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function quickedit_extra_field_info in Quick Edit 7

Provides metadata of all registered "extra fields".

All parameters are optional. You can use them to only retrieve metadata that is relevant for your particular use case.


$entity_type: Retrieves all "extra fields" metadata for this entity type.

$field_name: Retrieves the "extra fields" metadata for this entity type and field.

$key: Retrieves one key of "extra fields" metadata for this entity type and field.

bool $reset: Resets this function's internal cache when set to TRUE.

Return value


See also



5 calls to quickedit_extra_field_info()
QuickEditMetadataGenerator::generateFieldMetadata in includes/QuickEditMetadataGenerator.php
Implements QuickEditMetadataGeneratorInterface::generateFieldMetadata().
quickedit_field_edit in includes/
Page callback: Returns a single field edit form as an Ajax response.
quickedit_field_form_simplify in includes/
Removes unneeded elements from the field from.
_quickedit_is_extra_field in ./quickedit.module
Indicates whether a field is an "extra field".
_quickedit_render_field in includes/
Renders a field.


./quickedit.module, line 376
Provides in-place content editing functionality for fields.


function quickedit_extra_field_info($entity_type = NULL, $field_name = NULL, $key = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  $extra_fields =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL);
  if (!$extra_fields || $reset) {
    $extra_fields = module_invoke_all('quickedit_extra_fields_info');
    drupal_alter('quickedit_extra_fields_info', $editors);
  if (isset($entity_type)) {
    if (isset($field_name)) {
      if (isset($key)) {
        return $extra_fields[$entity_type][$field_name][$key];
      return $extra_fields[$entity_type][$field_name];
    return $extra_fields[$entity_type];
  return $extra_fields;