rb_misc.rules.inc in Rules Bonus Pack 7
Miscellaneous conditions and actions for Rules.
rb_misc.rules.incView source
* @file
* Miscellaneous conditions and actions for Rules.
* Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
function rb_misc_rules_condition_info() {
// Add conditions that depend on required modules only.
$conditions = array(
'rb_misc_condition_is_numeric' => array(
'label' => t('String contains number'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'parameter' => array(
'string' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('String to check'),
'rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission' => array(
'label' => t('User has permission(s)'),
'parameter' => array(
'account' => array(
'type' => 'user',
'label' => t('User'),
'permissions' => array(
'type' => 'list<text>',
'label' => t('Permissions'),
'multiple' => TRUE,
'options list' => 'rb_misc_user_permissions_options_list',
'operation' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Match permissions'),
'options list' => 'rules_user_condition_operations',
'restriction' => 'input',
'optional' => TRUE,
'default value' => 'AND',
'description' => t('If matching against all selected permissions, the user must have <em>all</em> the permissions selected.'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'access callback' => 'rules_user_integration_access',
// Add conditions that depend on non-required modules.
if (module_exists('views')) {
$conditions['rb_misc_action_views_result_count'] = array(
'label' => t('Check number of results from a view'),
'parameter' => array(
'view' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('View and display'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_views_list',
'description' => t('Select the view and display you want to check'),
'restriction' => 'input',
'args' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Arguments'),
'description' => t('Any arguments to pass to the view, one per line.
You may use token replacement patterns.'),
'optional' => TRUE,
'minimum' => array(
'type' => 'integer',
'label' => t('Minimum number of results'),
'description' => t('This condition returns TRUE if the view has at
least the given number of results.'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
// Automatic nodetitles.
if (module_exists('auto_nodetitle')) {
$conditions['rb_misc_condition_auto_nodetitle_is_needed'] = array(
'label' => t('Automatic Nodetitle is needed'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'parameter' => array(
'node' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Node'),
return $conditions;
* User has permission condition help callback.
function rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission_help() {
return t('Whether the user has the selected permission(s).');
* Implements hook_rules_action_info().
function rb_misc_rules_action_info() {
// Add actions that depend on required modules only.
$actions = array(
'rb_misc_action_set_title' => array(
'label' => t('Set page title'),
'parameter' => array(
'page_title' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Title to set'),
'description' => t('Choose which page title should be set on this action. This title is set as $title in page.tpl.php'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'rb_misc_action_node_clone' => array(
'label' => t('Clone a node'),
'parameter' => array(
'node' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Node to clone'),
'description' => t('All properties except node ID, version ID and
a few other meta data will be cloned. Use the node save action
to provide the new node with a node ID.'),
'provides' => array(
'cloned_node' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Cloned node'),
'save' => TRUE,
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'rb_misc_action_integer_to_date' => array(
'label' => t('Create a date from a number'),
'parameter' => array(
'integer' => array(
'type' => 'integer',
'label' => t('Integer number'),
'provides' => array(
'date' => array(
'type' => 'date',
'label' => t('Date'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'rb_misc_action_concatenate_strings' => array(
'label' => t('Merge two strings'),
'parameter' => array(
'string1' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('First text string'),
'string2' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Second text string'),
'provides' => array(
'string' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Merged string'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'rb_misc_action_string_to_integer' => array(
'label' => t('Get integer from string'),
'parameter' => array(
'string' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('String'),
'description' => t('If the string is not numeric, 0 will be returned.'),
'provides' => array(
'integer' => array(
'type' => 'integer',
'label' => t('Integer'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
// Add actions that depend on non-required modules.
if (module_exists('views')) {
$actions['rb_misc_action_views_load_list'] = array(
'label' => t('Load a node list with Views'),
'parameter' => array(
'view' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('View and display'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_views_list_node',
'description' => t('Select the view and display you want to use to
create a list.'),
'restriction' => 'input',
'args' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Arguments'),
'description' => t('Any arguments to pass to the view, one per line.
You may use token replacement patterns.'),
'optional' => TRUE,
'provides' => array(
'node_list' => array(
'type' => 'list<node>',
'label' => t('View node list'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
$actions['rb_misc_action_views_load_user_list'] = array(
'label' => t('Load a user list with Views'),
'parameter' => array(
'view' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('View and display'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_views_list_user',
'description' => t('Select the view and display you want to use to
create a list.'),
'restriction' => 'input',
'args' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Arguments'),
'description' => t('Any arguments to pass to the view, one per line.
You may use token replacement patterns.'),
'optional' => TRUE,
'provides' => array(
'user_list' => array(
'type' => 'list<user>',
'label' => t('View user list'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
$actions['rb_misc_action_views_load_node'] = array(
'label' => t('Load the first node in a Views list'),
'parameter' => array(
'view' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('View and display'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_views_list_node',
'description' => t('Select the view and display you want to use to
load a node.'),
'restriction' => 'input',
'args' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Arguments'),
'description' => t('Any arguments to pass to the view, one per line.
You may use token replacement patterns.'),
'optional' => TRUE,
'provides' => array(
'node' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Node from Views'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
// Note that the following if statement *should* be inside the Views if
// statement.
if (module_exists('comment')) {
$actions['rb_misc_action_views_load_comment_list'] = array(
'label' => t('Load a comment list with Views'),
'parameter' => array(
'view' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('View and display'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_views_list_comment',
'description' => t('Select the view and display you want to use to
create a list.'),
'restriction' => 'input',
'args' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Arguments'),
'description' => t('Any arguments to pass to the view, one per line.
You may use token replacement patterns.'),
'optional' => TRUE,
'provides' => array(
'comment_list' => array(
'type' => 'list<comment>',
'label' => t('View comment list'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
if (module_exists('menu') && module_exists('menu_position')) {
$actions['rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item'] = array(
'label' => t('Set the active menu item'),
'parameter' => array(
'menu_item' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Menu item'),
'options list' => 'rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item_list',
'restriction' => 'input',
'description' => t('Select the menu item that should be marked active.'),
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
if (module_exists('path')) {
$actions['rb_misc_action_get_path_alias'] = array(
'label' => t('Load a path alias'),
'parameter' => array(
'path' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Internal path to fetch alias for'),
'description' => t('If multiple aliases exist, only the first will be fetched.'),
'language' => array(
'type' => 'token',
'label' => t('Language'),
'description' => t('The language for which the URL alias applies, if any.'),
'options list' => 'entity_metadata_language_list',
'optional' => TRUE,
'default value' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
'provides' => array(
'alias' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Path alias'),
'save' => TRUE,
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
// Automatic Nodetitles.
if (module_exists('auto_nodetitle')) {
$actions['rb_misc_action_auto_nodetitle'] = array(
'label' => t('Set auto nodetitle'),
'parameter' => array(
'node' => array(
'type' => 'node',
'label' => t('Content'),
'save' => TRUE,
'access callback' => 'rules_node_admin_access',
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
return $actions;
* Options list callback for user permissions.
function rb_misc_user_permissions_options_list($element) {
// Get a list of all the modules implementing a hook_permission() and sort by
// display name.
$modules = $permissions = array();
$module_info = system_get_info('module');
foreach (module_implements('permission') as $module) {
$modules[$module] = $module_info[$module]['name'];
foreach ($modules as $module => $display_name) {
if ($perms = module_invoke($module, 'permission')) {
foreach ($perms as $perm => $perm_item) {
$permissions[$display_name][$perm] = strip_tags($perm_item['title']);
return $permissions;
* Implements hook_rules_event_info().
function rb_misc_rules_event_info() {
// Add events that depend on required modules only.
$events = array();
// Add actions that depend on non-required modules.
if (module_exists('page_manager')) {
// First, and so far only case, optionally provide events for when variants
// in Page manager's custom pages are displayed/executed.
// Loop through all the variants for custom pages defined on the site.
foreach (page_manager_get_tasks_by_type('page') as $task => $task_info) {
foreach (page_manager_load_task_handlers($task_info) as $name => $variant) {
// If the variant is enabled as a Rules trigger, declare a Rules event
// based on the name of the variant and its included context objects.
if (isset($variant->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) && $variant->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) {
$subtask = page_manager_page_subtask($task, $variant->subtask);
_rb_misc_add_variant_render_events($events, $task_info, $subtask, $variant);
// Some variantes might be exported in hook_default_page_manager_pages().
foreach (page_manager_get_task_subtasks($task_info) as $name => $page) {
$subtask = isset($page['subtask']) ? $page['subtask'] : NULL;
if (isset($subtask->default_handlers)) {
foreach ($subtask->default_handlers as $variant_name => $variant) {
if (isset($variant->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) && $variant->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) {
_rb_misc_add_variant_render_events($events, $task_info, $page, $variant);
return $events;
* Helper function that adds event information for Page manager page variants.
function _rb_misc_add_variant_render_events(&$events, $task_info, $subtask, $variant) {
$rules_info = rb_misc_list_variant_context_entities($task_info, $subtask, $variant);
$events['rb_misc_trigger_' . $variant->name] = array(
'group' => t('Rules Bonus: Miscellaneous'),
'label' => t('Variant @name is rendered', array(
'@name' => $variant->conf['title'],
'variables' => $rules_info,
* Helper function that lists all available views with their displays.
* I wish I found a way to call this function with an argument, directly from
* the declaration of the action.
* @tables array
* An array containing any restrictions on which Views base tables should be
* accepted. If empty, all base tables will be returned.
* @return array
* An array of all views and their displays on the form 'view|display',
* formatted to be used as an select list.
function rb_misc_views_list_restrictions($tables = array()) {
$selectable_displays = array();
foreach (views_get_all_views() as $view_name => $view) {
if (count($tables) == 0 || in_array($view->base_table, $tables)) {
foreach ($view->display as $display_name => $display) {
$selectable_displays[$view_name . '|' . $display_name] = check_plain($view->human_name) . '|' . check_plain($display->display_title);
return $selectable_displays;
* Helper function that lists all available views with their displays.
function rb_misc_views_list() {
return rb_misc_views_list_restrictions();
* Helper function that lists all available node views with their displays.
function rb_misc_views_list_node() {
return rb_misc_views_list_restrictions(array(
* Helper function that lists all available user views with their displays.
function rb_misc_views_list_user() {
return rb_misc_views_list_restrictions(array(
* Helper function that lists all available comment views with their displays.
function rb_misc_views_list_comment() {
return rb_misc_views_list_restrictions(array(
* The 'rb_misc_condition_is_numeric' condition.
function rb_misc_condition_is_numeric($string) {
return is_numeric($string);
* The 'rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission' permission.
function rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission($account, $permissions, $operation = 'AND') {
switch ($operation) {
case 'OR':
foreach ($permissions as $perm) {
if (user_access($perm, $account)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
case 'AND':
foreach ($permissions as $perm) {
if (!user_access($perm, $account)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* The 'rb_misc_condition_auto_nodetitle_is_needed' condition.
function rb_misc_condition_auto_nodetitle_is_needed($node) {
return auto_nodetitle_is_needed($node);
* The 'rb_misc_action_views_result_count' condition.
function rb_misc_action_views_result_count($view, $args, $minimum) {
// Prepare some data about the view.
$views_settings = explode('|', $view);
$view_name = $views_settings[0];
$display_name = $views_settings[1];
$view_arguments = explode("\r", $args);
// Load the view and set the properties.
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
// Get the results of the view and return TRUE or FALSE depending the number
// of hits.
$results = $view->result;
return count($results) >= $minimum;
* The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_list' action.
function rb_misc_action_views_load_list($view, $args) {
// Prepare some data about the view.
$views_settings = explode('|', $view);
$view_name = $views_settings[0];
$display_name = $views_settings[1];
$view_arguments = explode("\r", $args);
// Load the view and set the properties.
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
// Rules expects a list of fully loaded nodes, so we have to loop through this
// list and finally do a heck of a lot of node loads. :-(
$nids = array();
foreach ($view->result as $row) {
$nids[] = $row->nid;
// Load the nodes, and return them.
return array(
'node_list' => node_load_multiple($nids),
* The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_list_user' action.
function rb_misc_action_views_load_user_list($view, $args) {
// Prepare some data about the view.
$views_settings = explode('|', $view);
$view_name = $views_settings[0];
$display_name = $views_settings[1];
$view_arguments = explode("\r", $args);
// Load the view and set the properties.
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
// Rules expects a list of fully loaded nodes, so we have to loop through this
// list and finally do a heck of a lot of node loads. :-(
$nids = array();
foreach ($view->result as $row) {
$uids[] = $row->uid;
// Load the nodes, and return them.
return array(
'user_list' => user_load_multiple($uids),
* The 'rb_misc_action_set_title' action.
function rb_misc_action_set_title($page_title) {
* The 'rb_misc_action_set_title' action.
function rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item($mlid) {
// 90 percent of the code below is shamelessly stolen from the menu_position
// module, by JohnAlbin (http://drupal.org/user/32095). Cred to him!
// Retrieve menu item specified in the settings.
$menu_item = menu_link_load($mlid);
// Clone the original router item, but insert our menu_position path.
$original_router_item = menu_get_item();
$router_item = $original_router_item;
$router_item['href'] = $menu_item['link_path'];
$router_item['menu_name'] = $menu_item['menu_name'];
// Even if we are denied access to the page, we still want to show the
// navigational paths to the page.
$router_item['access'] = TRUE;
// Temporarily override the original router item.
menu_set_item(NULL, $router_item);
// The magic goes here. Cred to JohnAlbin.
menu_position_precache_tree($router_item, $original_router_item, $menu_item['menu_name']);
// Also store the new, faked active mlid tree in drupal_static, for use by
// other modules (such as Views menu support).
$faked_tree =& drupal_static('rb_misc_mlid_trail');
foreach (range(1, 9) as $index) {
if ($menu_item['p' . $index]) {
$faked_tree[] = $menu_item['p' . $index];
// Restore the original router item.
menu_set_item(NULL, $original_router_item);
* Helper function to show all menus and their menu items
function rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item_list() {
$menus = menu_parent_options(menu_get_menus(), array(
'mlid' => 0,
$root_menus = array();
foreach ($menus as $key => $name) {
$id = explode(':', $key);
if ($id[1] == '0') {
$root_menus[$id[0]] = check_plain($name);
else {
$link = menu_link_load($id[1]);
$identifier = $link['mlid'];
$root_menu = $root_menus[$id[0]];
while (isset($menus[$root_menu][$identifier])) {
$identifier .= "'";
$menus[$root_menu][$identifier] = $name;
return $menus;
* The 'rb_misc_action_node_clone' action.
function rb_misc_action_node_clone($node) {
$cloned_node = clone $node;
// Reset a few basic values for the clone.
$properties_to_reset = array();
// Let any other modules make changes to the array of properties to reset.
// (This is done by implementing hook_rb_misc_clone_reset_properties_alter.)
drupal_alter('rb_misc_node_clone_reset_properties', $properties_to_reset);
foreach ($properties_to_reset as &$property) {
if (isset($cloned_node->{$property})) {
$cloned_node->{$property} = NULL;
// Remove the lingering reference to the foreach-by-reference above.
// Add an extra property as a flag.
$cloned_node->clone_from_original_nid = $node->nid;
// Set the cloned node as new.
$cloned_node->is_new = TRUE;
return array(
'cloned_node' => $cloned_node,
* Implements hook_rb_misc_clone_reset_properties_alter().
function rb_misc_rb_misc_node_clone_reset_properties_alter(&$properties_to_reset) {
$properties_to_reset += array(
* The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_node' action.
function rb_misc_action_views_load_node($view, $args) {
// Prepare some data about the view.
$views_settings = explode('|', $view);
$view_name = $views_settings[0];
$display_name = $views_settings[1];
$view_arguments = explode("\r", $args);
// Load the view and set the properties.
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
// Check if we have any results from the view, if so return the first one.
if (count($view->result)) {
$first_result = $view->result[0];
$node = node_load($first_result->nid);
return array(
'node' => $node,
else {
// No results. :-(
* The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_comment_list' action.
function rb_misc_action_views_load_comment_list($view, $args) {
// Prepare some data about the view.
$views_settings = explode('|', $view);
$view_name = $views_settings[0];
$display_name = $views_settings[1];
$view_arguments = explode("\r", $args);
// Load the view and set the properties.
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
// Rules expects a list of fully loaded nodes, so we have to loop through this
// list and finally do a heck of a lot of node loads. :-(
$nids = array();
foreach ($view->result as $row) {
$cids[] = $row->cid;
// Load the nodes, and return them.
return array(
'comment_list' => comment_load_multiple($cids),
* The 'rb_misc_action_integer_to_date' action.
function rb_misc_action_integer_to_date($integer) {
// Possibly simplest action so far!
return array(
'date' => $integer,
* The 'rb_misc_action_get_path_alias' action.
function rb_misc_action_get_path_alias($path, $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) {
// Fetch the relevant alias, for the relevant language.
$alias = path_load(array(
'source' => $path,
'language' => $language,
return array(
'alias' => $alias['alias'],
* The 'rb_misc_action_auto_nodetitle' action.
function rb_misc_action_auto_nodetitle($node) {
* The 'rb_misc_action_concatenate_strings' action.
function rb_misc_action_concatenate_strings($string1, $string2) {
// It feels silly to not solve this action in a more general way, but that
// will have to be for some other time. Blame @Itangalo.
return array(
'string' => $string1 . $string2,
* The 'rb_misc_action_string_to_integer' action.
function rb_misc_action_string_to_integer($string) {
return array(
'integer' => $string,
Name | Description |
rb_misc_action_auto_nodetitle | The 'rb_misc_action_auto_nodetitle' action. |
rb_misc_action_concatenate_strings | The 'rb_misc_action_concatenate_strings' action. |
rb_misc_action_get_path_alias | The 'rb_misc_action_get_path_alias' action. |
rb_misc_action_integer_to_date | The 'rb_misc_action_integer_to_date' action. |
rb_misc_action_node_clone | The 'rb_misc_action_node_clone' action. |
rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item | The 'rb_misc_action_set_title' action. |
rb_misc_action_set_active_menu_item_list | Helper function to show all menus and their menu items |
rb_misc_action_set_title | The 'rb_misc_action_set_title' action. |
rb_misc_action_string_to_integer | The 'rb_misc_action_string_to_integer' action. |
rb_misc_action_views_load_comment_list | The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_comment_list' action. |
rb_misc_action_views_load_list | The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_list' action. |
rb_misc_action_views_load_node | The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_node' action. |
rb_misc_action_views_load_user_list | The 'rb_misc_action_views_load_list_user' action. |
rb_misc_action_views_result_count | The 'rb_misc_action_views_result_count' condition. |
rb_misc_condition_auto_nodetitle_is_needed | The 'rb_misc_condition_auto_nodetitle_is_needed' condition. |
rb_misc_condition_is_numeric | The 'rb_misc_condition_is_numeric' condition. |
rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission | The 'rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission' permission. |
rb_misc_condition_user_has_permission_help | User has permission condition help callback. |
rb_misc_rb_misc_node_clone_reset_properties_alter | Implements hook_rb_misc_clone_reset_properties_alter(). |
rb_misc_rules_action_info | Implements hook_rules_action_info(). |
rb_misc_rules_condition_info | Implements hook_rules_condition_info(). |
rb_misc_rules_event_info | Implements hook_rules_event_info(). |
rb_misc_user_permissions_options_list | Options list callback for user permissions. |
rb_misc_views_list | Helper function that lists all available views with their displays. |
rb_misc_views_list_comment | Helper function that lists all available comment views with their displays. |
rb_misc_views_list_node | Helper function that lists all available node views with their displays. |
rb_misc_views_list_restrictions | Helper function that lists all available views with their displays. |
rb_misc_views_list_user | Helper function that lists all available user views with their displays. |
_rb_misc_add_variant_render_events | Helper function that adds event information for Page manager page variants. |