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README.txt in Recipe 6

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  1. 5 README.txt
  2. 7.2 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt
// $Id:


 * Introduction
 * Install
 * Database Information


Current Maintainers: brdwor, drawk, marble, tzoscott and jvandervort.
Original Author: Moshe Weitzman <>

Recipe is a module for sharing cooking recipes.

See INSTALL file for important instructions.

NOTE: Some of these TODO items are old and predate the Drupal 6 architecture.
This means that some of these TODO items might be possible now, but have not
been tested or confirmed using other modules together with Recipe..
Some help testing/experimenting is appreciated.

- Make recipe_unit more translatable. This might mean moving units to an
  included array file, or integration with one of the Drupal 'unit' modules.
- Get ingredients into the searchable Index. Requires some SQL expertise.
  See recipe_update_index()
- Let users maintain their own recipe collection just like a blog or
  personal image gallery
- Integrate with bookmarks.module so users may create a 'recipe box' listing
  the favorite recipes
- Views2 support - Views enabling, and custom handler for 'many' fields
  (such as Ingredients).
- Investigate CCK Multigroup and Fields for D7.


Data is saved in normal form. Recipes are collections of pointers to
ingredients and to quantity terms. New terms can be added by modifying the
schema. New ingredients are added automatically whenever they are used for
the first time.

Following is an ASCII art attempt to illustrate the DB relationships:

node.nid +--------------+     +------------------+     +-------------+     +--------------+
     ^   | recipe       |     | _node_ingredient |     | _ingredient |     | _unit        |
     |   +--------------+     +------------------+     +-------------+     +--------------+
     +---| nid          |<--  | id               |   +-| id          |  +--| id           |
         | source       |  +--| nid              |   | | name        |  |  | name         |
         | yield        |     | unit_id          |<-+| | link        |  |  | abbreviation |
         | instructions |     | quantity         |  || +-------------+  |  | metric       |
         | notes        |     | ingredient_id    |<-|+                  |  | type         |
         | preptime     |     +------------------+  +-------------------+  +--------------+


View source
  1. // $Id:
  3. ---------------------
  4. * Introduction
  5. * Install
  6. * TODO
  7. * Database Information
  9. ------------
  10. Current Maintainers: brdwor, drawk, marble, tzoscott and jvandervort.
  11. Original Author: Moshe Weitzman
  12. Recipe is a module for sharing cooking recipes.
  14. -------
  15. See INSTALL file for important instructions.
  16. TODO
  17. -----
  18. NOTE: Some of these TODO items are old and predate the Drupal 6 architecture.
  19. This means that some of these TODO items might be possible now, but have not
  20. been tested or confirmed using other modules together with Recipe..
  21. Some help testing/experimenting is appreciated.
  22. - Make recipe_unit more translatable. This might mean moving units to an
  23. included array file, or integration with one of the Drupal 'unit' modules.
  24. - Get ingredients into the searchable Index. Requires some SQL expertise.
  25. See recipe_update_index()
  26. - Let users maintain their own recipe collection just like a blog or
  27. personal image gallery
  28. - Integrate with bookmarks.module so users may create a 'recipe box' listing
  29. the favorite recipes
  30. - Views2 support - Views enabling, and custom handler for 'many' fields
  31. (such as Ingredients).
  32. - Investigate CCK Multigroup and Fields for D7.
  34. --------------------
  35. Data is saved in normal form. Recipes are collections of pointers to
  36. ingredients and to quantity terms. New terms can be added by modifying the
  37. schema. New ingredients are added automatically whenever they are used for
  38. the first time.
  39. Following is an ASCII art attempt to illustrate the DB relationships:
  40. node.nid +--------------+ +------------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+
  41. ^ | recipe | | _node_ingredient | | _ingredient | | _unit |
  42. | +--------------+ +------------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+
  43. +---| nid |<-- | id | +-| id | +--| id |
  44. | source | +--| nid | | | name | | | name |
  45. | yield | | unit_id |<-+| | link | | | abbreviation |
  46. | instructions | | quantity | || +-------------+ | | metric |
  47. | notes | | ingredient_id |<-|+ | | type |
  48. | preptime | +------------------+ +-------------------+ +--------------+
  49. +--------------+