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function rb_theme_static in Rules Bonus Pack 7

Helper function to store a value in a static variable.


$name: The name of the value to store.

$value: The value to store, if omitted stored value for $name is returned.

Return value

If $value is not passed, the value stored for $name is returned.

3 calls to rb_theme_static()
rb_theme_action_set_body_class in ./
The 'rb_misc_action_set_body_class' action.
rb_theme_action_set_head_title in ./
The 'rb_misc_action_set_head_title' action.
rb_theme_preprocess_html in ./rb_theme.module
Implement hook_preprocess_html().


./rb_theme.module, line 37
A necessary file for letting Drupal know this is a module. All functionality goes into


function rb_theme_static($name, $value = null) {
  static $rb_theme_static;
  if (is_null($value) && isset($rb_theme_static[$name])) {
    return $rb_theme_static[$name];
  elseif (is_null($value) && !isset($rb_theme_static[$name])) {
    return FALSE;
  $rb_theme_static[$name] = $value;