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format.php in Quiz 6.5


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// $Id$


/// Hotpotatoes 5.0 and 6.0 Format


/// This Moodle class provides all functions necessary to import

///                                      (export is not implemented ... yet)



// Based on default.php, included by ../import.php

 * @package questionbank
 * @subpackage importexport
class qformat_hotpot extends qformat_default {
  function provide_import() {
    return true;
  function readquestions($lines) {

    /// Parses an array of lines into an array of questions,

    /// where each item is a question object as defined by

    /// readquestion().

    // set courseid and baseurl
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $course;
    switch (true) {
      case isset($this->course->id):

        // import to quiz module
        $courseid = $this->course->id;
      case isset($course->id):

        // import to lesson module
        $courseid = $course->id;
      case isset($COURSE->id):

        // last resort
        $courseid = $COURSE->id;

        // shouldn't happen !!
        $courseid = 0;
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
    $baseurl = get_file_url($courseid) . '/';

    // get import file name
    global $params;
    if (isset($params) && !empty($params->choosefile)) {

      // course file (Moodle >=1.6+)
      $filename = $params->choosefile;
    else {

      // uploaded file (all Moodles)
      $filename = basename($_FILES['newfile']['tmp_name']);

    // get hotpot file source
    $source = implode($lines, " ");
    $source = hotpot_convert_relative_urls($source, $baseurl, $filename);

    // create xml tree for this hotpot
    $xml = new hotpot_xml_tree($source);

    // determine the quiz type
    $xml->quiztype = '';
    $keys = array_keys($xml->xml);
    foreach ($keys as $key) {
      if (preg_match('/^(hotpot|textoys)-(\\w+)-file$/i', $key, $matches)) {
        $xml->quiztype = strtolower($matches[2]);
        $xml->xml_root = "['{$key}']['#']";

    // convert xml to questions array
    $questions = array();
    switch ($xml->quiztype) {
      case 'jcloze':
          ->process_jcloze($xml, $questions);
      case 'jcross':
          ->process_jcross($xml, $questions);
      case 'jmatch':
          ->process_jmatch($xml, $questions);
      case 'jmix':
          ->process_jmix($xml, $questions);
      case 'jbc':
      case 'jquiz':
          ->process_jquiz($xml, $questions);
        if (empty($xml->quiztype)) {
          notice("Input file not recognized as a Hot Potatoes XML file");
        else {
          notice("Unknown quiz type '{$xml->quiztype}'");

    // end switch
    return $questions;
  function process_jcloze(&$xml, &$questions) {

    // define default grade (per cloze gap)
    $defaultgrade = 1;
    $gap_count = 0;

    // detect old Moodles (1.4 and earlier)
    global $CFG, $db;
    $moodle_14 = false;
    if ($columns = $db
      ->MetaColumns("{$CFG->prefix}question_multianswer")) {
      foreach ($columns as $column) {
        if ($column->name == 'answers' || $column->name == 'positionkey' || $column->name == 'answertype' || $column->name == 'norm') {
          $moodle_14 = true;

    // xml tags for the start of the gap-fill exercise
    $tags = 'data,gap-fill';
    $x = 0;
    while (($exercise = "[{$x}]['#']") && $xml
      ->xml_value($tags, $exercise)) {

      // there is usually only one exercise in a file
      if (method_exists($this, 'defaultquestion')) {
        $question = $this
      else {
        $question = new stdClass();
        $question->usecase = 0;

        // Ignore case
        $question->image = "";

        // No images with this format
      $question->qtype = MULTIANSWER;
      $question->name = $this
        ->hotpot_get_title($xml, $x);
      $question->questiontext = $this

      // setup answer arrays
      if ($moodle_14) {
        $question->answers = array();
      else {
        global $COURSE;

        // initialized in questions/import.php
        $question->course = $COURSE->id;
        $question->options = new stdClass();
        $question->options->questions = array();

        // one for each gap
      $q = 0;
      while ($text = $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $exercise . "[{$q}]")) {

        // add next bit of text
        $question->questiontext .= $this

        // check for a gap
        $question_record = $exercise . "['question-record'][{$q}]['#']";
        if ($xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $question_record)) {

          // add gap
          $positionkey = $q + 1;
          $question->questiontext .= '{#' . $positionkey . '}';

          // initialize answer settings
          if ($moodle_14) {
            $question->answers[$q]->positionkey = $positionkey;
            $question->answers[$q]->answertype = SHORTANSWER;
            $question->answers[$q]->norm = $defaultgrade;
            $question->answers[$q]->alternatives = array();
          else {
            $wrapped = new stdClass();
            $wrapped->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
            $wrapped->usecase = 0;
            $wrapped->defaultgrade = $defaultgrade;
            $wrapped->questiontextformat = 0;
            $wrapped->answer = array();
            $wrapped->fraction = array();
            $wrapped->feedback = array();
            $answers = array();

          // add answers
          $a = 0;
          while (($answer = $question_record . "['answer'][{$a}]['#']") && $xml
            ->xml_value($tags, $answer)) {
            $text = $this
              ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['text'][0]['#']"));
            $correct = $xml
              ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['correct'][0]['#']");
            $feedback = $this
              ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['feedback'][0]['#']"));
            if ($text) {

              // set score (0=0%, 1=100%)
              $fraction = empty($correct) ? 0 : 1;

              // store answer
              if ($moodle_14) {
                $question->answers[$q]->alternatives[$a] = new stdClass();
                $question->answers[$q]->alternatives[$a]->answer = $text;
                $question->answers[$q]->alternatives[$a]->fraction = $fraction;
                $question->answers[$q]->alternatives[$a]->feedback = $feedback;
              else {
                $wrapped->answer[] = $text;
                $wrapped->fraction[] = $fraction;
                $wrapped->feedback[] = $feedback;
                $answers[] = (empty($fraction) ? '' : '=') . $text . (empty($feedback) ? '' : '#' . $feedback);

          // compile answers into question text, if necessary
          if ($moodle_14) {

            // do nothing
          else {
            $wrapped->questiontext = '{' . $defaultgrade . ':SHORTANSWER:' . implode('~', $answers) . '}';
            $question->options->questions[] = $wrapped;

        // end if gap

      // end while $text
      // define total grade for this exercise
      $question->defaultgrade = $gap_count * $defaultgrade;
      $questions[] = $question;

    // end while $exercise
  function process_jcross(&$xml, &$questions) {

    // xml tags to the start of the crossword exercise clue items
    $tags = 'data,crossword,clues,item';
    $x = 0;
    while (($item = "[{$x}]['#']") && $xml
      ->xml_value($tags, $item)) {
      $text = $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $item . "['def'][0]['#']");
      $answer = $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $item . "['word'][0]['#']");
      if ($text && $answer) {
        if (method_exists($this, 'defaultquestion')) {
          $question = $this
        else {
          $question = new stdClass();
          $question->usecase = 0;

          // Ignore case
          $question->image = "";

          // No images with this format
        $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
        $question->name = $this
          ->hotpot_get_title($xml, $x, true);
        $question->questiontext = $this
        $question->answer = array(
        $question->fraction = array(
        $question->feedback = array(
        $questions[] = $question;
  function process_jmatch(&$xml, &$questions) {

    // define default grade (per matched pair)
    $defaultgrade = 1;
    $match_count = 0;

    // xml tags to the start of the matching exercise
    $tags = 'data,matching-exercise';
    $x = 0;
    while (($exercise = "[{$x}]['#']") && $xml
      ->xml_value($tags, $exercise)) {

      // there is usually only one exercise in a file
      if (method_exists($this, 'defaultquestion')) {
        $question = $this
      else {
        $question = new stdClass();
        $question->usecase = 0;

        // Ignore case
        $question->image = "";

        // No images with this format
      $question->qtype = MATCH;
      $question->name = $this
        ->hotpot_get_title($xml, $x);
      $question->questiontext = $this
      $question->questiontext .= $this
      $question->subquestions = array();
      $question->subanswers = array();
      $p = 0;
      while (($pair = $exercise . "['pair'][{$p}]['#']") && $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $pair)) {
        $left = $xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $pair . "['left-item'][0]['#']['text'][0]['#']");
        $right = $xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $pair . "['right-item'][0]['#']['text'][0]['#']");
        if ($left && $right) {
          $question->subquestions[$p] = $this
          $question->subanswers[$p] = $this
      $question->defaultgrade = $match_count * $defaultgrade;
      $questions[] = $question;
  function process_jmix(&$xml, &$questions) {

    // define default grade (per segment)
    $defaultgrade = 1;
    $segment_count = 0;

    // xml tags to the start of the jumbled order exercise
    $tags = 'data,jumbled-order-exercise';
    $x = 0;
    while (($exercise = "[{$x}]['#']") && $xml
      ->xml_value($tags, $exercise)) {

      // there is usually only one exercise in a file
      if (method_exists($this, 'defaultquestion')) {
        $question = $this
      else {
        $question = new stdClass();
        $question->usecase = 0;

        // Ignore case
        $question->image = "";

        // No images with this format
      $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
      $question->name = $this
        ->hotpot_get_title($xml, $x);
      $question->answer = array();
      $question->fraction = array();
      $question->feedback = array();
      $i = 0;
      $segments = array();
      while ($segment = $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $exercise . "['main-order'][0]['#']['segment'][{$i}]['#']")) {
        $segments[] = $this
      $answer = implode(' ', $segments);
      $question->questiontext = $this
      $question->questiontext .= $this
      $question->questiontext .= ' &nbsp; <NOBR><B>[ &nbsp; ' . implode(' &nbsp; ', $segments) . ' &nbsp; ]</B></NOBR>';
      $a = 0;
      while (!empty($answer)) {
        $question->answer[$a] = $answer;
        $question->fraction[$a] = 1;
        $question->feedback[$a] = '';
        $answer = $this
          ->xml_value($tags, $exercise . "['alternate'][{$a}]['#']"));
      $question->defaultgrade = $segment_count * $defaultgrade;
      $questions[] = $question;
  function process_jquiz(&$xml, &$questions) {

    // define default grade (per question)
    $defaultgrade = 1;

    // xml tags to the start of the questions
    $tags = 'data,questions';
    $x = 0;
    while (($exercise = "[{$x}]['#']") && $xml
      ->xml_value($tags, $exercise)) {

      // there is usually only one 'questions' object in a single exercise
      $q = 0;
      while (($question_record = $exercise . "['question-record'][{$q}]['#']") && $xml
        ->xml_value($tags, $question_record)) {
        if (method_exists($this, 'defaultquestion')) {
          $question = $this
        else {
          $question = new stdClass();
          $question->usecase = 0;

          // Ignore case
          $question->image = "";

          // No images with this format
        $question->defaultgrade = $defaultgrade;
        $question->name = $this
          ->hotpot_get_title($xml, $q, true);
        $text = $xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $question_record . "['question'][0]['#']");
        $question->questiontext = $this
        if ($xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $question_record . "['answers']")) {

          // HP6 JQuiz
          $answers = $question_record . "['answers'][0]['#']";
        else {

          // HP5 JBC or JQuiz
          $answers = $question_record;
        if ($xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $question_record . "['question-type']")) {

          // HP6 JQuiz
          $type = $xml
            ->xml_value($tags, $question_record . "['question-type'][0]['#']");

          //  1 : multiple choice
          //  2 : short-answer
          //  3 : hybrid
          //  4 : multiple select
        else {

          // HP5
          switch ($xml->quiztype) {
            case 'jbc':
              $must_select_all = $xml
                ->xml_value($tags, $question_record . "['must-select-all'][0]['#']");
              if (empty($must_select_all)) {
                $type = 1;

                // multichoice
              else {
                $type = 4;

                // multiselect
            case 'jquiz':
              $type = 2;

              // shortanswer
              $type = 0;
        $question->qtype = $type == 2 ? SHORTANSWER : MULTICHOICE;
        $question->single = $type == 4 ? 0 : 1;

        // workaround required to calculate scores for multiple select answers
        $no_of_correct_answers = 0;
        if ($type == 4) {
          $a = 0;
          while (($answer = $answers . "['answer'][{$a}]['#']") && $xml
            ->xml_value($tags, $answer)) {
            $correct = $xml
              ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['correct'][0]['#']");
            if (empty($correct)) {

              // do nothing
            else {
        $a = 0;
        $question->answer = array();
        $question->fraction = array();
        $question->feedback = array();
        $aa = 0;
        $correct_answers = array();
        $correct_answers_all_zero = true;
        while (($answer = $answers . "['answer'][{$a}]['#']") && $xml
          ->xml_value($tags, $answer)) {
          $correct = $xml
            ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['correct'][0]['#']");
          if (empty($correct)) {
            $fraction = 0;
          else {
            if ($type == 4) {

              // multiple select
              // strange behavior if the $fraction isn't exact to 5 decimal places
              $fraction = round(1 / $no_of_correct_answers, 5);
            else {
              if ($xml
                ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['percent-correct']")) {

                // HP6 JQuiz
                $percent = $xml
                  ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['percent-correct'][0]['#']");
                $fraction = $percent / 100;
              else {

                // HP5 JBC or JQuiz
                $fraction = 1;
          $answertext = $this
            ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['text'][0]['#']"));
          if ($answertext != '') {
            $question->answer[$aa] = $answertext;
            $question->fraction[$aa] = $fraction;
            $question->feedback[$aa] = $this
              ->xml_value($tags, $answer . "['feedback'][0]['#']"));
            if ($correct) {
              if ($fraction) {
                $correct_answers_all_zero = false;
              $correct_answers[] = $aa;
        if ($correct_answers_all_zero) {

          // correct answers all have score of 0%,
          // so reset score for correct answers 100%
          foreach ($correct_answers as $aa) {
            $question->fraction[$aa] = 1;

        // add a sanity check for empty questions, see MDL-17779
        if (!empty($question->questiontext)) {
          $questions[] = $question;
  function hotpot_seed_RNG() {

    // seed the random number generator
    if (!$HOTPOT_SEEDED_RNG) {
      srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
  function hotpot_get_title(&$xml, $x, $flag = false) {
    $title = $xml
    if ($x || $flag) {
      $title .= ' (' . ($x + 1) . ')';
    return $this
  function hotpot_get_instructions(&$xml) {
    $text = $xml
    if (empty($text)) {
      $text = "Hot Potatoes {$xml->quiztype}";
    return $this
  function hotpot_get_reading(&$xml) {
    $str = '';
    $tags = 'data,reading';
    if ($xml
      ->xml_value("{$tags},include-reading")) {
      if ($title = $xml
        ->xml_value("{$tags},reading-title")) {
        $str .= "<H3>{$title}</H3>";
      if ($text = $xml
        ->xml_value("{$tags},reading-text")) {
        $str .= "<P>{$text}</P>";
    return $this
  function hotpot_prepare_str($str) {

    // convert html entities to unicode and add slashes
    $str = preg_replace('/&#x([0-9a-f]+);/ie', "hotpot_charcode_to_utf8(hexdec('\\1'))", $str);
    $str = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/e', "hotpot_charcode_to_utf8(\\1)", $str);
    return addslashes($str);


// end class
// get the standard XML parser supplied with Moodle
require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/xmlize.php";
class hotpot_xml_tree {
  function hotpot_xml_tree($str, $xml_root = '') {
    if (empty($str)) {
      $this->xml = array();
    else {

      // encode htmlentities in JCloze
        ->encode_cdata($str, 'gap-fill');

      // xmlize (=convert xml to tree)
      $this->xml = xmlize($str, 0);
    $this->xml_root = $xml_root;
  function xml_value($tags, $more_tags = "[0]['#']") {
    $tags = empty($tags) ? '' : "['" . str_replace(",", "'][0]['#']['", $tags) . "']";
    eval('$value = &$this->xml' . $this->xml_root . $tags . $more_tags . ';');
    if (is_string($value)) {

      // decode angle brackets and ampersands
      $value = strtr($value, array(
        '&#x003C;' => '<',
        '&#x003E;' => '>',
        '&#x0026;' => '&',

      // remove white space between <table>, <ul|OL|DL> and <OBJECT|EMBED> parts
      // (so it doesn't get converted to <br />)
      $htmltags = '(' . 'TABLE|/?CAPTION|/?COL|/?COLGROUP|/?TBODY|/?TFOOT|/?THEAD|/?TD|/?TH|/?TR' . '|OL|UL|/?LI' . '|DL|/?DT|/?DD' . '|EMBED|OBJECT|APPLET|/?PARAM' . ')';
      $search = '#(<' . $htmltags . '[^>]*' . '>)\\s+' . '(?=' . '<' . ')#is';
      $value = preg_replace($search, '\\1', $value);

      // replace remaining newlines with <br />
      $value = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $value);

      // encode unicode characters as HTML entities
      // (in particular, accented charaters that have not been encoded by HP)
      // multibyte unicode characters can be detected by checking the hex value of the first character
      //    00 - 7F : ascii char (roman alphabet + punctuation)
      //    80 - BF : byte 2, 3 or 4 of a unicode char
      //    C0 - DF : 1st byte of 2-byte char
      //    E0 - EF : 1st byte of 3-byte char
      //    F0 - FF : 1st byte of 4-byte char
      // if the string doesn't match the above, it might be
      //    80 - FF : single-byte, non-ascii char
      $search = '#(' . '[\\xc0-\\xdf][\\x80-\\xbf]' . '|' . '[\\xe0-\\xef][\\x80-\\xbf]{2}' . '|' . '[\\xf0-\\xff][\\x80-\\xbf]{3}' . '|' . '[\\x80-\\xff]' . ')#se';
      $value = preg_replace($search, "hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity('\\1')", $value);
    return $value;
  function encode_cdata(&$str, $tag) {

    // conversion tables
    static $HTML_ENTITIES = array(
      '&apos;' => "'",
      '&quot;' => '"',
      '&lt;' => '<',
      '&gt;' => '>',
      '&amp;' => '&',
    static $ILLEGAL_STRINGS = array(
      "\r" => '',
      "\n" => '&lt;br /&gt;',
      ']]>' => '&#93;&#93;&#62;',

    // extract the $tag from the $str(ing), if possible
    $pattern = '|(^.*<' . $tag . '[^>]*)(>.*<)(/' . $tag . '>.*$)|is';
    if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)) {

      // encode problematic CDATA chars and strings
      $matches[2] = strtr($matches[2], $ILLEGAL_STRINGS);

      // if there are any ampersands in "open text"
      // surround them by CDATA start and end markers
      // (and convert HTML entities to plain text)
      $search = '/>([^<]*&[^<]*)</e';
      $replace = '"><![CDATA[".strtr("$1", $HTML_ENTITIES)."]]><"';
      $matches[2] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $matches[2]);
      $str = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3];

function hotpot_charcode_to_utf8($charcode) {
  if ($charcode <= 0x7f) {

    // ascii char (roman alphabet + punctuation)
    return chr($charcode);
  if ($charcode <= 0x7ff) {

    // 2-byte char
    return chr(($charcode >> 0x6) + 0xc0) . chr(($charcode & 0x3f) + 128);
  if ($charcode <= 0xffff) {

    // 3-byte char
    return chr(($charcode >> 0xc) + 0xe0) . chr(($charcode >> 0x6 & 0x3f) + 0x80) . chr(($charcode & 0x3f) + 0x80);
  if ($charcode <= 0x1fffff) {

    // 4-byte char
    return chr(($charcode >> 0x12) + 0xf0) . chr(($charcode >> 0xc & 0x3f) + 0x80) . chr(($charcode >> 0x6 & 0x3f) + 0x80) . chr(($charcode & 0x3f) + 0x80);

  // unidentified char code !!
  return ' ';
function hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity($char) {

  // array used to figure what number to decrement from character order value
  // according to number of characters used to map unicode to ascii by utf-8
  static $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT = array(
    1 => 0,
    2 => 192,
    3 => 224,
    4 => 240,

  // the number of bits to shift each character by
  static $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT = array(
    1 => array(
      0 => 0,
    2 => array(
      0 => 6,
      1 => 0,
    3 => array(
      0 => 12,
      1 => 6,
      2 => 0,
    4 => array(
      0 => 18,
      1 => 12,
      2 => 6,
      3 => 0,
  $dec = 0;
  $len = strlen($char);
  for ($pos = 0; $pos < $len; $pos++) {
    $ord = ord($char[$pos]);
    $ord -= $pos ? 128 : $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT[$len];
    $dec += $ord << $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT[$len][$pos];
  return '&#x' . sprintf('%04X', $dec) . ';';
function hotpot_convert_relative_urls($str, $baseurl, $filename) {
  $tagopen = '(?:(<)|(&lt;)|(&amp;#x003C;))';

  // left angle bracket
  $tagclose = '(?(2)>|(?(3)&gt;|(?(4)&amp;#x003E;)))';

  //  right angle bracket (to match left angle bracket)
  $space = '\\s+';

  // at least one space
  $anychar = '(?:[^>]*?)';

  // any character
  $quoteopen = '("|&quot;|&amp;quot;)';

  // open quote
  $quoteclose = '\\5';

  //  close quote (to match open quote)
  $replace = "hotpot_convert_relative_url('" . $baseurl . "', '" . $filename . "', '\\1', '\\6', '\\7')";
  $tags = array(
    'script' => 'src',
    'link' => 'href',
    'a' => 'href',
    'img' => 'src',
    'param' => 'value',
    'object' => 'data',
    'embed' => 'src',
  foreach ($tags as $tag => $attribute) {
    if ($tag == 'param') {
      $url = '\\S+?\\.\\S+?';

      // must include a filename and have no spaces
    else {
      $url = '.*?';
    $search = "%({$tagopen}{$tag}{$space}{$anychar}{$attribute}={$quoteopen})({$url})({$quoteclose}{$anychar}{$tagclose})%ise";
    $str = preg_replace($search, $replace, $str);
  return $str;
function hotpot_convert_relative_url($baseurl, $filename, $opentag, $url, $closetag, $stripslashes = true) {
  if ($stripslashes) {
    $opentag = stripslashes($opentag);
    $url = stripslashes($url);
    $closetag = stripslashes($closetag);

  // catch <PARAM name="FlashVars" value="TheSound=soundfile.mp3">
  //    ampersands can appear as "&", "&amp;" or "&amp;#x0026;amp;"
  if (preg_match('|^' . '\\w+=[^&]+' . '(' . '&((amp;#x0026;)?amp;)?' . '\\w+=[^&]+)*' . '$|', $url)) {
    $query = $url;
    $url = '';
    $fragment = '';

    // parse the $url into $matches
    //    [1] path
    //    [2] query string, if any
    //    [3] anchor fragment, if any
  else {
    if (preg_match('|^' . '([^?]*)' . '((?:\\?[^#]*)?)' . '((?:#.*)?)' . '$|', $url, $matches)) {
      $url = $matches[1];
      $query = $matches[2];
      $fragment = $matches[3];

      // there appears to be no query or fragment in this url
    else {
      $query = '';
      $fragment = '';
  if ($url) {
    $url = hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $filename, $url, false);
  if ($query) {
    $search = '#' . '(file|src|thesound)=' . "([^&]+)" . '#ise';
    $replace = "'\\1='.hotpot_convert_url('" . $baseurl . "','" . $filename . "','\\2')";
    $query = preg_replace($search, $replace, $query);
  $url = $opentag . $url . $query . $fragment . $closetag;
  return $url;
function hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $filename, $url, $stripslashes = true) {

  // maintain a cache of converted urls
  static $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS = array();
  if ($stripslashes) {
    $url = stripslashes($url);

  // is this an absolute url? (or javascript pseudo url)
  if (preg_match('%^(http://|/|javascript:)%i', $url)) {

    // do nothing
    // has this relative url already been converted?
  else {
    if (isset($HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$url])) {
      $url = $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$url];
    else {
      $relativeurl = $url;

      // get the subdirectory, $dir, of the quiz $filename
      $dir = dirname($filename);

      // allow for leading "./" and "../"
      while (preg_match('|^(\\.{1,2})/(.*)$|', $url, $matches)) {
        if ($matches[1] == '..') {
          $dir = dirname($dir);
        $url = $matches[2];

      // add subdirectory, $dir, to $baseurl, if necessary
      if ($dir && $dir != '.') {
        $baseurl .= "{$dir}/";

      // prefix $url with $baseurl
      $url = "{$baseurl}{$url}";

      // add url to cache
      $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$relativeurl] = $url;
  return $url;

// allow importing in Moodle v1.4 (and less)
// same core functions but different class name
if (!class_exists("quiz_file_format")) {
  class quiz_file_format extends qformat_default {
    function readquestions($lines) {
      $format = new qformat_hotpot();
      return $format
