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public function QuickEditMetadataGeneratorInterface::generateFieldMetadata in Quick Edit 7

Generates in-place editing metadata for an entity field.


$entity_type: The type of entity being edited.

$entity: The entity being edited.

arrray $instance: The field instance of the field being edited.

string $langcode: The name of the language for which the field is being edited.

string $view_mode: The view mode the field should be rerendered in.

Return value

array An array containing metadata with the following keys:

  • label: the user-visible label for the field.
  • access: whether the current user may edit the field or not.
  • editor: which editor should be used for the field.
  • aria: the ARIA label.
  • custom: (optional) any additional metadata that the editor provides.
1 method overrides QuickEditMetadataGeneratorInterface::generateFieldMetadata()
QuickEditMetadataGenerator::generateFieldMetadata in includes/QuickEditMetadataGenerator.php
Implements QuickEditMetadataGeneratorInterface::generateFieldMetadata().


includes/QuickEditMetadataGeneratorInterface.php, line 51
Contains Quick Edit's MetadataGeneratorInterface.


Interface for generating in-place editing metadata for an entity field.


public function generateFieldMetadata($entity_type, $entity, array $instance, $langcode, $view_mode);