rb_misc.module in Rules Bonus Pack 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
A necessary file for letting Drupal know this is a module. All functionality goes into rb_misc.rules.inc.
rb_misc.moduleView source
* @file
* A necessary file for letting Drupal know this is a module. All functionality
* goes into rb_misc.rules.inc.
* Implements hook_page_manager_variant_operations().
* This function adds a new vertical tab on the Page manager admin pages, with a
* checkbox to turn on and off the Rules trigger functionality.
function rb_misc_page_manager_variant_operations_alter(&$operations, $handler) {
$operations['children']['reactions'] = array(
'title' => t('Reactions'),
'description' => t('Trigger Rules reactions when this variant is loaded'),
'form' => 'rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form',
'submit' => 'rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form_submit',
* Configuration form to turn on/off Rules triggers on Page manager variants.
function rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form($form, &$form_state) {
$default_value = isset($form_state['handler']->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) ? $form_state['handler']->conf['rb_misc_trigger'] : 0;
$form['rb_misc_trigger'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Create a Rules event for this variant'),
'#description' => t('This option makes this custom page appear as an event
in Rules. The configuration of conditions and reactions are made at in the
Rules configuration interface.'),
'#default_value' => $default_value,
return $form;
* The submit procedure for Rules trigger functionaligy on PM variants.
function rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
$form_state['handler']->conf['rb_misc_trigger'] = $form_state['values']['rb_misc_trigger'];
* Helper function to build a simple array of all Rules-supported entity types.
* Acutally, this list is built based on which entity types are recognized by
* Entity API. Since Rules relies on Entity API for entity metadata, this should
* be perfectly allright.
* @staticvar <array> $rb_misc_entity_keys
* An array with keys and values both set to the entity name, as declared to
* Entity API.
* @param <boolean> $reset
* Parameter that may be used to force reloading of the list, rather than
* fetching the static result.
* @return <array>
* The array of entity names (being the static variable described above).
function rb_misc_entity_keys($reset = FALSE) {
static $rb_misc_entity_keys;
// Build the list of entity keys only if necessary.
if (!is_array($rb_misc_entity_keys || $reset)) {
$rb_misc_entity_keys = array();
foreach (entity_get_info() as $name => $entity) {
$rb_misc_entity_keys[$name] = $name;
return $rb_misc_entity_keys;
* Implements hook_ctools_render_alter().
* This alter function is called when Page manager content is rendered. It
* checks if the called custom page variant has Rules event triggering enabled,
* and if so calls the event – sending along context objects as parameters.
function rb_misc_ctools_render_alter(&$info, &$page, &$context) {
// To avoid unnecessary load, first check if the invoked variant is a Rules
// triggering variant.
if (isset($context['handler']->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) && $context['handler']->conf['rb_misc_trigger']) {
// Invoke the event together with the fully loaded context entities from the
// variant being used.
rules_invoke_event_by_args('rb_misc_trigger_' . $context['handler']->name, rb_misc_load_variant_context_entities($context['handler'], $context['contexts']));
* Helper function to get a list of all configured context objects in variant.
* This function catches the *types* of entities in a Page manager variant, used
* to declare the trigger events for Rules.
* @param <array> $task
* A task array, as defined and provided by CTools.
* @param <object> $handler
* A task handler object, as defined and provided by CTools.
* @return <array>
* An array matching the format Rules uses to declare variables provided by
* events. The key names (used for variable names) are based on the somewhat
* cumbersome IDs of the context objects in Page manager.
function rb_misc_list_variant_context_entities($task, $subtask, $handler) {
// Include some files that may not be loaded when this function is called from
// outside Page manager.
ctools_include('context', 'ctools', 'includes');
ctools_include('context-task-handler', 'ctools', 'includes');
// Get a list of all entity types supported by Rules, and a list of all
// objects provided as contexts in the variant.
$supported_entity_types = rb_misc_entity_keys();
$potential_entities = ctools_context_handler_get_all_contexts($task, $subtask, $handler);
// Build an array of all context objects that Rules can handle.
$entities = array();
foreach ($potential_entities as $entity_name => $potential_entity) {
// Check the types for each potential variable, to see if any matches the
// types handles by Rules (or, rather, Entity API).
foreach ($potential_entity->type as $type) {
if (isset($supported_entity_types[$type])) {
// The variable name cannot contain colon or dashes.
$id = str_replace(':', '__', $entity_name);
$id = str_replace('-', '_', $id);
$entities[$id] = array(
'label' => $potential_entity->identifier,
'type' => $type,
return $entities;
* Helper function to fetch fully loaded context objects from a PM variant.
* @param <object> $handler
* The variant (task) handler, as defined and provided by CTools.
* @param <array> $base_contexts
* An array of contexts loaded by arguments in the Page manager variant.
* @return <array>
* A keyed array of entity objects, with their Rules configuration names used
* as keys.
function rb_misc_load_variant_context_entities($handler, $base_contexts) {
// Get a list of all entity types supported by Rules, and a list of fully
// loaded objects provided as contexts in the variant.
$supported_entity_types = rb_misc_entity_keys();
$potential_entities = ctools_context_handler_get_handler_contexts($base_contexts, $handler);
// Build the list of objects to send as variables to Rules.
$entities = array();
foreach ($potential_entities as $entity_name => $potential_entity) {
// Check the types for each potential entity, to see if any matches the
// types handles by Rules (or, rather, Entity API).
foreach ($potential_entity->type as $type) {
if (isset($supported_entity_types[$type])) {
// The variable name cannot contain colon or dashes.
$id = str_replace(':', '__', $entity_name);
$id = str_replace('-', '_', $id);
$entities[$id] = $potential_entity->data;
return $entities;
* Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function rb_misc_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
if ($module == 'ctools') {
return 'plugins/' . $plugin;
Name![]() |
Description |
rb_misc_ctools_plugin_directory | Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). |
rb_misc_ctools_render_alter | Implements hook_ctools_render_alter(). |
rb_misc_entity_keys | Helper function to build a simple array of all Rules-supported entity types. |
rb_misc_list_variant_context_entities | Helper function to get a list of all configured context objects in variant. |
rb_misc_load_variant_context_entities | Helper function to fetch fully loaded context objects from a PM variant. |
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_operations_alter | Implements hook_page_manager_variant_operations(). |
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form | Configuration form to turn on/off Rules triggers on Page manager variants. |
rb_misc_page_manager_variant_trigger_form_submit | The submit procedure for Rules trigger functionaligy on PM variants. |