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function _range_views_search_api_data in Range 7

Helper function.

Collects views search API data for range fields.


array $data: Views data array.

See also


1 call to _range_views_search_api_data()
range_views_data in views/
Implements hook_views_data().


views/, line 45
Implementation of Views API.


function _range_views_search_api_data(array &$data) {
  foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE) as $index) {
    $indexed_fields = $index
    $wrapper = $index
      ->entityWrapper(NULL, FALSE);
    foreach ($wrapper as $key => $property) {

      // Make sure that both FROM and TO values are being indexed.
      if ($property
        ->type() === 'field_item_range' && !empty($indexed_fields["{$key}:from"]['indexed']) && !empty($indexed_fields["{$key}:to"]['indexed'])) {
        $info = $property
        $data['search_api_index_' . $index->machine_name][$key]['filter'] = array(
          'title' => t('@label range filter', array(
            '@label' => $info['label'],
          'help' => t('Range contains (or does not contain) a value'),
          'handler' => 'range_search_api_handler_filter_numeric_range',
          'allow empty' => FALSE,
        $data['search_api_index_' . $index->machine_name][$key]['argument'] = array(
          'title' => t('@label range argument', array(
            '@label' => $info['label'],
          'help' => t('Range contains (or does not contain) a value'),
          'handler' => 'range_search_api_handler_argument_numeric_range',
          'empty field name' => t('- No value -'),
          'numeric' => TRUE,