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Functions in Rules Bonus Pack 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
rb_misc_list_variant_context_entities ./rb_misc.module Helper function to get a list of all configured context objects in variant. 1
rb_misc_load_variant_context_entities ./rb_misc.module Helper function to fetch fully loaded context objects from a PM variant. 1
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_operations_alter ./rb_misc.module Implements hook_page_manager_variant_operations().
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form ./rb_misc.module Configuration form to turn on/off Rules triggers on Page manager variants. 1
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form_submit ./rb_misc.module The submit procedure for Rules trigger functionaligy on PM variants. 1
rb_misc_rb_misc_node_clone_reset_properties_alter ./ Implements hook_rb_misc_clone_reset_properties_alter().
rb_misc_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rb_misc_rules_condition_info ./ Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
rb_misc_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rb_misc_user_permissions_options_list ./ Options list callback for user permissions. 1
rb_misc_views_list ./ Helper function that lists all available views with their displays. 1
rb_misc_views_list_comment ./ Helper function that lists all available comment views with their displays. 1
rb_misc_views_list_node ./ Helper function that lists all available node views with their displays. 1
rb_misc_views_list_restrictions ./ Helper function that lists all available views with their displays. 4
rb_misc_views_list_user ./ Helper function that lists all available user views with their displays. 1
rb_theme_action_set_body_class ./ The 'rb_misc_action_set_body_class' action.
rb_theme_action_set_head_title ./ The 'rb_misc_action_set_head_title' action.
rb_theme_preprocess_html ./rb_theme.module Implement hook_preprocess_html().
rb_theme_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rb_theme_static ./rb_theme.module Helper function to store a value in a static variable. 3
rb_thinktwice_action_disable_module ./ The 'rb_thinktwice_action_disable_module' action.
rb_thinktwice_action_enable_module ./ The 'rb_thinktwice_action_enable_module' action.
rb_thinktwice_action_module_list ./ Helper function to load a list of all available modules 1
rb_thinktwice_action_page_alter ./ The 'rb_thinktwice_action_page_alter' action.
rb_thinktwice_page_alter ./rb_thinktwice.module Helper for the 'rb_thinktwice_action_page_alter' action. Implements hook_page_alter().
rb_thinktwice_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rb_views_create_view_representation ./rb_views.module Creates a new view representation array from a given view object. 3
rb_views_get_nonwritable_representation_properties ./rb_views.module Returns an array of non-handler properties for view representations. 1
rb_views_get_views_handlers ./rb_views.module Returns a list of all handler types for Views, plus handler labels. 3 1
rb_views_get_writable_representation_properties ./rb_views.module Returns an array of non-handler properties for view representations. 2
rb_views_handler_remove ./ Callback for the rb_views_handler_remove action.
rb_views_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rb_views_rules_data_info ./ Implements hook_rules_data_info().
rb_views_rules_event_info ./
rb_views_rules_plugin_info ./
rb_views_views_api ./rb_views.module @file Globally available functions for Rules' Views integration.
rb_views_views_plugins views/ @file Declares Views plugins for Rules Bonus Pack: Views.
rb_views_views_post_render ./rb_views.module Implements of hook_views_post_render().
rb_views_views_pre_build ./rb_views.module Implements of hook_views_pre_execute().
rb_views_views_pre_render ./rb_views.module Implements of hook_views_pre_render().
rb_view_update_real_view ./rb_views.module Updates a view object according to any changes made to a view representation. 3
_rb_misc_add_variant_render_events ./ Helper function that adds event information for Page manager page variants. 1
_rb_views_views_display_info ./ Defines the properties of the views display data structures. 1


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