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format.php in Quiz 6.5


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// $Id$
// Alton College, Hampshire, UK - Tom Flannaghan, Andrew Walker
// Imports learnwise multiple choice quizzes (single and multiple answers)
// currently ignores the deduct attribute for multiple answer questions
// deductions are currently simply found by dividing the award for the incorrect
// answer by the total number of options
// Based on format.php, included by ../../import.php

 * @package questionbank
 * @subpackage importexport
class qformat_learnwise extends qformat_default {
  function provide_import() {
    return true;
  function readquestions($lines) {
    $questions = array();
    $currentquestion = array();
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      $line = trim($line);
      $currentquestion[] = $line;
      if ($question = $this
        ->readquestion($currentquestion)) {
        $questions[] = $question;
        $currentquestion = array();
    return $questions;
  function readquestion($lines) {
    $text = implode(' ', $lines);
    $text = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $text);
    $startpos = strpos($text, '<question type');
    $endpos = strpos($text, '</question>');
    if ($startpos === false || $endpos === false) {
      return false;
    preg_match("/<question type=[\"\\']([^\"\\']+)[\"\\']>/i", $text, $matches);
    $type = strtolower($matches[1]);

    // multichoice or multianswerchoice
    $questiontext = $this
      ->stringbetween($text, '<text>', '</text>'));
    $questionhint = $this
      ->stringbetween($text, '<hint>', '</hint>'));
    $questionaward = $this
      ->stringbetween($text, '<award>', '</award>');
    $optionlist = $this
      ->stringbetween($text, '<answer>', '</answer>');
    $optionlist = explode('<option', $optionlist);
    $n = 0;
    $optionscorrect = array();
    $optionstext = array();
    if ($type == 'multichoice') {
      foreach ($optionlist as $option) {
        $correct = $this
          ->stringbetween($option, ' correct="', '">');
        $answer = $this
          ->stringbetween($option, '">', '</option>');
        $optionscorrect[$n] = $correct;
        $optionstext[$n] = $this
    else {
      if ($type == 'multianswerchoice') {
        $numcorrect = 0;
        $totalaward = 0;
        $optionsaward = array();
        foreach ($optionlist as $option) {
          preg_match("/correct=\"([^\"]*)\"/i", $option, $correctmatch);
          preg_match("/award=\"([^\"]*)\"/i", $option, $awardmatch);
          $correct = $correctmatch[1];
          $award = $awardmatch[1];
          if ($correct == 'yes') {
            $totalaward += $award;
          $answer = $this
            ->stringbetween($option, '">', '</option>');
          $optionscorrect[$n] = $correct;
          $optionstext[$n] = $this
          $optionsaward[$n] = $award;
      else {
        echo "<p>I don't understand this question type (type = <strong>{$type}</strong>).</p>\n";
    $question = $this
    $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
    $question->name = substr($questiontext, 0, 30);
    if (strlen($questiontext) > 30) {
      $question->name .= '...';
    $question->questiontext = $questiontext;
    $question->single = $type == 'multichoice' ? 1 : 0;
    $question->feedback[] = '';
    $question->fraction = array();
    $question->answer = array();
    for ($n = 0; $n < count($optionstext); ++$n) {
      if ($optionstext[$n]) {
        if (!isset($numcorrect)) {

          // single answer
          if ($optionscorrect[$n] == 'yes') {
            $fraction = (int) $questionaward;
          else {
            $fraction = 0;
        else {

          // mulitple answers
          if ($optionscorrect[$n] == 'yes') {
            $fraction = $optionsaward[$n] / $totalaward;
          else {
            $fraction = -$optionsaward[$n] / count($optionstext);
        $question->fraction[] = $fraction;
        $question->answer[] = $optionstext[$n];
        $question->feedback[] = '';

        // no feedback in this type
    return $question;
  function stringbetween($text, $start, $end) {
    $startpos = strpos($text, $start) + strlen($start);
    $endpos = strpos($text, $end);
    if ($startpos <= $endpos) {
      return substr($text, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);
  function unhtmlentities($string) {
    $transtable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
    $transtable = array_flip($transtable);
    return strtr($string, $transtable);



Namesort descending Description
qformat_learnwise @package questionbank @subpackage importexport