouseover, patch from
    drawk. Fixes #83801

2006-09-13 03:45  marble

  * recipe.module: Don't display recipe n times in latest recipes if
    it's associated with n taxonomy terms, fixes #83875, patch from

2006-09-13 03:42  marble

  * recipe.module: Display ingredients in order they were input,
    rather than alphabetically. Fixes #83869, patch from drawk.

2006-09-11 04:09  marble

  * recipe.module: Applied patch from drawk to allow input of
    fractions. Fixes #82288

2006-09-11 03:42  marble

  * recipe.module: Applied patch from drawk for displaying fractions,
    fixes #83471 (Added filter_xss_admin() to the patch just to be
    safe, and applied it to the preptime too).

2006-09-09 04:03  marble

  * recipe.module: Prevent body/teaser being displayed twice when
    viewing a recipe (Reported by drawk).

2006-08-18 07:28  marble

  * recipe.install: Add {} to table names so that they get prefixed
    properly, thanks to tayknight for the patch. Fixes #78809.

2006-08-08 17:38  heine

  * recipe.module: Commited fix for DRUPAL-SA-2006-013 to 4.6 branch

2006-08-08 04:31  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix latest recipes page for case where no taxonomy
    is used. Fixes #77441

2006-08-08 04:24  marble

  * recipe.module: Removed recipe_vocabs setting, in favour of using
    the taxonomy module to list vocabs associated with the recipe
    node type.

    Fixed 'latest recipes' page (still requires each recipe to have a
    term from a vocab, I think).

2006-08-07 08:25  marble

  * recipe.module: Fix missing ingredients when editing recipes,
    fixes #77239

2006-08-06 08:20  marble

  * recipe.install, recipe.module: Fixes for postgres support, thanks
    to toftat.

2006-08-02 06:03  marble

  * recipe.install, recipe.module: Fix some install issues Re-add the
    preptime field that went missing with the 4.7 update patch

2006-07-30 16:42  marble

  * recipe.module: Removed nonfunctional node versioning.  Fix
    check_plain on ingredients during preview.

2006-07-30 16:19  marble

  * recipe.module: Added input format field, and validate fields
    against it. (Ingredients are limited to plaintext, selected input
    format applies to body, instructions, notes, source).

2006-07-30 09:42  marble

  * recipe.install: Improved status reporting of install #74064,
    thanks to thierry_gd Also removed some unnecessary duplication of

2006-07-30 09:22  marble

  * INSTALL, recipe.install, recipe.module, recipe.mysql,
    recipe.pgsql: Update to compatability with drupal 4.7 (#42997).
    This is based on work by brdwor, with further feedback from Thox,
    moshe, jivyb, hpn, andylei, loganbear, drawk, thierry_gd and
    fixes by myself.

2005-09-20 10:04  thox

  * recipe.module: Cleaning up the recipe_list() table

2005-09-20 09:41  thox

  * recipe.module: Keeping up with HEAD: theme_username() and

2005-09-20 09:08  thox

  * recipe.module: Keeping up with HEAD: check_markup() and

2005-06-21 09:40  weitzman

  * recipe.module: reverting patr of last commit per #25424

2005-06-16 22:14  weitzman

  * recipe.module: fix type in upgrade and replace header() with

2005-06-10 21:04  thox

  * recipe.module: - Code style improvements - Less processing on
    recipe pages that only show teasers - Fixed preview bug and
    is_array() errors #24783

2005-05-31 22:24  weitzman

  * UPGRADE.txt, recipe.module: Recipe breadcrumb shows up on main
    page #21006

2005-05-27 17:07  thox

  * recipe.module: Bug fix - recipe menu callback wasn't right

2005-05-26 06:30  thox

  * recipe.css, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: Patch #23543 -
    ingredient format changes, recipe list improvements and RecipeML

2005-04-20 12:53  weitzman

  * recipe.module: various bug fixes

2005-04-15 14:56  weitzman

  * INSTALL, README.txt, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, recipe.pgsql:
    adding files in CVS is an unholy bore. save us from ourselves

2005-04-13 23:58  weitzman

  * recipe.module: #20407 fixed teaser display

2005-04-13 23:47  weitzman

  * recipe.module: insignificant changes for php5 and preparing for
    4.6 drupal

2005-03-01 22:22  weitzman

  * recipe.module: many many updates for 4.6. fixed bug in folksonomy
    which prevented albums.module from working in many cases

2005-01-24 11:05  weitzman

  * recipe.module: 4.6 compatible

2005-01-12 20:14  steved

  * recipe.mysql: removed unnecessary mysql line that caused errors
    when installing

2004-12-08 07:41  weitzman

  * recipe.module: support db prefixes

2004-12-01 17:25  weitzman

  * recipe.module, recipe.mysql, updaterecipe.php: many bug fixes

2004-10-27 11:39  weitzman

  * recipe.module: update for node permissions

2004-10-27 11:25  weitzman

  * recipe.module: update for node permissions

2004-10-22 14:22  weitzman

  * recipe.module: fix node/add page and remove 'access recipes'

2004-10-21 10:54  weitzman

  * INSTALL, README.txt, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, recipe.pgsql,
    updaterecipe.php: initial 4.5 release

2004-10-21 10:47  weitzman

  * recipe.module: fix for view hook

2004-10-21 10:36  weitzman

  * recipe.module: update for 4.5

2004-10-13 09:01  uwe

  * README, README.txt: Renamed all README files to README.txt, as
    discussed in I have done this using
    some command line magic:

    find . -name README -exec cp '{}' '{}.txt' \; -exec cvs remove -f
    '{}' \; -exec cvs add '{}.txt' \;

    I will update all occurences of 'README' to 'README.txt' in the
    conrtib CVS, soon. I'll also rename LICENSE, CHANGELOG etc. files
    as soon as I get around to it.

2004-09-30 20:08  uwe

  * recipe.module: Added CVS Id: tag to all *.module files where it
    was missing (as required by the coding standards, see
    CODING_STANDARDS.html). I also unified the format and the
    location of the Id tag. It starts with "//" and is placed on
    the second line in all *.module files, now.

2004-07-12 23:34  weitzman

  * recipe.module: keep up with menu changes

2004-06-18 21:34  weitzman

  * recipe.module: updated for tabs and menu hook

2004-04-29 15:19  garym

  * recipe.module: menu requires backslash to work for anonymous

2004-04-22 18:36  garym

  * recipe.module: updated to use db-prefix and check_input on all

2004-04-06 17:40  weitzman

  * recipe.module: slight css tweaking, fix authoring help, better

2004-04-06 17:13  weitzman

  * recipe.module: slight css tweaking

2004-04-06 15:16  weitzman

  * recipe.module: use node_prepare()

2004-04-02 11:47  weitzman

  * recipe.module: use node_prepare()

2004-03-26 17:19  weitzman

  * recipe.module: tiny improvement to taxonomy_dhtml integration

2004-01-29 17:25  weitzman

  * recipe.module: updated for <head> change and node changes

2004-01-27 16:16  weitzman

  * recipe.module: updated for theme('page') and set_html_head()

2004-01-15 12:58  weitzman

  * recipe.module: changed css a bit and reordered boxes on overview

2004-01-11 22:08  weitzman

  * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, updaterecipe.php: force a
    'read more' link and put all the recipe text into the node body
    so search results are more plentiful.

    this version requires a SQL update, and the included
    updaterecipe.php script must be run also.

2003-12-08 13:53  goba

  * recipe.module: fixing all pager display calls to invoke
    theme('pager', ...) instead

2003-12-07 14:11  weitzman

  * INSTALL, README, recipe.module: updated for for latest CVS

2003-11-17 16:05  killes

  * recipe.module: Small fix to searchbox

2003-11-17 07:37  killes

  * recipe.module: Fixed the pager in recipe_list(). Fix by Zonix.

2003-11-13 17:25  dries

  * recipe.module:
    - Theme system updates: theme() function return their data now.

2003-11-13 14:55  dries

  * recipe.module:
    - table(...) -> theme("table", ...")

2003-10-18 13:19  weitzman

  * recipe.module: major css upgrade per kika suggestion at

2003-10-18 10:45  weitzman

  * recipe.module: updated for content() hook

2003-10-18 10:02  weitzman

  * recipe.module: updated for _link() hook. tried gto update for
    help hook but seems not to be working for some reason. not much
    help there anyway

2003-07-17 18:27  weitzman

  * recipe.module: small xhtml fix

2003-07-17 18:07  weitzman

  * recipe.module: tiny xhtml fix

2003-07-16 09:14  weitzman

  * recipe.module, recipe.pgsql: more secure queries and better

    a pgsql install script

2003-07-16 09:05  weitzman

  * recipe.module, recipe.pgsql: more secure queries, and proper
    quoting of string fields

    also, a pgsql compliant database script

2003-06-23 09:27  weitzman

  * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: removing from the 4.1

2003-06-21 19:12  weitzman

  * README, recipe.module: added a search box to the main recipe
    page. made a couple queries more efficient by using INNER JOIN
    instead of LEFT JOIN

2003-06-21 17:24  weitzman

  * recipe.module: various fields (with notable exception of
    'ingredients') are now included in the  searchable index.

    This module is now an example of a node module adding text fields
    to the Index. This was a bit tricky to figure out.

2003-05-26 23:08  weitzman

  * INSTALL, README, recipe.module: A major rewrite. A module for
    people to share recipes. Also a great way to get your mothers to
    use Drupal.

2003-02-25 03:49  almaw

  * README: Added README's to nearly all the modules lacking them so
    we don't get any more broken links on the downloads page.

2003-02-15 07:36  dries

  * recipe.module: - Updated the modules in the contributions
    repository to use   'theme("function")' instead of
    '$theme->function()'.  Hopefully I didn't   break anything.  If I
    did, let me know.

      The following modules need special attention (but should still
    work as is):

      1. The ldap_integration directory has its own user.module; I
    haven't updated
         the documentation bit that talks about themes.

      2. The hotlist module uses '$theme->hotlist_del_icon'.  Should
    be avoided
         and somehow wrapped in a (larger) call to theme().

      3. The image module has its own way of doing what 'theme()'
    does (or the
         former 'theme_invoke()').  Constructs like the one below (a)
    look wrong
         and (b) should be rewritten to properly use 'theme()'.  For

         $theme->box("foo", method_exists("bar") ? $theme->bar() :

         Search for "image_gallery_album", "image_gallery_home" and
         "image_thumb_browser".  I've already changed '$theme->box()'

      4. The sidebar module uses '$theme->foreground' and
         Should be avoided and somehow wrapped in a (larger) call to

      5. The org_informations module uses '$theme->separator()',
    which is new to

      6. The taxonomy_filter module uses
    '$theme->taxolist_filter_item()'.  It
         should use 'theme("taxolist_filter_item")' instead.  I
    haven't changed
         it because it would probably fail to resolve the default
    function if
         not overridden by a theme.

      7. The taxonomy_dhtml module's INSTALL file still talks about

      8. The xloadtree module's INSTALL file still talks about

      9. I haven't updated the style.module; too many $theme's,
    though I don't
         think it needs any updates.

      [I'll try to update the sandboxes later on.]

2003-02-11 15:27  dries

  * recipe.module:
    - See

2002-10-29 05:26  killes

  * recipe.module: fixing block

2002-06-04 22:04  weitzman

  * INSTALL: added TODO item concerning indexing - just stuff all
    indexable in body and let usual node indexing proceed

2002-05-23 11:05  weitzman

  * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: initial version of a recipe

    this is an attempt to get our mother's to use drupal :)

    requires the version of Drupal in Kjartan's sandbox. Uses new
    node API (but could easily be backported to 4.0)


View source
  1. 2010-05-12 by jvandervort
  2. * Single recipe import should use "normal" preview function, not its own mini one.
  3. * Preview ingredient quantities were not showing fractions.
  4. * Recipe edit screen ingredient quantities had a leading space sometimes.
  5. * Moved single recipe import to a tab on the recipe add screen.
  6. 2010-05-10 by jvandervort
  7. * Added the recipe summary location setting. You can now put the summary in a block.
  8. * #325733 by rnavarette, added separated input formats to allow for wysiwyg formatting.
  9. Apr 28 20:58:10 2010 by jvandervort
  10. * Moved content array population to recipe_view where it belongs. This caused a recipe template update as well.
  11. Wed Apr 21 18:49:48 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  12. * #776884, fivestar formatting fix.
  13. Wed Mar 31 19:29:15 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  14. * use typed case for ingredient names if there is a registered trademark symbol somewhere in the name.
  15. Wed Mar 31 16:51:59 2010 UTC by jvandervort
  16. * #188203, Added a yield unit text field to the recipe table.
  17. 2010-03-31 jvandervort
  18. * restyled ingredient index to match name index.
  19. 2010-03-29 jvandervort
  20. * default recipe admin screen should be the settings page.
  21. * added help text to the bulk import and export pages.
  22. 2010-03-26 jvandervort
  23. * add user friendly message when there are no bulk import/export formats available.
  24. 2010-03-22 jvandervort
  25. * added recipe name index page.
  26. 2010-03-17 jvandervort
  27. * added template for html export.
  28. 2010-03-16 jvandervort
  29. * straightening out recipe theming. added a node-recipe.tpl file.
  30. 2010-03-15 jvandervort
  31. * wrap plaintext ingredients that are too long.
  32. * wrap plaintext ingredients that are too long.
  33. * strip html from mastercook4 export data.
  34. * wrap mastercook4 ingredients that are too long.
  35. * print ingredient fractions and wordwrap plaintext export data.
  36. 2010-03-10 jvandervort
  37. * translate 3x5 pdf headings.
  38. * 3"x5" pdf output formatting tweak.
  39. 2010-03-09 jvandervort
  40. * sanitize output from ingredient note.
  41. * allow limited html in ingredient names to support things like ®
  42. * new admin setting to make all ingredients lowercase when new ingredients are added.
  43. * rudimentary 3"x5" pdf output support for single recipes.
  44. 2010-03-08 jvandervort
  45. * #735474, added version, source, yield, preptime, description, and note to recipeML import/export.
  46. * #712522, If you are showing the summary box, don't show the recipe terms at the bottom.
  47. * #391850, upper case ingredients should not always be converted to lower case.
  48. 2010-03-03 jvandervort
  49. * #419586, allow re-ordering of ingredients with drag and drop.
  50. * added ingredient sorting weight to edit screen.
  51. * #730264, changed bycat layout, margins and padding.
  52. 2010-03-02 jvandervort
  53. * show recipes in child categories default value should match admin page default.
  54. * simplify admin index setting ui and moved all admin menus into admin/content/recipe.
  55. 2010-03-01 jvandervort
  56. * moved "recent recipes" to the /recipe page.
  57. * add taxonomy terms when bulk importing recipeML format recipes.
  58. * #720638, increased the ingredient note field display size a little bit.
  59. 2010-02-26 jvandervort
  60. * removed "enable recipe index" setting.
  61. * #712764, add recipe import menu to /recipe.
  62. * added a description to the "Enable recipes index" setting.
  63. * default add new recipe to 5 ingredients.
  64. 2010-02-25 jvandervort
  65. * removed simple ingredient system.
  66. * massive recipe_form simplification.
  67. * added "More Ingredients" button.
  68. * #720638, added ingredient notes to export formats.
  69. 2010-02-24 jvandervort
  70. * added ingredient index page.
  71. * #720638, added ingredient processing/note/comment field.
  72. * added "Export to:" to export links.
  73. * more breadcrumb fixes on index pages.
  74. 2010-02-23 jvandervort
  75. * reworked recipe index page.
  76. * removed unused themes in the registry.
  77. * added source to recipeML bulk import.
  78. * #721940, added new permissions model for export plugins.
  79. * Shouldn't print "Unit" when using full unit names. It is the hidden unit.
  80. 2010-02-22 jvandervort
  81. * changed recipe index page callback to drupal_get_form.
  82. * changed recipe index page permission to "access content".
  83. * added theme function for ingredient list on recipe view.
  84. * added admin setting for display full ingredient units.
  85. * added ingredient unit aliases.
  86. * added preferred system of measure setting.
  87. 2010-02-19 tzoscott
  88. * #672258, added Views2 support. Does not handle multiple ingredients well..
  89. 2010-02-19 jvandervort
  90. * index screen separation and beautification.
  91. 2010-02-16 tzoscott
  92. * #716556, added jvandervort to README. Updated README and INSTALL
  93. 2010-02-16 tzoscott
  94. * #712780, Added #description help to import text
  95. 2010-02-16 jvandervort
  96. * rss feed doesn't work.
  97. * recipe page not showing latest recipes when there is a vocab assigned to recipes, but recipe does not contain any terms.
  98. * #712814, added t() to drupal_set_messages.
  99. * #31757 by duso, added recipeML bulk import.
  100. 2010-02-12 jvandervort
  101. * recipe export should respect the published status field.
  102. * #712778, invalid argument when importing a text recipe without ingredients.
  103. * added multi-recipe export for plaintext.
  104. * #712786, plaintext import should handle ingredients without units.
  105. * #369313, custom yield should carryover into html export.
  106. * added multi-recipe export for mastercook4.
  107. * recipes menu should be a normal menu item.
  108. 2010-02-11 jvandervort
  109. * begin simplifying the decimal to fraction conversion routines.
  110. * #348733, hook_update does not add missing recipe table entries.
  111. * created a mini template system for mastercook4 exporting.
  112. 2010-02-10 jvandervort
  113. * #166879, muliple taxonomy terms not showing in summary.
  114. * added a recipe save error message when yield is not a positive integer.
  115. * #348733, recipe yield field should be an integer.
  116. 2010-02-10 tzoscott
  117. * recipe.install, #709074 Added dsm() on modules/list if recipe mode is 'simple' (for future #699112 patch)
  118. 2010-02-09 jvandervort
  119. * added db update function for recipe5.x to recipe6.x conversion.
  120. * added more error handling for recipe import.
  121. * added coloring to recipe import preview.
  122. * added "export recipes" perm to export call in hook_menu.
  123. * moved export html and export recipeML into their own modules.
  124. * removed admin settings for export html and export recipeML.
  125. 2010-02-09 tzoscott
  126. * #709074 added a warning to the Admin page, Simple vs. Complex
  127. 2010-02-09 tzoscott
  128. * recipe module, recipe.schema: #709062 fixed a dozen minor warnings from Coder Tough Love
  129. 2010-02-08 jvandervort
  130. * recipe.module: added yield reset button.
  131. * fuzzy unit match for import functions.
  132. * plugins/recipe_plaintext.module: documentation of the plaintext import format.
  133. 2010-02-08 tzoscott
  134. * recipe.module: #668694 by tzoscott: Add 'export' permission.
  135. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  136. * recipe.module: #232147 by tzoscott: Add 'Add a Recipe link' on the Recipe List page.
  137. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  138. * #705382 by tzoscott: start to get all of the HTML and display out
  139. of the core module.
  140. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  141. * recipe.css: #707590 by tzoscott: fix quantity line wrap due to large fractions (33/100) etc
  142. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  143. * recipe.module: #707430 by tzoscott: fix, \n display artifact
  144. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  145. * recipe.module, recipe.css: #707498 by tzoscott: get CSS styles out of module and into the recipe.css file`
  146. 2010-02-07 tzoscott
  147. * recipe.module: #707430 by tzoscott: fix CSS classes which were not inside recipe CSS namespace.
  148. 2010-02-07 jvandervort
  149. * #216171, regression fix. Use normal INT instead of TINYINT to support postgres and
  150. match up-coming drupal core.
  151. 2010-02-06 jvandervort
  152. * recipe.module, plugins/, renamed the import hook name to allow
  153. for single and bulk input and output to be supported later.
  154. * added a description field to the recipe import menu.
  155. * import permission should be 'create recipes'
  156. 2010-02-06 tzoscott
  157. * recipe.module, #705382 by tzoscott: fix to move .module admin settings to own
  158. 2010-02-05 11:52 jvandervort
  159. * recipe.module: #206607, regression.
  160. 2010-02-05 11:51 jvandervort
  161. * recipe.module: #257435, recipeML export escaping fix.
  162. 2010-02-05 11:24 jvandervort
  163. * recipe.module: #348733, user warning: Incorrect integer value on
  164. recipe save.
  165. 2010-02-05 10:53 jvandervort
  166. * recipe.module: #705584, recipe preview has no ingredients listed.
  167. 2010-02-04 23:48 jvandervort
  168. * recipe.module: permissions fix.
  169. 2010-02-04 19:37 jvandervort
  170. *, recipe.module, plugins/,
  171. plugins/recipe_plaintext.module: modularize the import plugins.
  172. 2010-02-04 16:59 jvandervort
  173. * CHANGELOG.txt, README.txt, recipe.css, recipe.install,
  174. recipe.module, translations/,
  175. translations/general.pot, translations/,
  176. translations/ Merge changes from HEAD (#668518,
  177. #187332, #280056, #206607, #216171, #369313, #632036). Begin
  178. developing in DRUPAL-6--1.
  179. 2010-02-04 14:45 jvandervort
  180. * recipe.module: #632036 by drewish, recipe_select_nodes() has
  181. query that doesn't use the index.
  182. 2010-02-04 14:34 jvandervort
  183. * recipe.module: #369313, search does not work on recipe pages.
  184. 2010-02-04 12:28 jvandervort
  185. * recipe.module: aligned ingredient columns in recipe view.
  186. 2010-02-04 11:08 jvandervort
  187. * recipe.install, recipe.module: #216171 by Sean B Fuller, recipe
  188. ingredients should maintain the order they are entered.
  189. 2010-02-04 10:57 jvandervort
  190. * recipe.install: remove recipe type nodes and node revisions on
  191. uninstall.
  192. 2010-02-03 19:34 jvandervort
  193. * CHANGELOG.txt, recipe.module: added beginning recipe import
  194. framework. added the plaintext parser.
  195. 2010-02-03 19:34 jvandervort
  196. * CHANGELOG.txt: file CHANGELOG.txt was added on branch DRUPAL-6--1
  197. on 2010-02-04 21:59:55 +0000
  198. 2010-02-03 08:37 tzoscott
  199. * CHANGELOG.txt: #703504 by tzoscott, Added CHANGELOG.txt
  200. 2010-02-02 17:29 jvandervort
  201. * recipe.install: remove recipe variables upon uninstall.
  202. 2010-01-30 11:03 tzoscott
  203. * README.txt: #699870 by tzoscott: Added style to README, mimicing
  204. Drupal. Added details and illustration of recipe database.
  205. 2010-01-30 11:00 tzoscott
  206. * README.txt: #516626 by bdornbush: Fixed README, adding
  207. Installation and config steps, inc. for taxonomy.
  208. 2010-01-30 09:47 tzoscott
  209. * recipe.module: #206607 by robin t: Fixed SQL error w/postgres;
  210. insert of int is now %d. Fixed nearby commen typo.
  211. 2010-01-29 22:29 tzoscott
  212. * recipe.module: #280056 by marcingy: Add new permission edit all
  213. recipes.
  214. 2010-01-28 23:35 tzoscott
  215. * README.txt: by tzoscott: updated README, adding myself to
  216. maintainers. Added couple items to TODO.
  217. 2010-01-28 23:26 tzoscott
  218. * recipe.module: feature request #187322 by tzoscott: Added admin
  219. option to hide display of Yield Summary.
  220. 2010-01-28 09:09 tzoscott
  221. * recipe.module: bug report #668518 by hass,tzoscott: Backed out
  222. .module change line 399 (was causing an invalid operand in Recipe
  223. admin).
  224. 2010-01-27 22:19 tzoscott
  225. * recipe.css, recipe.install, recipe.module: bug report #668518 by
  226. hass, tzoscott: Fixed coding style issues in module, install,
  227. translations, css. Removed control-m from css.
  228. 2009-12-27 13:12 hass
  229. * translations/: general.pot,,,
  230. recipe.pot: Correcting filenames for auto-importer.
  231. 2009-12-27 06:29 hass
  232. * translations/: general-es.po,, recipe-de.po,
  233. recipe-it.po, recipe-module-es.po, recipe-module-hu.po,
  234. recipe-module.pot,,,,
  235., recipe.pot: Correcting filenames for auto-importer.
  236. 2009-12-27 06:28 hass
  237. * translations/: general-es.po, general.pot, recipe-de.po,
  238. recipe-it.po, recipe-module-es.po, recipe-module-hu.po,
  239. recipe-module.pot: Renamed folder for D6
  240. 2009-06-26 08:46 marble
  241. * recipe.module: Merge changes from MAIN (fixes for #489930,
  242. #250117, #263432 and #268265)
  243. 2009-06-26 08:39 marble
  244. * recipe.module: feature request #489930 by jbemmel, fixed by
  245. jbemmel. Hooked nodeapi to apply links to ingredient nodes in
  246. existing recipes if the nodes are created later.
  247. 2009-06-26 08:18 marble
  248. * recipe.module: bug report #250117 by marcparker, fix from
  249. jbemmel. Fixed disappearing ingredients in preview due to $node
  250. sometimes being an array.
  251. 2009-06-26 07:53 marble
  252. * recipe.module: bug report #263432 and #268265 reported by swirt
  253. and linuxpowers, fixed by IanBezanson and mmilano, with thanks to
  254. everyone who helped investigate and test the fixes.
  255. 2008-04-20 16:07 brdwor
  256. * recipe.module: Patch #230955. Adding new ingredients fails with
  257. 6.x.
  258. 2008-04-20 15:05 brdwor
  259. *, recipe.install, recipe.module: Patch #227756 by
  260. shadow. Initial 6.x compatability.
  261. 2008-04-20 14:31 brdwor
  262. * recipe.module: Sync DRUPAL-5 with HEAD before creating DRUPAL-6
  263. 2007-10-22 13:23 marble
  264. * recipe.install: Fix initial install by adding link to
  265. recipe_ingredient table
  266. 2007-10-17 13:40 marble
  267. * recipe.install, recipe.module: Ingredients link to nodes of the
  268. same name, if they exist. Fixes #167830, patch from zmove and
  269. webchick.
  270. 2007-10-17 13:39 marble
  271. * recipe.install, recipe.module: Link ingredients to node pages, if
  272. such pages exist. Fixes #167830, patch thanks to zmove and
  273. webchick.
  274. 2007-10-17 13:33 marble
  275. * recipe.module: Remove old unnecessary code, patch thanks to
  276. webchick (#179886)
  277. 2007-10-17 13:32 marble
  278. * recipe.module: Applied fix for #180543, patch thanks to webchick.
  279. 2007-10-17 10:45 marble
  280. * recipe.module: Remove code that isn't useful anymore, fixes
  281. #179886. Thanks to webchick for the patch.
  282. 2007-10-17 10:43 marble
  283. * recipe.module: Fix #180543, thanks to patch from webchick.
  284. 2007-09-18 17:46 brdwor
  285. * recipe.module: Patch #166879 by grudolf. Fix handling of
  286. multiple taxonomy terms in summary table.
  287. 2007-09-18 17:28 brdwor
  288. * recipe.module: Fix #172041 based on patch from zmove ported to
  289. HEAD.
  290. 2007-09-18 17:17 brdwor
  291. * recipe.module: Patch #145241 by Make more
  292. strings translatable.
  293. 2007-09-05 13:39 marble
  294. * recipe.module: Fix #172041 (quantity going missing when fraction
  295. display is unset and quantity contains a '.') Based on patch from
  296. zmove.
  297. 2007-07-08 16:55 marble
  298. * recipe.module: Fix fraction stuff. Fixes #148451, #132536 and
  299. also reconverts to fractions when editing recipes.
  300. 2007-07-08 16:20 marble
  301. * recipe.module: Fix fraction stuff. Fixes #148451, #132536 and
  302. also reconverts to fractions when editing recipes.
  303. 2007-07-08 15:40 marble
  304. * recipe.module: Remove check_plain for ingredient names - allows
  305. apostrophes etc in names. The string is properly escaped when
  306. displayed or put in DB, so this is safe.
  307. 2007-06-18 19:07 dww
  308. * #152819: Module .info files should not define
  309. 'version' in CVS
  310. 2007-06-18 18:53 dww
  311. * #152819: Module .info files should not define
  312. 'version' in CVS
  313. 2007-05-31 18:53 brdwor
  314. * recipe.module: Patch #139715 by moonray. fix compat with
  315. Categories module.
  316. 2007-05-31 18:39 brdwor
  317. * README.txt,, recipe.install: Patch #145263 by
  318. thierry_gd. add ability to uninstall.
  319. 2007-04-10 19:43 brdwor
  320. * recipe.install: Patch #135212 by primechuck. postgres install
  321. missing bracket.
  322. 2007-03-15 14:03 marble
  323. * README.txt: Updated maintainers list
  324. 2007-02-25 19:03 brdwor
  325. * Patch #118383 by moonray. Fixed .info file.
  326. 2007-02-25 19:00 brdwor
  327. * Patch #118383 by moonray. Fixed .info file.
  328. 2007-01-20 06:11 marble
  329. * Fixed up thanks to input from brdwor
  330. 2007-01-19 17:51 marble
  331. * file for Drupal 5
  332. 2007-01-19 15:35 marble
  333. * recipe.module: Initial 5.x port thanks to brdwor. This is still
  334. untested by me currently. Please leave feedback on #104357
  335. 2007-01-19 14:54 marble
  336. * UPGRADE.txt: Removed old upgrade info
  337. 2007-01-19 14:33 marble
  338. * INSTALL, recipe.module: It's clunky, but at least possible to
  339. update 4.6 compatible tables to the 4.7 schema now. Please feel
  340. free to contribute patches to make this process smoother! (Add
  341. any comments to #78538)
  342. 2007-01-19 14:10 marble
  343. * recipe.module: Order ingredients by id to prevent reversing order
  344. on updates. Patch from moonray, fixes #104052.
  345. 2006-12-12 04:25 marble
  346. * recipe.module: Fixed stylesheet references to use
  347. drupal_get_path, and refer to stylesheets that exist (for html
  348. export). Fix from Sean B Fuller, fixes #102704.
  349. 2006-12-10 04:27 marble
  350. * recipe.module: Fix for #101519 - SQL error when using 'create new
  351. revision', patch from Sean B Fuller.
  352. 2006-12-10 04:23 marble
  353. * recipe.module: Show prep time in minutes when less than an hour,
  354. and have some more options for prep time. Patch from moonray,
  355. fixes #98008.
  356. 2006-11-28 12:55 marble
  357. * recipe.module: Handle 3rds, 6ths, 9ths and 12ths better. Patch
  358. from moonray, fixes #82288
  359. 2006-09-20 03:26 marble
  360. * recipe.module: Fix #84980, patch from eagleeye - only show recipe
  361. nodes on the latest recipes list.
  362. 2006-09-13 04:02 marble
  363. * recipe.css, recipe.module: Add halve/double buttons for yield,
  364. patch from drawk. Works towards fix for #83666.
  365. 2006-09-13 03:50 marble
  366. * recipe.css: Styling for acronym for #83801, from drawk.
  367. 2006-09-13 03:49 marble
  368. * recipe.module: Display unit type names on mouseover, patch from
  369. drawk. Fixes #83801
  370. 2006-09-13 03:45 marble
  371. * recipe.module: Don't display recipe n times in latest recipes if
  372. it's associated with n taxonomy terms, fixes #83875, patch from
  373. drawk.
  374. 2006-09-13 03:42 marble
  375. * recipe.module: Display ingredients in order they were input,
  376. rather than alphabetically. Fixes #83869, patch from drawk.
  377. 2006-09-11 04:09 marble
  378. * recipe.module: Applied patch from drawk to allow input of
  379. fractions. Fixes #82288
  380. 2006-09-11 03:42 marble
  381. * recipe.module: Applied patch from drawk for displaying fractions,
  382. fixes #83471 (Added filter_xss_admin() to the patch just to be
  383. safe, and applied it to the preptime too).
  384. 2006-09-09 04:03 marble
  385. * recipe.module: Prevent body/teaser being displayed twice when
  386. viewing a recipe (Reported by drawk).
  387. 2006-08-18 07:28 marble
  388. * recipe.install: Add {} to table names so that they get prefixed
  389. properly, thanks to tayknight for the patch. Fixes #78809.
  390. 2006-08-08 17:38 heine
  391. * recipe.module: Commited fix for DRUPAL-SA-2006-013 to 4.6 branch
  392. 2006-08-08 04:31 marble
  393. * recipe.module: Fix latest recipes page for case where no taxonomy
  394. is used. Fixes #77441
  395. 2006-08-08 04:24 marble
  396. * recipe.module: Removed recipe_vocabs setting, in favour of using
  397. the taxonomy module to list vocabs associated with the recipe
  398. node type.
  399. Fixed 'latest recipes' page (still requires each recipe to have a
  400. term from a vocab, I think).
  401. 2006-08-07 08:25 marble
  402. * recipe.module: Fix missing ingredients when editing recipes,
  403. fixes #77239
  404. 2006-08-06 08:20 marble
  405. * recipe.install, recipe.module: Fixes for postgres support, thanks
  406. to toftat.
  407. 2006-08-02 06:03 marble
  408. * recipe.install, recipe.module: Fix some install issues Re-add the
  409. preptime field that went missing with the 4.7 update patch
  410. 2006-07-30 16:42 marble
  411. * recipe.module: Removed nonfunctional node versioning. Fix
  412. check_plain on ingredients during preview.
  413. 2006-07-30 16:19 marble
  414. * recipe.module: Added input format field, and validate fields
  415. against it. (Ingredients are limited to plaintext, selected input
  416. format applies to body, instructions, notes, source).
  417. 2006-07-30 09:42 marble
  418. * recipe.install: Improved status reporting of install #74064,
  419. thanks to thierry_gd Also removed some unnecessary duplication of
  420. code.
  421. 2006-07-30 09:22 marble
  422. * INSTALL, recipe.install, recipe.module, recipe.mysql,
  423. recipe.pgsql: Update to compatability with drupal 4.7 (#42997).
  424. This is based on work by brdwor, with further feedback from Thox,
  425. moshe, jivyb, hpn, andylei, loganbear, drawk, thierry_gd and
  426. fixes by myself.
  427. 2005-09-20 10:04 thox
  428. * recipe.module: Cleaning up the recipe_list() table
  429. 2005-09-20 09:41 thox
  430. * recipe.module: Keeping up with HEAD: theme_username() and
  431. {node_revisions}
  432. 2005-09-20 09:08 thox
  433. * recipe.module: Keeping up with HEAD: check_markup() and
  434. hook_node_info()
  435. 2005-06-21 09:40 weitzman
  436. * recipe.module: reverting patr of last commit per #25424
  437. 2005-06-16 22:14 weitzman
  438. * recipe.module: fix type in upgrade and replace header() with
  439. drupal_set_header()
  440. 2005-06-10 21:04 thox
  441. * recipe.module: - Code style improvements - Less processing on
  442. recipe pages that only show teasers - Fixed preview bug and
  443. is_array() errors #24783
  444. 2005-05-31 22:24 weitzman
  445. * UPGRADE.txt, recipe.module: Recipe breadcrumb shows up on main
  446. page #21006
  447. 2005-05-27 17:07 thox
  448. * recipe.module: Bug fix - recipe menu callback wasn't right
  449. 2005-05-26 06:30 thox
  450. * recipe.css, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: Patch #23543 -
  451. ingredient format changes, recipe list improvements and RecipeML
  452. export
  453. 2005-04-20 12:53 weitzman
  454. * recipe.module: various bug fixes
  455. 2005-04-15 14:56 weitzman
  456. * INSTALL, README.txt, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, recipe.pgsql:
  457. adding files in CVS is an unholy bore. save us from ourselves
  458. 2005-04-13 23:58 weitzman
  459. * recipe.module: #20407 fixed teaser display
  460. 2005-04-13 23:47 weitzman
  461. * recipe.module: insignificant changes for php5 and preparing for
  462. 4.6 drupal
  463. 2005-03-01 22:22 weitzman
  464. * recipe.module: many many updates for 4.6. fixed bug in folksonomy
  465. which prevented albums.module from working in many cases
  466. 2005-01-24 11:05 weitzman
  467. * recipe.module: 4.6 compatible
  468. 2005-01-12 20:14 steved
  469. * recipe.mysql: removed unnecessary mysql line that caused errors
  470. when installing
  471. 2004-12-08 07:41 weitzman
  472. * recipe.module: support db prefixes
  473. 2004-12-01 17:25 weitzman
  474. * recipe.module, recipe.mysql, updaterecipe.php: many bug fixes
  475. 2004-10-27 11:39 weitzman
  476. * recipe.module: update for node permissions
  477. 2004-10-27 11:25 weitzman
  478. * recipe.module: update for node permissions
  479. 2004-10-22 14:22 weitzman
  480. * recipe.module: fix node/add page and remove 'access recipes'
  481. permission
  482. 2004-10-21 10:54 weitzman
  483. * INSTALL, README.txt, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, recipe.pgsql,
  484. updaterecipe.php: initial 4.5 release
  485. 2004-10-21 10:47 weitzman
  486. * recipe.module: fix for view hook
  487. 2004-10-21 10:36 weitzman
  488. * recipe.module: update for 4.5
  489. 2004-10-13 09:01 uwe
  490. * README, README.txt: Renamed all README files to README.txt, as
  491. discussed in I have done this using
  492. some command line magic:
  493. find . -name README -exec cp '{}' '{}.txt' \; -exec cvs remove -f
  494. '{}' \; -exec cvs add '{}.txt' \;
  495. I will update all occurences of 'README' to 'README.txt' in the
  496. conrtib CVS, soon. I'll also rename LICENSE, CHANGELOG etc. files
  497. as soon as I get around to it.
  498. 2004-09-30 20:08 uwe
  499. * recipe.module: Added CVS Id: tag to all *.module files where it
  500. was missing (as required by the coding standards, see
  501. CODING_STANDARDS.html). I also unified the format and the
  502. location of the Id tag. It starts with "//" and is placed on
  503. the second line in all *.module files, now.
  504. 2004-07-12 23:34 weitzman
  505. * recipe.module: keep up with menu changes
  506. 2004-06-18 21:34 weitzman
  507. * recipe.module: updated for tabs and menu hook
  508. 2004-04-29 15:19 garym
  509. * recipe.module: menu requires backslash to work for anonymous
  510. visitors
  511. 2004-04-22 18:36 garym
  512. * recipe.module: updated to use db-prefix and check_input on all
  513. fields
  514. 2004-04-06 17:40 weitzman
  515. * recipe.module: slight css tweaking, fix authoring help, better
  516. breadcrumbs
  517. 2004-04-06 17:13 weitzman
  518. * recipe.module: slight css tweaking
  519. 2004-04-06 15:16 weitzman
  520. * recipe.module: use node_prepare()
  521. 2004-04-02 11:47 weitzman
  522. * recipe.module: use node_prepare()
  523. 2004-03-26 17:19 weitzman
  524. * recipe.module: tiny improvement to taxonomy_dhtml integration
  525. 2004-01-29 17:25 weitzman
  526. * recipe.module: updated for change and node changes
  527. 2004-01-27 16:16 weitzman
  528. * recipe.module: updated for theme('page') and set_html_head()
  529. 2004-01-15 12:58 weitzman
  530. * recipe.module: changed css a bit and reordered boxes on overview
  531. page
  532. 2004-01-11 22:08 weitzman
  533. * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql, updaterecipe.php: force a
  534. 'read more' link and put all the recipe text into the node body
  535. so search results are more plentiful.
  536. this version requires a SQL update, and the included
  537. updaterecipe.php script must be run also.
  538. 2003-12-08 13:53 goba
  539. * recipe.module: fixing all pager display calls to invoke
  540. theme('pager', ...) instead
  541. 2003-12-07 14:11 weitzman
  542. * INSTALL, README, recipe.module: updated for for latest CVS
  543. 2003-11-17 16:05 killes
  544. * recipe.module: Small fix to searchbox
  545. 2003-11-17 07:37 killes
  546. * recipe.module: Fixed the pager in recipe_list(). Fix by Zonix.
  547. 2003-11-13 17:25 dries
  548. * recipe.module:
  549. - Theme system updates: theme() function return their data now.
  550. 2003-11-13 14:55 dries
  551. * recipe.module:
  552. - table(...) -> theme("table", ...")
  553. 2003-10-18 13:19 weitzman
  554. * recipe.module: major css upgrade per kika suggestion at
  556. 2003-10-18 10:45 weitzman
  557. * recipe.module: updated for content() hook
  558. 2003-10-18 10:02 weitzman
  559. * recipe.module: updated for _link() hook. tried gto update for
  560. help hook but seems not to be working for some reason. not much
  561. help there anyway
  562. 2003-07-17 18:27 weitzman
  563. * recipe.module: small xhtml fix
  564. 2003-07-17 18:07 weitzman
  565. * recipe.module: tiny xhtml fix
  566. 2003-07-16 09:14 weitzman
  567. * recipe.module, recipe.pgsql: more secure queries and better
  568. quoting
  569. a pgsql install script
  570. 2003-07-16 09:05 weitzman
  571. * recipe.module, recipe.pgsql: more secure queries, and proper
  572. quoting of string fields
  573. also, a pgsql compliant database script
  574. 2003-06-23 09:27 weitzman
  575. * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: removing from the 4.1
  576. branch
  577. 2003-06-21 19:12 weitzman
  578. * README, recipe.module: added a search box to the main recipe
  579. page. made a couple queries more efficient by using INNER JOIN
  580. instead of LEFT JOIN
  581. 2003-06-21 17:24 weitzman
  582. * recipe.module: various fields (with notable exception of
  583. 'ingredients') are now included in the searchable index.
  584. This module is now an example of a node module adding text fields
  585. to the Index. This was a bit tricky to figure out.
  586. 2003-05-26 23:08 weitzman
  587. * INSTALL, README, recipe.module: A major rewrite. A module for
  588. people to share recipes. Also a great way to get your mothers to
  589. use Drupal.
  590. 2003-02-25 03:49 almaw
  591. * README: Added README's to nearly all the modules lacking them so
  592. we don't get any more broken links on the downloads page.
  593. 2003-02-15 07:36 dries
  594. * recipe.module: - Updated the modules in the contributions
  595. repository to use 'theme("function")' instead of
  596. '$theme->function()'. Hopefully I didn't break anything. If I
  597. did, let me know.
  598. The following modules need special attention (but should still
  599. work as is):
  600. 1. The ldap_integration directory has its own user.module; I
  601. haven't updated
  602. the documentation bit that talks about themes.
  603. 2. The hotlist module uses '$theme->hotlist_del_icon'. Should
  604. be avoided
  605. and somehow wrapped in a (larger) call to theme().
  606. 3. The image module has its own way of doing what 'theme()'
  607. does (or the
  608. former 'theme_invoke()'). Constructs like the one below (a)
  609. look wrong
  610. and (b) should be rewritten to properly use 'theme()'. For
  611. example:
  612. $theme->box("foo", method_exists("bar") ? $theme->bar() :
  613. $bar);
  614. Search for "image_gallery_album", "image_gallery_home" and
  615. "image_thumb_browser". I've already changed '$theme->box()'
  616. to
  617. 'theme()'.
  618. 4. The sidebar module uses '$theme->foreground' and
  619. '$theme->background'.
  620. Should be avoided and somehow wrapped in a (larger) call to
  621. theme().
  622. 5. The org_informations module uses '$theme->separator()',
  623. which is new to
  624. me.
  625. 6. The taxonomy_filter module uses
  626. '$theme->taxolist_filter_item()'. It
  627. should use 'theme("taxolist_filter_item")' instead. I
  628. haven't changed
  629. it because it would probably fail to resolve the default
  630. function if
  631. not overridden by a theme.
  632. 7. The taxonomy_dhtml module's INSTALL file still talks about
  633. '$theme->image'.
  634. 8. The xloadtree module's INSTALL file still talks about
  635. '$theme->image'.
  636. 9. I haven't updated the style.module; too many $theme's,
  637. though I don't
  638. think it needs any updates.
  639. [I'll try to update the sandboxes later on.]
  640. 2003-02-11 15:27 dries
  641. * recipe.module:
  642. - See
  644. 2002-10-29 05:26 killes
  645. * recipe.module: fixing block
  646. 2002-06-04 22:04 weitzman
  647. * INSTALL: added TODO item concerning indexing - just stuff all
  648. indexable in body and let usual node indexing proceed
  649. 2002-05-23 11:05 weitzman
  650. * INSTALL, recipe.module, recipe.mysql: initial version of a recipe
  651. module.
  652. this is an attempt to get our mother's to use drupal :)
  653. requires the version of Drupal in Kjartan's sandbox. Uses new
  654. node API (but could easily be backported to 4.0)